I have many detractors who are apparently hard-wired to refute my descriptions as a means of defending their own conceptions of “enlightenment” as some nebulous product of a free-willed autonomous ‘self.’
Recognizing that they have no choice in this decision, since they have been traveling subconsciously in this direction since birth (our meeting has been fated), based on being grounded in a predetermined causal order that granted their manifestation exactly as it has thus occurred and must continue to unfold, I have no reason to become agitated or irate by their chronic babbling, resulting from a closed system of filtered neuro-circutry originating from their formative years and, therefore, providing no 'choice' in future neural sculpting that is directed by earlier, already formed circuits.
You can only understand what you are hard-wired to understand, since the '”neural-pruning,” or deconstruction and construction of circuitry, goes on outside your awareness and control and any changes to that wiring occurs in association with the circuits that already exist in your head. Attempting to escape the circuitry is the nature of cognitive dissonance and, I assure you, you will seek to escape that experience as quickly as possible.
Utilizing the colloquial terms “enlightenment” and “awakening” must always result in problematic descriptors, with much gritting, grinding and gnashing of teeth, since individuals without the neuro-cricuitry to go beyond the terms automatically, subconsciously, become fixated on these empty pointers. I recognize this because I was once hard-wired to filter out more pertinent information as well and thought that because I had free-will I must be doing something wrong in my failure be “enlightened,” which only pressed me further toward a singular event that I now understand as patently absurd, but which 99 percent of the "spiritual seeker" population continue to desire.
Henceforth, I will cease and desist from employing those non-descriptive pointers and simply replace them with the term ‘understanding’ which, based on the specific routing of the circuits in your cranium, you either have or have not and both entirely by degrees. Logically, one cannot be held accountable for what he is not hard-wired to understand and the degrees of understanding are seemingly infinite.
It cannot be denied that understanding goes on and on, like the Energizer Bunny, further and further, deeper and deeper, until the grey matter ceases to pulsate with electro-chemical current, necessary to engage consciousness in that very process of understanding, resulting in the understanding that it is pointless understanding anything at all, whatsoever.
This paradoxically implies that your actual purpose for existing is to increase the understanding that your ever understanding anything at all is patently meaningless (and, based on observation, with regard to current occurrences in the world, there are very few whose circuits have reached such a point).
This is why, all your conceptually confusing and futile endeavors to become “enlightened,” all your idolizing of historically infantile ideologies and your vigilant enduring of esoteric “spiritual practices,” are destined to fail in reaching that singular event, because there is only a gradually increasing deeper understanding that is not a singular event or episode one can predict and hence plan for achieving through intentional means. Any singular event can only be employed to go further but, as history demonstrates, most will become stuck on their brain-based temporal lobe whizbangs, proclaiming themselves “awakened masters” mustering the sheep to sit reverently at their holy feet.
Most “spiritual seekers” pursue a singular event that they refer to as “enlightenment” or “awakening” (and the lexicon is growing with newer absurdly confounding concepts defining an exact point in time that can never occur in an expanding predetermined causal order) and this is why a deeper understanding is thwarted by the fixation of an event or episode that can never happen, and has never happened except in fictional mythologies, only an ever deeper understanding that never ceases to increase in intensity.
But, alas, once again, there is no free-will in this journey and, thus, you should simply enjoy the ride until it ends, because the one crucial fact we all understand indubitably, but wish to escape through our revered and egocentrically vainglorious concepts that provide delusions of transcending death, is that it all does undeniably... end.
What more need be understood than that and for what purpose?
Since this post seems to be referencing a recent post of mine and my general antagonism towards your message, I think it deserves a direct response.
ReplyDeleteDo I believe in "enlightenment"? I have no idea what that is, but clearly there are mental states that are superior to other mental states, which, within the framework in which you deal, is evidenced by the fact that some people are happier than others. If you learn to manipulate the underlying physical mechanisms that give rise to your mind, you can reach a state tomorrow that is better than the one you are in today. You see what I did there? I just implicitly agreed with with the central thesis of this blog. Now the idea that my mind is a product of my brain and body is ultimately trumped by the "knowledge" that there is no such thing as knowledge outside of belief, but if I had to make a best guess, yeah, my mind probably comes from my brain. The question of whether my brain creates my mind, however, despite the fact that my framework is kundalini, is of such little importance to me that I don't really think about it outside of reading this blog.
So why do I dispute so much of what you say? I dispute it because it seems that your goal with this operation is to shit on the parades of genuine seekers under the guise that you're trying to help everyone to relax. I don't have to know you personally to know that the ideas you espouse can't be helping you personally (help = improve the quality of your experience), but you don't need to bring everyone down with you.
Furthermore you are directly saying that your experience of the world is correct that others' experiences are invalid. You've built an ideological wall around yourself. You've constructed an explanation of the world where any argument against that explanation somehow validates it, but to everyone else, aside from the few people you've attracted from the vastness of the internet, your explanation is only the truth in your mind. Being in the extreme minority doesn't necessarily make you wrong, but it certainly makes you lonely and I can't imagine that that benefits your experience.
What if someone came to you saying this:
"Mike, when you say that there is no free will, that we are all at the ends of long chains of causality, and that much of the collective psyche is fictional, you are absolutely correct. However, even with this knowledge, a state of permanent bliss can be achieved and I can give you the knowledge to get there."
Would you accept the invitation?
So why do I dispute so much of what you say? I dispute it because it seems that your goal with this operation is to shit on the parades of genuine seekers under the guise that you're trying to help everyone to relax. I don't have to know you personally to know that the ideas you espouse can't be helping you personally (help = improve the quality of your experience), but you don't need to bring everyone down with you.
DeleteWell, that's good to know, I was wondering why you were hanging around here since you are clearly not just some dumb blog-stalker. You are here to save Mike and make him a better person. That sounds vaguely familiar, kinda like wingnut religious groups. Kinda.
So Mike, you really do have to take into account your millions of readers and their feelings. It's a big responsibility and you are clearly not handling it well. And Jonathan should be focusing on making his experience happier rather than reading this crap.
Disclaimer: I've been popping oxy after some surgery so some of the above is not the real me talking.
Every comment, statement, question you make demonstrates a free-will paradigm that I'm no longer bound by. Therefore, our ability to engage in discussion is extremely limited, since you believe you make choices of your own volition and I am certain this is completely impossible. You have yet to attain this certainty, but it does appear you're closing in on it.
DeleteAs opposed to your belief that I am "lonely," I can assure you that no longer being bound to a free-will paradigm is quite exhilarating. My engagement with the world happens quite spontaneously and I imagine as I go further this will become more intense. When the gravity of free-will no longer presses down upon you, the incredible lightness of being tends to have a 'lifting' effect.
I recognize that my posts are often disparaging of "spiritual practices," but at this point the teachings and teachers become ludicrously laughable to me. I can't help it. In fact, most of the ideas and practices of egocentrica mammalian's strike me as ludicrous.
Nevertheless, based on where I am, I have no choice, just as you have no choice but to dispute, based on the particular construction of your neuro-circuitry. The concepts of "correct" and "incorrect" are simply not computable to me.
It simply is what it is, until it isn't.
Sorry for the delay, gents. Had to go to outer space for a few days.
DeleteChris, I might be a blog-stalker, but I'd like to think I'm not a dumb one. I'm not here for Mike per se. I'm here out of self-interest but I wouldn't say something if I didn't think it was correct.
Mike, correlation is observable. Events occurring in a sequence are observable. Where do you think the idea of causality came from? Is causality a correlation of events in sequence? Where does the "cause" part come in? I think that causality is an idea invented by the ego. Hey, maybe it does exist.
Q: What happens when you put the Energizer Bunny's batteries in backwards?
ReplyDeleteA: He just keeps coming...and coming....and coming....
But at least he knows whether he's coming or going....
Delete; )
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ReplyDeleteIn response to your deleted comment...
ReplyDelete...you are exactly correct.
: )
You may find this of interest, Mike.
God, it is so hard for me to read that Woowoo crud anymore. It literally makes my stomach turn.
DeleteHarris needs to stick to neuroscience and leave the Woowoo to the Deepak Tolles of the world.
But thanks for the link!
You may find this of interest, Mike.
Ha! Lol...that is incredibly hilarious!!!
DeleteOmg! It's addictive...I just can't stop from the need to receive "more wisdom."
Save me Deepak!
Mike needs one of those generators ...
ReplyDelete... click ...
Do you have even the slightest idea of how much of your everyday existence is entirely based on meanings that are sculpted from past fictional fabrications and have no factual basis whatsoever?
... click ...
“You” are not responsible for anything at all, whatsoever.
... click ...
Ha! lol...that would be very therapeutic (at least for me).
DeleteIs this still a website?
DeleteIt is now a place of worship....
So the spinal cord doesn't understand fiction...And those damn prefrontal lobes do nothing but generate fictional selves. So how do the two connect? Well through layers of tissue that...hey wait a minute there's no huge gap of empty skull space separating the two. (At least not on my last MRI)...Whoa. Likewise when we talk there have to be layers...levels of fictionality are not indisputable, so there's "caloric need for physical survival" and "hunger" and "craving" and "fantasies about food" it's a continuum between fiction and fact because of the continuous piece of brain tissue that goes from underneath our foreheads to underneath our necks...no?
ReplyDeleteThanks, great blog! Prove you're not a robot" how apt.
Indeed. "Food" and "hunger" are factual, while "gourmet" is a fiction.
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ReplyDeleteI think it was on the first or second day of the 1st grade, when I became disenchanted, or maybe it was a very inner, undemonstrated tantrum, by the teacher's choice in which reading group I was to belong to. I was certain I would be a cardinal, but there was a robin sticker on the corner of the desk. I stopped listening that day. Big mistake. You see, life in the "plan" would most likely have been so much easier than a rich inner life of being a cardinal when you are really living the story of a robin.
ReplyDeleteWhat I am trying to say, is that I do agree that there is only free-will according to how one freely chooses from the varying choices offered. I wish I knew the implications of that when I was 5 or 6. I just kind of drifted off to some corner of the map and didn't even know it, yet, I have this vague sense of recollection that I thought to myself: I choose...to stop listening. Oddly, I heard well enough, though. It's weird.
And so the choice to "stop listening" has resulted in many other choices influenced non-directly by that one choice made in first grade. Wonder what experiences prior to that choice made that choice possible as the only choice that could have been made exactly as it was.
DeleteBut that just how I think....
It is probably wise not to comment when I am exhausted. I tend to think my ramblings then make sense to the essay/post of which I am responding.
DeleteWhat I think occurred, is that I didn't believe I was a robin, and therefore escaped into the eternal spring of mental wanderings wherein being a cardinal was a free choice (given that realm where choosing between the robin and cardinal is possible). My parents worshiped academia, so any thought of escape through a rabbit hole of mental meanderings would not be an option. I wonder, if two things simply occurred: 1: I rejected the initial label in favor of an alternate one and 2:) finding an escape route from what one is trapped in is more an option in the collective unconscious rather than due to any particular incident beforehand that suggested a choice between acceptance and non-acceptance. I'm fairly certain the collective unconscious is just the radio-wave of neuro-circuitry between all sentient things, so I just picked up on a wave, as it were.
Now I think of it, the robin has a lovely evensong and heck, it flies south for the winter. Geesh. Wish someone would have painted that picture at the time. LoL.
DeleteAs an adherent of the absence of free-will (obviously, not of my doing), I must admit that the ideas that unfold from your absence of free-will are absolutely brilliant...
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