Or is there something else you seek?
So what are you 'doing' then? Exploiting time/space and snatchin' up as much square feet as possible to put all your stuff... until time runs out?
There is a reason why learning to 'love' another is the most powerful experience one could encounter even in this dualistic dimension. There is a reason why the hardest work you will ever experience during this 'lifetime' is being intimately engaged with another. There is a reason the ego-self fears love more than death itself and many die never knowing it.
If learning to intimately and fully engage with others is the only reward this life offers...is that NOT indicative of what you need do to "awaken" to the next?
The others await you because, contrary to pop-spirituality and new age non-duality tailored to egocentric individuals, "awakening" is a joint venture and non-duality is all-inclusive.
No one awakens until all do....(here is your new mantra)
Ha! But, never mind all that... your on a "hero's journey" and can't be burdened by other peoples sheit. You must blaze that solitary path to your "awakening" (allowed only to the privileged few).You must follow in the footsteps of the ancient wisdom seekers who came before you.
It's incredible how deeply mired in the ancient myths we have become...all these years of conscious evolution has only made us better victims of the past (and, oh, how we worship the past).
In your search for individual awakening, don't give up on the rest of humanity (or when you awaken will you finally save us from ourselves?). They WILL finally complete you, but not the "you" you've become accustomed to, nor the "me" the other identifies with in contrast to "you." All you need do is fully engage "them."
If the ego-self is a figment of your conscious imagination... do you really exist at all? What about their ego? Best to get together and engage in some deep intimate understanding...
...and find out which one of "you" is real. If you're lucky... it'll be neither. Ha!
We see ourselves as a pretty sick bunch and, as a result, we really don't trust each other very much. So why count on one another to find the promise land? Best to just "awaken" alone? Oh sure...we choose a few 'privileged' individuals to "love," but eventually we come to realize that there's alot about them we don't much trust or care for either (so much for "love").
I mean really...look what we do to each other and to our home. So much greed, corruption, murder, abuse and war...what's to like, eh?
Of course, you console your 'self' on the fact that you don't do what they do (you're on a "spiritual journey") and they are NOT. But deep down you know it's a lie, because your past is chock full of your own sheit (and your 'present' ain't so sweet either) making you really no better than they are, since to be IN a body demands an ego with a past.
The past...remember that? (how could you forget)
You could never forget what "they" have done to you and so, you don't much care for humanity as a whole and you find human beings a rather disgusting and petty lot.
I suppose until we can find some redeeming quality worthy of committing to, we'll probably continue to punish ourselves...
...into extinction.....
but that's okay, cause we only give ourselves what we feel we truly deserve....
...haven't we always?
Artwork by Heather Nevay - "untitled"