You have been taught that forgiveness is a gesture of compassion that brings a sense of "peace" to those who "trespass" against you. Unfortunately, the world’s “forgiveness” does not convey innocence, but only reinforces guilt.
The very fact that you can choose to “forgive” my sins, simply reinforces a world where "sin" is possible and ALL are guilty. Notice how the ego-self constructs experience before hand, which informs what can be 'perceived.'
Your forgiving me simply raises up your innocence on the back of my guilt and for you to be innocent, I must be guilty. The ego will never lose sight of this distinction, all appearances to the contrary. Guilt and innocence created the world you perceive and "perception" was constructed to differentiate the parts from the whole, thereby, missing the whole entirely.
Make no mistake, when you grant me 'forgiveness,' you will maintain my indictment deep within the recesses of your mind...and I must never lose sight of that fact, because you have ways of reminding me. Your eyes continue to see guilt, although you may not speak it. You will “forgive,” but how can you forget and why should you... I'm as guilty as sin!
This merely reinforces your innocence, keeping us both fixated on our division and separation that is an immense canyon never to be bridged as long as any part of the world is guilty. "God" does not define guilt, you do.
True Forgiveness asserts that it never happened and therefore, it is NOT seen. There is no need to forgive since you have not been harmed. Perfection cannot be harmed, therefore, if guilt does NOT exist how can it be seen?
However, a separate, illusory self is easily violated and therefore, SEES guilt everywhere it looks, since that's the purpose of 'perception,' to seek out contrasts.
But, if nothing is external to mind, then your indictment of me, indicts you. My guilt is yours, as we are ONE and it is our mutual guilt that keeps us apart.
“Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone,” simply means that no stone need be "cast" as everyone is innocent. However, if you choose to believe in guilt, then the inverse must be true for you and all of us. If you are guilty, then so is the world and, whenever you perceive the 'world' it will be guilty as charged.
We are either all guilty, or completely innocent. There can be NO in-between, although the ego enjoys applying levels and degrees to guilt. We are all either "sinners" or without sin of any kind. This is the experience of non-duality available to Christ Consciousness.
The world believes in “sin” and therefore, forgives to crucify. Without this value-system to differentiate your world, what would you perceive?
If you can be violated, then the guilty must pay and “the wages of sin is death.” The guilt you impose on me enslaves us both to a world outside the mind and, inevitably, outside control . Guilt holds us hostage to beliefs that violate our perfection. Your inability to truly forgive your transgressor, indicts the world and everything IN IT (including your 'self').
When you perceive the truth, you then realize that we are all innocent, therefore, truth denies guilt and has no need of forgiveness. True Forgiveness sees perfection and perfection is guilty of nothing. True forgiveness is resurrection and that was the message of Christ Consciousness, which overcame death to prove that, what is perfection, cannot be harmed in anyway. How could it be?
Eventually, the choice must be made between the laws of the world, that "you" made up to limit your 'self,' and the laws of NO limitation. Making this choice is the point of your spiritual journey.
The forgiveness that will bring you complete and total peace is the forgiveness that has no need to forgive. You cannot be harmed, because you are more a mind than a body and mind is infinite. Therefore, no forgiveness is required. How can that which is infinite, be harmed, unless eternity is denied.
Have you denied eternity today?
“But if my child is killed by the drunk driver, how do I forgive that! Someone must pay for my suffering!”
Someone will pay, and make no mistake, it is ALL OF US.
The world’s justice requires that a price must be paid and this price is vengeance. Nowadays, vengeance is on everyone’s mind. Therefore, how can it NOT define the world?
You may feel that such perfect forgiveness is impossible to attain. I must agree with that feeling, as I am no enlightened master. Yet, if you can even slightly “perceive” the truth of this, then you are in the process of “knowing” it. You can feel confident that the “Kingdom of Heaven Within ” merely awaits your awareness of perfection.
Perfection is guilty of nothing and neither are YOU.
The moment you see the world through the eyes of true forgiveness is the exact moment you claim your perfection as you were meant to BE.
Otherwise, we're ALL as guilty as sin.