I received many email questions regarding my previous post Your Fictional New World Order (with thanks to disinfo.com for reposting) and
so I would like to further elucidate points made in that post.
A fictional reality is something that is not factual, but engaged with as if it were an undeniable fact and that, thereby, sculpts facts to fit the fiction.
Factual things are constructed to support fictional realities and entire lives unfold almost entirely through fictions. A need for food is a bodily fact, but grocery stores and restaurants are fictional realities ingeniously constructed to manage factual hunger in fictional ways that we find more satisfying and pleasurable. Hunger is a fact. The many ways we assuage hunger is based on fiction. Starving Ethiopians have no fictional realities regarding hunger.
To live in a fictional reality requires the “willing suspension of disbelief.”
If suspension of disbelief were not possible, fictions such
as society, career, marriage, money, government, war, love, truth, etc, etc, etc,
on and on ad nauseam, would not be possible. Entire technologies have been
invented to support fictions that require the use of factual objects to make the
fictional reality a fact. A house, made of physical materials, is a
fact, but a “home” is entirely fictional, as are all the factual objects we
perpetually stuff into a house to support the fictional reality of a “home.”
However, all fictional realities begin with the most complex fiction of all, that you are a factual “self,” and from that fiction all subsequent fictions magically unfold.
Belief in a fictional world demands belief in the greatest fiction of all…that you have a 'self' and that 'self' is a seriously indisputable fact and not a fictional reality. You can touch a factual body, but you cannot touch a fictional 'self.' Hence, this demands chronic, daily self-actualizing through fictional realities to maintain and manage the 'self' as factual.
If the self were to finally be recognized as a fiction, all
other fictions would crumble of the weight of their own insignificance, since
it was the fictional ‘self’ from which all other fictions were invented. A
fictional ‘self’ must constantly be “actualized” to maintain and manage it as
an actual fact. The fictional reality of a ‘society’ provides a menu of fictional
self-actualizing avenues and paths. A fictional ‘self’ that can no longer be
actualized through the fictional realities available through the social menu of fictions
becomes a burden to the fictional "society." If the fictional self defies or negates the
available menu of self-actualizing fictions, it must be silenced or made to
conform (hence, the Snowden affair). The killing spree of Charles Manson was based on fictional realities.
But then, so was the military occupation and bombing of Iraq.
As a psychotherapist (fiction), my job is to assist people
in managing their personal fictions, because they believe, above and beyond all
other fictions, that the 'self' they identify with is factual and not fictional. If they did not
believe the “self” a fact, I would be out of work. If I were to emphasize the
exact nature of their fictional realities I would also be out of work. Hence, I
(a fiction) work delicately with the fragile fictional realities of the fictional
selves I meet with, because I recognize the lack of free-will in those attached
to the fictional realities of a fictional self. Essentially, in one way or
another, we are all victimized by the very fictions we require be factual and this includes the fictional 'self.'
Frequently, there are certain facts that cause fictions to
become impossible to maintain. There have been reports of fictional selves who
commit suicide because they lost all their fictional "money" in a fictional
reality called the “stock market.” In addition, if a fictional self becomes
suddenly inflicted with a factually debilitating disease or severe physical
disability, then numerous fictional realities may need to be discarded and this
is often highly traumatic for a
fictional self, thereby, requiring other fictions through which to actualize it
“self” as a fact. Fictional “careers” can be terminated instantly, due to
sudden alterations in other fictional realities (i.e. fictional “economy”). Fictionally
paired units, called “marriages” could be rent asunder for various reasons, subsequently,
taking down with it all the fictional appendages necessary to maintain the
fictional reality of “marriage” and “family” that is the cohesive, but purely fictional, micro-tapestry
of a fictional macro “society.” Egocentrica mammalians have grave difficulty
adapting to changes in fictional realities that become necessary due to changes
in factual realities. This is apparent in the numerous ways egocentrica
mammalians seek to conserve their fictional “way of life.”
“Society” is an expansive fiction containing myriad other
intricately interlocking fictions from which fictional selves function through
fictional purposes. It has fictional rules and boundaries that fictional selves
agree are fact. The “United States of America” is a fictional reality. It is a
fiction that fictional selves agree on as fact, with fictional boundaries, as
well as fictional “armies” (factually large groups of fictional selves with
factual weapons) and fictional “governments” for which to protect those
boundaries. Hence, fictional selves proclaim all people on this side of the
fictional boundary “citizens” and those on that side “aliens.” Essentially, if
there were no fictional boundaries on a factual planet, there could be no wars.
If I cannot locate the enemy within fictional borders, I might accidentally
bomb those who agree with my fictional reality and that would suck.
“Terrorism” has become one the most incredible fictional realities ever devised by human egocentrica mammalia. Since there are no fictional borders anyone can be considered a terrorist, requiring ever more abundant fictional "laws" serving to identify a fictional terroroist. This makes it that much easier to control everyone through the predominant fictional reality of fighting fictional "terrorism."
Anything created to support a fiction, must itself be fictional
(even though it may have factual properties) and, hence, we exist in a complex spinning
vortex of contradictory fictions. Many fictional “citizens” fear their
fictional “boundaries” may dissolve and this would require defining their
fictional selves in new ways. A fictional “self” could not consider itself as a
fictional “American” if the fictional boundaries on a map were not believed,
protected and reinforced by fictional authorities with fictional laws and
factual guns. A “war” is also completely fictional and it requires that boundaries
between fictional “states” be agreed upon by fictional “citizens” existing
within those borders.
Egocentrica Mammalians are more concerned with conserving their fictional realities, culminating in fictitious “lifestyles,” then with conserving their factual resources. The “American way of life” is entirely fictional and is a tenuous and fragile weaving together of fictional values and moralities that often require fictional selves endure factual death to protect.
“Christianity” is a fictional story used as a foundation to
construct fictional laws for which to maintain order and preserve boundaries. This
is why fictional selves proclaim that we are a “Christian nation,” totally
forgetting that a “nation” is as fictional as the “God” who blesses our bombs,
but not the bombs of that other fictional “nation” over there. The fiction of
an omnipotent being in the sky, demanding that you not covet your neighbor’s
wife, was merely a necessary fiction to ensure the sanctity of fictional
marriages, which serves to bind a fictional “society” together. "Thou shalt not steal" serves to protect the property that we amass to reinforce our fictional realities.
However, currently we are observing a gradual dissolution of
fictional realities. A collective awakening to fictional realities is picking
up steam.
Unfortunately, this is resulting in a push by those fictional “selves” who strongly desire to conserve their specific fictional realities. As the fictions that bind a fictional “society” together begin to lose their relevance, chaos ensues because a fictional ‘self’ no longer has any fooking idea what its fictional purpose is, because any purpose a fictional self would have must be, subsequently, fictional and provided only within the fictional “boundaries” that make up the fictional “society” in which it resides.
Unfortunately, this is resulting in a push by those fictional “selves” who strongly desire to conserve their specific fictional realities. As the fictions that bind a fictional “society” together begin to lose their relevance, chaos ensues because a fictional ‘self’ no longer has any fooking idea what its fictional purpose is, because any purpose a fictional self would have must be, subsequently, fictional and provided only within the fictional “boundaries” that make up the fictional “society” in which it resides.
In many places fictional governments have fallen and new
fictional governments take control and perpetuate alternative fictions with
fictional laws. Those who disagree with the new fictional laws, invented to
maintain and impose order on the fictional selves in a particular fictional society,
then seek to overturn that fictional government so as to impose their own
fictions as fact. This has been a never-ending theme of fictional selves existing within fictional boundaries and
may continue on ad infinitum.
It does appear that conserving fictions is egocentrica mammalias sole purpose for existing and most of the suffering apparent in the world today is related to protecting fictional realities.
In fact, recall that the fiction of “banks,” invented to manage large sums of fictional “money,” required billions of fictional “dollars,” collected from the fictional “taxes” of fictional selves existing within fictional boundaries, or “society, in order to preserve the fiction of “banking,” considered the cornerstone of a fictional “economy,” which tends to make some fictional selves enjoy the comfort of fictional “wealth,” while others exist in fictional “poverty.”
Nevertheless, the United States was created, by a bunch of
fictional selves writing a fictional “constitution” (on a factual piece of
parchment) to allow for numerous different fictional realities to exist in some
form of peace and harmony. This revered fictional “constitution” made the bold
claim that all fictional selves had the right to a factual life with fictional
“liberty” and the factual pursuit of fictional “happiness.” The idea was to
allow people to have the freedom to invent their own fictional realities
without the need to conform to the fictional “nations” fictional “way of
life” as ordained by a fictional “dictator” or “king.”
However, living in a fictional “society” in which all fictional
realities are equal was very problematic, because fictional selves have a
tendency to demand their fictional reality be seen as factual truth and will
factually kill non-believers of that predominant fiction. Yet, this problem was easily
solved through a fictional system referred to as “capitalism.”
Capitalism is a fiction that claims that the chief purpose
of a fictional self is to generate as much fictional “money,” or fictional “wealth,”
as possible and, hence, those fictional selves with the most fictional “wealth”
have the fictional power to direct the fictional society. Thusly, the fiction
of capitalism trumped all other fictional realities and this was seen as advantageous
with regard to the horrors endured through centuries of fictional “religions.”
With the fiction of “capitalism” (actually derived from and
supported by the fiction of Christianity”) egocentrica mammalians now had a serious
fictional purpose, which serves as cohesive glue for fictional “citizens” and
maintains and manages the functioning of those fictional selves in a fictional
society. This seemed to be the purpose of the fictional constitution, in which
all fictional realities could coexist harmoniously and you could worship any
fictional “God” you wanted as long as the basic conduct of your life conformed
to the fiction of capitalism, or fictional “wealth” creation, no matter which
part you played, titan of industry or welfare queen.
Yet, alas, it is the fate of all fictions to have the
curtain pulled back, seeing it as nothing more than a naked fiction, with no
factual properties whatsoever and often only serving to hide the facts. The problem is that the fictional “self” has very
few options left for ordering its fictional “societies” because, as can be seen
throughout history, when one fictional reality is destroyed the fictional
reality that takes its place is often as fictionally absurd as the one that
ended (as can be seen by the dictatorial and oppressive presence the fiction of
“capitalism” is now evolving into).
Is there a factual reality that fictions cover up? Is
egocentrica mammalia so frightened of the factual reality that he must
construct fictional realities to hide from fact? Is egocentrica mammalia
cursed with the inability to SEE fact and must only see his conjured up fictions?
Many human egocentrica mammalians continue to
perpetuate the belief that there is a better fictional reality that
fictional selves can one day realize if we only destroy the current fictional reality that is much worse than the better fictional reality
However, there are fictional selves out there that have
developed the unique capacity to separate fact from fiction and they have
started with the “self,” in the recognition that there is no need to go any
further than that fictional reality.
Artwork by Mark Ryden
Artwork by Mark Ryden