If you follow the ego’s directions you must ALWAYS be lost, because the ego is ALWAYS wrong. In its narcissistic grandiosity, it cares little for what you need, beyond what it determines. It merely demands you ALWAYS look to it for advice and you ALWAYS do.
Therefore, why should it surprise you that you are always unhappy when, in fact, you are always wrong?
Every decision made for a ‘self’ in a world must always be wrong, because the ‘self’ is always as delusional as the world that exists to support IT. Nothing from that point of view is worthy of consideration because NOTHING from that perspective can ever be based on TRUTH. Even a decision the ego evaluates as benefiting another, hence, as ‘selfless,’ MUST in some way benefit the ego, else it would NOT have been made at all.
To collapse this apparent opposition, simply allow others to make decisions for you and accept every decision they make. Of course, this is entirely contrary to egocentric grandiosity and your intense distrust of the world and all others IN it. From egocentricity, “you” MUST find this idea patently absurd. For the ego, ALL experiences of a “world” serve no other purpose than to be opposed. Your 'world' exists for no other reason and through the suffering inherent in that conflict, you know your 'self' as egocentric.
Yet you can choose for your experience of a world to serve a different purpose. Your trust in them will reciprocally reinforce their trust in you and appropriate decisions will be made from that unified perspective. This dissolves the significance of egocentricity and all the MEANINGS that such an identification superimposes upon everything “you” experience. The ego is entirely fixated with superimposing ITS meanings upon ITS experiences in order to accentuate ITS own egocentric existence as REAL.
Yet, what “you” deny is that the meaning of ALL experiences were applied before the experience was encountered, because it was the identified meaning that allowed for and defined the experience before it “happened.” Every decision an ego makes already has conflict built into it, because every egocentric decision expects to be opposed by a ‘world’ of other egos. Thus, discord must be experienced between the ego and its experience of a “world.”
Therefore, simply allow the world to decide for you and conflict is automatically dissolved. It doesn't matter if they're right or wrong, because in a delusional world there is NO need to differentiate between right and wrong when it's ALL delusional.
When your egocentric 'best interests' are no longer opposed to the meanings you superimpose upon your world, you are free of the world and the world is in turn free of what you demand to experience from IT. If another asks you to do something you do not want to do, why experience conflict in the realization that the ego manufactures the experience of both their request and your opposition. The ego manufactures an experience of a “world” for which to define itself as opposing so that it can self-actualize” as REAL.
But if ALL experiences are manufactured delusions, what does this say about their origin?
The ego does not trust other egos, the world and, most importantly, it does NOT trust YOU. This is why it is imperative to the ego that you remain convinced that it IS you. However, every separate mind, at some point in ‘time,’ has experienced a timeless moment completely absent egocentricity. A moment in which, what you want from your world is exactly EQUAL to what you want for your ‘self.’
There is no experience more frightening to an ego-self than the moment you encounter an experience it cannot control because YOU realize NO need for control. Hence, there is nothing more joyful for YOU than realizing NOTHING need be controlled. Yet, as long as you continue to interpret every experience from an egocentric perspective, the ego-self is assured of your opposition to that experience and as long as you oppose your ‘self,’ the ego reigns supreme. All your suffering signifies your opposition against yourself and that “you” remain allied to the finite ego right up to your death. Make no mistake, death is the most powerful experience an ego could manufacture and it maintains egocentricity long after belief in non-existence is embraced.
Only the arrogant grandiosity of egocentricity could consider the delusion of non-existence and actually seek to experience it. Ha!
The world is your experience and it has no other parameters but what you impose upon it and, since it has no meaning other than that, hence, it is completely meaningless. But you have become victimized by the meaningless in denial that ALL meaning is YOURS.
Both victim and victimizer are in your mind and can be none other than “you.” The ego demands finite experiences. Therefore, your only choice is to live infinitely.
Nothing leaves the mind.
Artwork by Lily Mae Martin - "The Unknown"