Saturday, July 2, 2016

HUMAN EGOCENTRICA PLAGUE: Symptomatic Stoopid...

Human egocentrica mammalia (or ego sapien, sapiens as opposed to homo sapien sapiens which means "wise person" in latin) is afflicted with a genetically inherited brain disorder that has been symptomatically progressing over the last 400,000 years. The symptoms of this plague have magnified with each generation, resulting in a growing incapacity of the neo-cortex to engage logic or reason (a chief purpose of that brain region), resulting in thoughts, emotions and behaviors that can be classified as symptoms of abject stoopid
These symptoms are universal and easily available for observation, not only in the behaviors of others, but in the dumb sheit you do as well, which continues to become more bizarre and absurdly ridiculous with each generation, resulting in an ever greater magnitude of justifying and rationalizing your behaviors as necessary for ego-sapien survival, even though the behaviors are indicative of a collective extinction and though you have no idea who or what the fook you are, you can't resist asserting into the nebulous nether some ridiculous concept of a "self" that demands you be offended and outraged when that self concept is negated by the cold, hard facts of brute reality as opposed to the delusions of institutional facts necessary to keep the circuits plugged into the matrix so the slaves have no compunction to even consider leaving the plantation.
METASTASIS CARCINOMA: The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cancer is a disease in which cells grow and divide with little or no control. LINK
This nefarious carcinoma is no different than any other cancerous affliction defined by an uncontrollable division of abnormal cells. With symptomatic stoopid this uncontrollable division specifically affects the neural circuitry of the frontal lobe which, until recently, has served to provide ego-sapiens with the adaptive qualities necessary for surviving in unique environments and in altering those environments to meet his needs.

Yet, human egocentrica has progressively jettisoned his adaptive capacity as no longer necessary to his survival fitness and instead, has engaged a fixated hypnotized trance, inadvertently sculpting his neural pathways to conform to rogue neural circuits that have absolutely zero purpose in surviving or thriving, causing stoopid to become more obviously symptomatic, based on "stupid is as stupid does," the neural circuitry literally multiplies, hijacking circuits pertaining to logic and reason and rerouting those dendrite pathways to accommodate the cartoon logic of symptomatic stoopid.

The post-modern frontal fat (neocortex) of human egocentrica mammalia meets all the criteria of a carcinomic disease. It is abnormal in that no other species in the natural world has such a progressively engorged brain structure and the cells (neurons) of this fat fissured gelatinous mass, directly behind the forehead, are generating delusional associations, resulting in magnanimously jack-shite stupid behaviors, because "neurons that fire together, wire together" in a self-replicating echolalian feedback loop of rinse and repeat.
This inherited cancerous blight is directly associated with the brain's neuroplastic capacity to generate new circuits as a means of accommodating new experiences based on external influence and the need for survival. Yet, as the biological imperatives of survival lose electro-chemical current, cultural experiences become more patently vacuous, hollow and desolate, the brain generates new circuitry to accommodate to this ever increasing level of absurd emptiness, provoking more absurd behaviors (thought-emotion-behavior feedback loop), which then, subsequently, must be accommodated within the grey matter which, as is historically demonstrative, intensifies in perpetuity until you have the incongruously chaotic shit-storm experienced today on a macro and micro level.
In other words, the mirror neurons within your brain, which adopts social mimicry as a means of social attachment, insures the eventual extinction of human egocentrica mammalia, because behaviors indicative of a full blown, collective train wreck are symptoms of frontal lobe metastasis carcinoma and require, above all other criteria, monotonous repetition. Do anything long enough and any doubt as to the truth and reality of the act fades away like a stinky fart in the wind.
Even though the stoopid shite you do is evidently beyond base levels of pure crazy- town, dumb-arse, your brain has naturally accomodated to your bat-shite stoopid lifestyle as entirely normalized and, hence, your behaviors become stabilized and accentuated, changing only as the need to accommodate ever greater levels of bat-shite stoopid become hard-wired and this is simply in conformance to the evolutionary neural "pruning" process that your neurocircuitry cannot evade or escape, because it gave you life in the first place and survival is always the chief prerogative of every functioning brain (at least on a subcortical level)
Make no mistake, every fabricated fictional perspective you regularly magnify as "real" or "true" will become a hard-wired brain circuit demanding you subconsciously adapt behavior to that fictional perspective as "real," no matter how utterly delusional or illusory the belief, action and behavior conformity is automated. For instance, neuro-circuitry culturally programmed to adapt to the sacrificial Christ ideology will unconsciously modulate sensory apparatus to seek out the persecution of Christ everywhere, even in a slice of burnt toast. The body will always seek direction from neuro-circuited commands, resulting in microscopic cell conformity (neurons) to absurd realities and fictional truths provoking moronic behaviors.

Alas, the younger generation are more rapidly amenable to this frontal lobe carcinoma through the current screen-brain interface in which billions of high speed pixels mimic high speed neural activity resulting in a subconscious facsimile of actual existence that ultimately informs conscious real world behaviors, rerouting neuro-cricuits to direct actual behaviors to instinctively seek out and engage a pixelated fantasy world that simply does not exist anywhere but in the neuro-circuitry of the grey matter resulting in a squinting, open-mouth, plasma screen trance.
"For the younger generation, the course of boredom, disappointment, disillusion and demoralization is almost inevitable. As the products of invisible parents, commercialized education, cradle-to-grave marketing and a profoundly insane marketing programme, they must also assimilate into consumer culture while knowing from the outset that its workings are destroying the planet and jeopardizing their future. Understandably, they have become the trance generation, with an insatiable appetite for any technology that can downsize awareness and blunt the emotions. With society in existential crisis, and emotional life on a steep downward trajectory, trance is today's fastest growing consumer market." LINK
Historically, once afflicted, stoopidity cannot escape itself and, based on the Dunning-Kruger effect, can only replicate and magnify, simply because it has no conscious acknowledgement it even exists (anosognosia), let alone any real understanding of how it subconsciously (all rote, repetitive behavior drops into the subconscious/unconscious to preserve brain resources) informs the aberrant behaviors of the physical organism (human egocentrica mammalia) that the organism persists in manifesting, since the symptomatic nature of frontal lobe carcinoma hijacks the adaptive qualities of the neo-cortex for its own uses, which can only be progressively more stoopid.
I have worked with many ego-sapiens who have found a way to heal themselves from this cancerous plague.  Unfortunately, the healing process of disengaging from symptomatic stoopid is often long and arduous requiring complete abstinence from stoopid which, depending on how long stoopid has been the chief mode of interacting with reality (addiction), can result in numerous relapses back into stoopid. Yet, first one has to acknowledge stoopidity as a means of inoculating oneself from stoopid and this awareness, in and of itself, is entirely unavailable to most human egocentrica mammalians, simply because the frontal lobe circuitry of full blown, nutjob stoopid has become concretely hard-wired through incessant repetition over many years and decades, making egocentric stoopid no different than driving a car, requiring no real conscious thought whatsoever but, like driving a car, ego-sapiens demonstrate an effortlessly flawless performance of stoopid, each and every time.
I have also met with many symptomatic stoopids beyond all and any attempts to rehabilitate, because once the hard-wiring is solidified in the grey matter, the thoughts and behaviors become fixated and stoopidity completely takes over all brain based autonomic functions, the most insidious being the circuits dealing with language and emotion (hence, the chief mode of identifying symptomatic stoopid is by the guttural utterances that reflexively are expelled out their mouths, often with much finger pointing and tremorous gesticulation)

Alas, we are all afflicted my friends, as there is no cure, only palliative measures to subdue the symptoms. Even attaining to the enlightened knowledge that this cancerous plague exists, fails to insure immunity. One need only look to the symptomatic stoopidity of the current U.S. presidential candidates to realize the actual predicament we are in as a species. With a greater acceptance and emulation of abject ignorance with each passing year, ego-sapien as a species is surely doomed.

Artwork by InspiredInsanity

Sunday, April 24, 2016

DUNNING-KRUGER EFFECT: Stupid is as Stupid Does...

The history of human egocentrica mammalia (you and me!) has conformed to one chief project and that is to remove himself from the natural order, physically (body) and mentally (mind), denying that he is genetically hard-wired to perform only two chief functions in nature: Survive and reproduce. Clearly his ongoing crusade to override his biological imperatives has resulted in a diseased state with progressively worsening symptoms.
Over centuries human egocentrica has constructed numerous physical and psychological protective shells around himself as a means of extraction from the harsh natural order that allowed him to exist, delusionally proving to himself that he is superior to an unfolding causative order that allowed his enormous frontal lobe to construct fictional narratives of superiority as a means of denying his origin.
He has built entire civilizations to escape causal reality, proving to himself that he is master of his fate and not victim to a naturally unfolding causal order that the rest of the entire universe is subject to, and he has developed billions of ideological constructs, tangled up in his frontal lobe, providing an illusion of reassurance that he is not slave to his own natural instincts and drives that nature has endowed him with and, most assuredly, it is these ideological fabricated mind-games that are essentially causing him to rot from the inside out.

Nature has endowed human ego-sapien with biological imperatives deeply hard-wired in his grey matter and "subconsciously" determining the course of his existence, from the very moment of his birth. His chief biological imperative, or natural mandate, has always been twofold: survive and reproduce and his modern protective civilization has so deeply reformatted, rerouted and reconfigured those drives as to make egocentrica mammalian (you and me) a rotting corpse of confusing, maladaptive and dysfunctional brain impulses.

Human egocentrica's autonomic nervous system naturally evolved to engage fight, flight or freeze physiological mechanisms as a way of insuring survival, but human egocentrica has so massively diluted that biological program as to reconfigure it for an illusionary ego-self survival, to the point that the autonomic nervous system is shutting on and off several times a day, every day, resulting in indefinable damage to his brain and body through cortisol and adrenaline, with a growing number of diseases and an ever growing list of symptoms.

As hunter gatherers his brain his wired to seek food and if he suddenly arrived at a large cache of edible products his instinct demanded he gorge himself, since he could never be certain of the availability of his next meal. Yet, modern egocentrica mammalia comes upon a large cache of food several times a day and still instinctively gorges himself. Today, not only is his fat stinking carcass attended to by diseases arising from his daily gorging, but the food he consumes is utterly devoid of nutritious content resulting in ever more symptoms of mental and physical decay.

The reproductive strategies of egocentrica mammalia have become immensely skewed based on the socially indoctrinated priorities of one sex (female) seeking equitable status with the other sex (male) demanding that the male dilute his natural proclivity to masculine pursuits so as to allow for the weaker sex to obtain superior status (3rd wave radical feminism), thereby, flatly denying 2 million years of natural order to allow for fabricated social constructs, or institutional facts, take priority over brute facts, resulting in girlie-men that no female wants due to their biological drive (hypergamy) for superior genetics to insure more adaptive offspring. Hence, marriage rates and birth rates will steadily decline over the next 50 years naturally resulting in a reduction in the fitness of the species insuring less effective immune systems that fail to fight off microorganisms due to egocentrica's need for convenient, comfortable, climate controlled, sanitary living spaces.

Nevertheless, human egocentrica mammalia presses on with his growing list of phantasmagorical fantasies of altered states of consciousness (religion and spirituality), which he pursues with vigor in the hopes that it will alter the diseased state of his external world, that he sees rapidly eroding right before his very eyes and, thus, relieve him of the ever mounting symptoms arising from this omnipresent awareness that his fabricated environment is literally killing him. Yet, his eyes are easily co-opted and engulfed by his essentially useless enlarged frontal lobe (ego-sapien thinking cap) demanding complete and total denial as a means of maintaining his addictive tendencies to support his high dopamine levels through mass unregulated consumption of super-stimuli, that eventually become exhausted, requiring ever greater novelty to replenish his D2 dopamine receptors which, in time, results in anhedonia or the inability to find pleasure in anything whatsoever, subsequently, demanding ever greater novelty and higher levels of stimulation ("Making love with his ego. Ziggy sucked up into his miyind")
Yet, rather than seek to engage the causative flow of the natural order that allowed for his existence to occur in the first place, he simply pushes on developing ever more ridiculous theories to prove his existence is superior to that which gave him existence and this allows for full denial of his disease as the symptoms of his fat deformed brain begin to increase exponentially.
And all of this has occurred, and will continue to occur unabated, as a result of the delusional belief of his own fooking agency and that he has the volitional free-will do whatever his delusional agency devises, denying that his DNA is only 1% removed from apes and it is that 1% that will result in his extinction due to abject stupidity, which seems to be exactly what that 1% represents.

Clearly and unequivocally, human egocentrica mammalia is a collective victim of the Dunning-Kruger Effect in which he is simply too fooking stupid to recognize how fooking stupid he is and this poses grave portent for his existence as a species.
Dumb things do not survive based on darwin's theory of fitness and because, up to the last thousand years, the evolution of ego-sapiens was entirely based on the wit and invention of his fat frontal lobe. 
The problem is language, which once worked to share ideas aiding the ability to thrive in an uncaring nature (nature don't give a rat's arse about anything), but which now serves to magnify stupidity by veiling it in senseless banal concepts like "gender is a social construct" (tell that to the hens and roosters).

Alas, as a famous philosopher once acclaimed, "stupid is as stupid does," and human egocentrica mammalia is clearly demonstrating how stupendously stupid he is rapidly becoming and this would be really scary if it wasn't so damn entertaining.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

"Ha, Ha, Ha, Bless Your Soul...You Really Think You're in Control"

Just had an online converse with a nice chap who follows this blog and after wondered, 'why the fook would anyone follow this blog???'

Funny how life unfolds as it does...

Past experience has shaped the very contours of your brain and "you" go on as if none of that has ever happened, making decisions based on the excitatory and inhibitory electro-chemical impulses darting to and fro in your cranium but, as far as "you" are concerned, that's irrelevant to the decisions "you" make that arise from the fat between your ears.

I'm the boss of "me," gawd dammit!

Your entire life was sculpted to bring you right here, right now. Every experience drove you to the next experience, which influenced the next, on and on, wiring up your head fat to bring you here, today, to this moment In fact, without the 'happening' of a quadzillion historical precedents, "you" wouldn't even exist. But you do exist in your consciousness as a result of everything occurring exactly as it did over the last 4.543 billion years (none of which, I might add, did "you" have anything to do with in relation to how all that shite happened as it did and could not have happened in any other way than as it did)

You can't be anywhere else then where you are right now, because if you could be somewhere else right now, you would be there and nowhere else, especially not here.

I know, I know...(sigh)... it's a fooking suxs that you're here,  right now, reading this stoopid drivel, while you could be doing something important. But here you are, nonetheless.

But whadefook are you doing here? How the frick did you get here?

I'm from Phila and the surrounding subs. Did 6 yrs in the USMC and enjoyed running around in the woods playing combat and so, 25 yrs ago bought a house in the mountains with plenty of woods to run around in, but got bit by a dirty tic and now have protracted Lyme Disease, that I can handle most days, but right now I'm suffering through a full blown flare up. Right now, as I write these words, I am in total pain (not to mention had to shovel out from the snowpocalypse just dumped on me, which fooked up my back, reminding me that I'm a friggin old man...Lol).

But here I am, right now, right here...

I certainly could be somewhere else and, sometimes, God knows, I would like to be somewhere else then here, but ideas like that now quickly fade in the acceptance that I'm Not there, but here, encountering the experience here provides. I may NOT like the experience, but why deny it. It is and I'm experiencing it as it is, until it is something else entirely, which it, inevitably, will be and I have nothing whatsoever to do with what it will be when it will be something other than what it is, while for now, it is what it is, and "I" am here now, deeply in it, not wishing to extract out of it, cause that ain't up to me and I understand that fact fully without an inkling of a doubt (HINT: definition of "enlightenment")

I know some of my more astute and assertive readers will respond, "oh, how sweet, Mikey's giving us the 'be here now' script that we've all heard a million times before." Ha!

This "enlightenment" shite really sucks sometimes, but when you're here, there's nowhere else to be but here...

"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
You would cry too if it happened to you."

Artwork by Naoto Hattori

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

DOPAMINE: Shut up, sit back...and fry, baby!

I would suggest that anyone seeking to fry his/her motherboard just do nothing for long periods of timebecause just sitting back and letting the brain do its shite, without firing up socially programmed neural response circuits, tends to accelerate the burning up of programmed neural response circuits.

In other words, to be more succinct, the more "spiritual" you attempt to be (by adopting "spiritual" ideologies and practices) the more you seem to think you can avoid the boiling putrid Crisco of life that your brain must fry in, the more likely you miss out on the experience of being fried. Just sit around day after day and let all the shite of your don't-worry-be-happy existence just drop in the pan to be fried in the hot oil of nothingness, so that the edges are crispy golden brown and absolutely tasteless.

Besides, since your day to day existence is predicated primarily on subconscious thought processes arising from hardwired genetically programmed instinctual drives, (survival and mating instincts) or that which requires no conscious attention whatsoever, post-modern human egocentrica mammalia seems to have placed entirely too much value on his conscious thought processes, which only result in cascading fountains of anxiety, depression, anger and guilt, because his subconscious processes, those hard-wired circuits endowed him by the determined causal order, has it's proverbial 'hand up his butt, moving his head to and fro, while he vomits senseless words that have no meaning and nobody gives a good rat's arse about, but that he thinks makes a difference in the grand scheme of the unfolding universe that allowed him existence.

I mean, lets face it, Einsteins wonderous theory of relativity has not made one bit of difference in the fact that "all men ever think about is sex" and "why do all women pick jerks" (instinctual drives motivating human egocentrica mammalia since the days he survived on a Paleo diet, which he now desires to return to for some God only knows reason)

But for me to 'suggest' that "you" engage a particular behavior, would require the seemingly tangled mass of brain circuitry in your cranial head cheese be formatted exactly in such a way that my suggestion would provoke a comprehensive engagement of the necessary neurons firing in the precise sequence to light up the brain in a perfectly coordinated transmission of synaptic messages down trillions of miles of dendritic fibers to eventually branch out to the body, ergo, demanding the behavior be performed as 'suggested' and, even then, with slight and gross nuances as to how that behavior was performed, based on other circuits that existed long before the influence of my 'suggestion,' but altering exactly how my 'suggestion' was processed by the brain....

...and all in virtual nanoseconds, without any conscious intent, whatsoever

But I wouldn't recommend adopting any particular ideological practice or meditation (religio-spiritual) since that tends to result in additional circuitry which will eventually need to tossed in the deep frier, and your post-modern brain is already suffocatingly inundated with miles of circuitry that serves little purpose then to insure the cat litter is emptied on a weekly basis and instinctually motivated sexual urges are engaged in a timely manner.

Dump your asanas, your jhana's and your chakra's, etc, etc, etc (cognitive neuro-circuits allowing for additional circuit-forming alliances in the brain to ideological bovine excrement, that only results in the arousal of D2 dopamine receptors in the reward centers between your ears).

Ignore your socially programmed "enlightenment" concepts (which tend to engage amygdala and hippocampus neurochemical transmissions that we call "emotions" based on your imaginary "desires" for some physio-mental state devoid and extracted from nature) and your umpteen million formulations of "awakening" that your dopamine (motivational/seeker chemical) allows you to invest in while paying for the guru's health insurance and 2015 Beemer.

Just jettison all that historical human egocentric mammalian psycho-spirituo-religio-ideo drama and let the brain perform it's natural process of neuro-circuit pruning (weeding the garden). Sit your boring, mundane arse down in a chair, follow the breathe, and let your slow cooker do the work.

I can guarantee that when you come out of it you will be like barbecued pulled-pork. Succulent, juicy and mouth-watering, in that nothing makes any sense and it all falls apart in the bun, while the grease that squirts on your tie doesn't come out in the wash.

Your addictive dependence on neurally programmed mental scripts (beliefs) are no different than the junkies dependency on heroin and, when the drug is absent, withdrawal will be painful (obviously depending on the frequency, intensity and duration of the addiction), because dopamine (the seeker/motivational brain chemical) will demand you pursue your spiritualized drug of choice, until brain 'tolerance' demands you seek another more novel drug, and then another and another and another until...flat earther's (This is an example of what happens when the neuro-circuitry of the brain becomes a tangled thicket of confused excitatory and inhibitory impulses all competing for superiority within an addictive stupor)

You have been in the neuroplastic 'pruning' process since the moment you were born, only neuro-circuit formation was predominant in the development of the younger forming brain, while other needless womb-based circuits were eliminated as useless. But genetics must always precede social programming in that there must be a regression or circuit pruning as age increases (definition of senility). This age-dependent pruning is not contingent on any 'free-will,' just as pruning of circuits outside of Alzheimer's is not contingent on free-will but demonstrates consequences absent senility, but similar.

Human egocentrica mammalia considers 'Alzheimers' a diseased brain state, while "enlightenment," through a long process of circuit shutdown is considered a progression of understanding through pruning of useless circuitry. Yet neither engage any semblance of free-will, since any and all attempts to make it happen are predetermined by a causal order that, from the start, has clearly predetermined every event that has ever been manifested for your full enjoyment or abject suffering.

Hence, my 'suggestion' to simply keep doing what your doing (sex, drugs and rock and roll) and let the brain do it's thing is absurd to programmed brain circuitry that requires constant action and behavior in order to activate dopamine receptors, through which all life is experienced and eventually destroyed, as is clearly demonstrated by human egocentrica mammalia, whose dopamine based arousal addiction motivates him to decimate his ecosystem in complete utter ignorance that his need for arousal will eventually cause his extinction (such is the nature of the dopamine dependent human egocentrically fooked-up brain which nature allowed to unfold in its current structure and so, human egocentric mammalia is slave to that structure because he will never, despite his chronic endeavor to the contrary, extract himself from the natural order that allows his dumb arse to exist in the first place and run around performing the stoopid shite that gives him pleasure by consistently raising his dopamine).

Which makes this entire post a goddamn waste of my fookin' time and, hence, every preceding post equally wasteful, based on socially conditioned beliefs as to what is and is not a waste of fookin' time and anytime spent by your reading it is equally as useless.

But I got a good goddamn dopamine rush outa writing it!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

PREFRONTAL CORTEX: "Flying with the Pixies"

"Your mind, your soul, your hopes, your dreams, your emotions is about a cantaloupe size of meat crackling with electricity inside your skull. There's nothing sancrosanct about altered states of consciousness.
You've always been told that altered states of consciousness are higher states of consciousness. The hallmark is that altered states of consciousness is the subtraction of all the mental faculties that make us so special in the animal kingdom. Hypofrontality means that the very pinnacle of human evolution, the prefrontal cortex, must be down regulated, which means that you lose these higher cognitive functions that make us so special. 
All altered states of consciousness are lower states of consciousness. You connect to nothing but your own reduced mind. Some people find the idea repugnant, beneath the significance of the mystical experience and that's alright if you want to hold onto some sort of stone age, medieval sense of spirituality, but I think you will only find this counterintuitive if you hold onto the idea that in those special moments, when you catch a glimpse of some parallel, mental universe, in those very moments, the mind, somehow, can transcend the machinery of the brain, become a ghost in the machine, ride above the fray, and enter some sort of platonian world of eternal truth and beauty in flying off with the pixies." (quote from video below)
The prefrontal cortex is where "you" exist. Right behind the eyes is the "I-me." The ego-self is a product of a huge frontal lobe, the size of which is not found in any other species. It's where self-actualizing egocentric decisions arise and these ego-self conceptualizations influence the neuro-chemistry of the brain, thereby, influencing the body. 

What else could "enlightenment" be, but a complete reduction of prefrontal activity (ego-self) and what other than prefrontal lobe "thought" thrusts you into your own personal heaven or hell based on conceptual interpretations made in that brain region? Suffering is a prefrontal phenomenon occurring right behind your eyes and found nowhere else between your ears.

Hence, as can be clearly interpreted from current neuroscience research, any higher state of consciousness, i.e., "awakening," "enlightenment," etc, is nothing more than a progressive shutdown of the prefrontal cortex and for most, this shutdown is brief, (a kind of spasmodic blip of depersonalization, which occurs naturally for many peeps not seeking "enlightenment") after which the prefrontal then floods with conceptual interpretations as to what just happened, ("I have attained spiritual awakening!" or "Oh my fucking god, I'm going crazy!") which then results in firing up the reward centers of the brain (source of all addictions) or the fear-survival centers, to the point that the conceptual description of the experience becomes an addictive response which, through reward-based synaptic impulses, is pontifically verbalized ad infinitum, ad nauseam (eg, Eckhardt Tolle, Deepak Chopra, etc.), but from fear-based impulses can lead to mental illness and concomitant physiological symptoms.

Yet, alas, without repetitive experiences to reinforce the conceptualized interpretation, the electro-chemical current begins to dissipate and eventually the memory circuits dissolve and you are left with a spiritualized conceptual definition that means nothing, because the experience has dissolved into nothingness.

Pain is immediate, but suffering is simply your chronic, prefrontally generated, complaints of pain, repeated incessantly in the prefrontal cortex (the thinking cap of human egocentrica mammalia). To be more specific, right behind the eyes is where almost all insanity prevails (neuroscience shows how the prefrontal cortex actually shrinks in chemical and behavioral addictions, resulting in poor decision-making and frequent relapses and this is called "hypofrontality").

As Cognitive Therapy proclaims, "it's not reality that disturbs you, but your interpretation of reality," and all interpretation is a product of prefrontal hard-wiring. Interpretation of reality is a conditioned response and after many decades that hard-wiring becomes immune to neuro-plasticity (change) because, for wiring to remain 'hard,' it requires vigilantly filtering out opposing data that might disprove the interpretation to essentially demonstrate how stupid you are (and in post-modern social order, acknowledging your stupidity is tantamount to death).

Since all "enlightenment" is a prefrontal product, while the rest of your brain, bio-genetically functioning to keep your dumb arse alive, has no interest in your prefrontal hocus pocus bullsheit and keeps doing it's thing no matter how expertly you have memorized and repeatedly provide lip-service to the Deepak Chopra quotes that gets you all jiggy in your neuro-circuited reward centers.

So here's the rub, peeps. The difference between my "enlightenment" and the "enlightenment" you seek is that I have arrived at a state where what arises from the prefrontal cortex has absolutely no significance the prefrontal cortex. In other words, the prefrontal cortex is now hard-wired to cease to care what the prefrontal cortex...'thinks.' In other words, even though the prefrontal lobe (location of the 'mind') cannot stop 'thinking,' it simply has lost the capacity to care (give a rat's arse) what it thinks.

The operative term/signifier is "care," which is indicative of experiencing "emotion" and, contrary to general opinion, emotion is also a neuro-chemically induced brain state influencing bodily/physiological symptoms through the central nervous system (and peripheral nerves), but it is prefrontally 'conceptualized' (while actual emotion is more grounded in the hippocampus and amygdala, yet, engaging reward centers throughout the brain) and this is maintained through fixating on the "enlightenment" concept which is NOT "enlightenment." This is similar to those who experience "panic attacks," in which hypothetical fears, produced in the prefrontal, generate physiological symptoms throughout the entire body, even though the fear is hypothetical or NOT real.

Hypothetical "enlightenment" makes you feel good for a time. But without an accompanying actual experience (depersonalization), those circuits soon wither on the vine and eventually the brain will "prune" them out and your enlightened emancipation proclamation will become more psycho-spiritual drivel to be completely forgotten (i.e, Eckhardt Tolle, Deepak Chopra, etc).

Just as the prefrontal lobe can generate hypothetical terror, and the accompanying psychosomatic symptoms based on unreal fears not oriented to reality, it can also generate intense feelings (symptoms) of joy and pleasure, and the accompanied physical psychosomatic symptoms based on hypothetical thoughts of enlightenment not oriented to reality.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

ENLIGHTENMENT: Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do...

Human egocentrica mammalian's live 90% of their lives entirely from the subconscious, simply because 90% of their life requires no conscious thought whatsoever (ritualistic robotic repetition) and is lived primarily through biological imperatives and programmed mandates conforming to social conventions, keeping him on a chronically reflexive autopilot without any conscious awareness or individual decisiveness indicative of a free-will directed autonomous 'being.'

When you drive your car to a known destination no actual conscious thought is engaged to arrive at that predetermined destination. You did engage millions of unrelated thought-circuits in your conscious frontal cortex, but not one of them involved the act of driving (mostly thinking about dumb sheit, at least from my experience). You've done it a thousand of times, what need to consciously think about it?

90% of your life is, and will  forever be, lived on complete autopilot. "You" are a homogenized amalgamation of biological drives competing with societal mandates for which to subdue and manage those drives, resulting in your despondently depressed disengaged state of hopelessness and, as the brain interfaces with techno-civilization, (determined to be completely devoid of any influence from nature) a state of abject chaotic scizophrenia, mixed with a dash of delusional hope, and mountains of denial, that human frontal lobe conscious thought will eventually save the day...ha!

Your central nervous system is a programmed hard-drive and 90% of your life is lived on complete auto-pilot. Yet, you loudly rejoice and revel in the 10% of your experience you can even consciously access, which is really nothing more than externally influenced sputtering of already engaged ideas, and proudly proclaim the fooking bovine excrement that comes out your pie hole as your "beliefs," to be manna from heaven (I mean, come on...who really gives a shiny rat's arse what "I" believe???)

You've not one unique thought in that gelatinous tangled web securely located behind your eyeballs and within the dark recesses of your cranial cavity. Genetically, your brain is only 1% removed from apes and, hence, you are essentially a moron (but then, me too!)

Many seek to consciously override subconscious hard-wiring, which is remotely possible due to brain neuroplasticity, but your impatience knows no bounds, as you respond to external stimuli with knee-jerk, automatic precision, each response reinforcing that it will be replicated in exactitude when the moment calls for it. Is it any wonder your life is a fookfest and, except for brief moments of respite, has never been but a fest of fook?

Your modern CNS has been unconsciously victimized by routine mechanized behaviors (programmed by previously experienced repetitive stimuli) that you have no control over, simply because of neurally sculpted social conditioning, that began the moment you left the womb, and allowed you to become the docile, mundane indentured servant that your social order required.

Is it any wonder why human egocentrica mammalian's so deeply adore directly seeking the experiences of conscious thought, ideologically accessed through the frontal lobes, with all it's beliefs, opinions, morals, values, etc, all of which makes up a mere 10% of brain activity, but that allows you to assert into the world a "self" that you demand be much more than a mechanized mass of neural circuitry, but can never be anything but that...ever.

"Relax," said the night man, we are programmed to receive, you can check out anytime you like......but you can never leave" - Eagles 

The "subconscious" is nothing more than neuro-circuitry that is lost, and inaccessible, to conscious awareness (the neural realm where "you" seem to reside) and that "you" have nothing to do with, in terms of automatic synaptic messages sent through electro-chemical impulses that "you" do not control, and that "you" live out your life completely unaware of, but are at the mercy of every single moment of your life, yet continually struggle, day after day, to find and assert an 'I-me' into that tangled mass of electro-chemical impulses subconsciously firing off in 3 lbs of fat cheese within a cranial shell that you reverently refer to as "I-me."

We can't say that you're in denial of this, because you actually have no 'knowledge' of it's occurring, as it does, day after day, year after year. There are certain particular processes that you can become cognizant of and change (like addictions), but only because those are blatantly demonstrative and apparent in your constant fooked up behaviors, while all others are subtle, unconscious ripples in the grey matter between your ears, and yet, they have have grave repercussions on ALL your future behaviors.

"In the brain, neurons that fire together, wire together" (quote from a really astute neuroscientist) You simply have NO idea why you continue to do the shite you do, in response to the shite others do, and, most likely, you will never know, because of mental associations unconsciously constructed in your childhood, even before you encountered your 'self' for the very first time, the brain was busy wiring up experiences, unbeknownst to "you."

This poses the question: If 90% of all human egocentrica mammalia's life is performed from subconscious impulses, and those impulses have resulted in the current deplorable state of affairs he now finds himself, is there really any hope that collective human egocentrica mammalia will ever find a way out of the apocalypse he is rapidly heading toward because of his subconscious directives, since his best conscious 'thinking' got him there in the first place?

The revered "enlightenment" and "awakening" practices, that you have been taught by your "master guru" will result in your own enlightened state, are predicated on a conscious mind that only directs 10% of your daily existence and completely fails to account for, or is even aware of, subconscious processes that require 90% of your cranial fatty tissue, the very processes that keeps your physical body alive.

"forgive them lord, for they know not what they do." - The Christ Dude

Obviously, the most profound, and scientifically verifiable, statement ever proclaimed.....

Artwork by Aegis Strife