“Your thoughts, decisions, emotions, and actions – essentially everything you do—relies on the incredibly complex circuits within your brain. Within these circuits, neurons signal to each other through a process called synaptic neurotransmission, whereby chemicals released by one neuron bind to receptors that are located on a neighboring neuron. This extremely complicated process requires an orchestra of protein interactions and is tremendously quick, taking place over about two thousandths of a second.” LINKSo where are “you” in all that?
Take a minute (or “thousandths of a second”) to locate your ‘self.’ Which specific neurons, receptors or synapses truly represent the “I-me” you identify with as an awesomely special little snowflake?
In what way do you control the synaptic transmissions of 48 billion neurons occurring in “two thousandths of a second”? If the experience of “you,” bouncing around haphazardly somewhere in your head cheese, occurs in “about two thousandths of a second,” are you ever really “there” to control it?
But egocentrica mammalia cannot surrender from the neurally hard-wired illusion that he has control of his thinking and that thoughts don’t just simply arise, but that he chooses exactly what to think, drowning in guilt if the ‘thought’ is not correct, never realizing that surrender of control is his actual freedom, since he never had control in the first place. Just a shadowy wisp of conceptual ‘intentions,’ allowing for a fragile and tenuous illusion of control, belying that he controls absolutely nothing.The miles of synaptic dendritic matrix that you identify with, and that defines “you,” certainly creates the need for incredible beauty, but only to escape the need for a cranial HELL, and the circuits are so constructed so as to differentiate between both in the delusion that you can “choose” one over the other.
The spiritual purveyors of free-will fantasies continue to proselytize a "choice" to escape from your scripted neuro-circuitry, while the escape plan just gets swallowed up in the tangled electro-chemical mess between your ears, through impulses streaming in “thousandths of a second,” along a trillion miles of dendritic wiring, most having have been constructed long before you even were aware you had a self, but they are undeniably responsible for the kind of self “you” became and will continue to perpetrate.
“You” are not responsible for…anything at all, whatsoever.
Centuries of sacred philosophical and spiritual drivel is being annihilated in one fell swoop by the realization that there is nothing an “I-me” self can do, but exactly what it must do because there has never been a "choice." All your revered, and centuries old, spiritual practices have resulted in nothing but more synaptic transmissions, butting up against one another like a traffic jam on Santa Monica boulevard. Yet, you had no choice but to plod along wherever the circuits took you, in the delusion that you were choosing a direction, outside that which was predetermined for you.
This idea is so utterly debilitating to some peeps that they have even expressed a desire (in the comment section) that I should “choose” to kill myself, a thought that I have encountered many times in the past. However, that “choice” is obviously not a neurally scripted circuit in my gray matter. Nevertheless, should dendrite connections begin to gradually link up in that direction, I would have no choice but to comply as directed and many have followed just such an arrangement of circuitry, to perform a behavior that was predetermined before they were even born.
Your entire life has been scripted by a predetermined causality that you have no cranial capacity to avert or “think” yourself out of, because those very thoughts are part of the predetermined script.
The script is everything and it’s what you want to be, simply because you've been following it all since birth. Jump off script and you don’t exist and you will do anything to exist, but only as “you.” You will literally fight, and die, to stay on script.
Have you ever wondered why everyday is exactly the same? There is nothing you can be that is not scripted in the neuro-circuitry. The script defines you because it’s hard-wired in your head. You know nothing else but the script and the script was written long before you were even born.
Would you like to be an enlightened master? Unless it is scripted in the neuro-circuitry, it is entirely impossible and that scripting began long before your existence and even your conception. You did not write the script. The author remains anonymous, except where it has been scripted to be known. Nevertheless, you will do what the script demands, for without the script, you could not exist and existence for egocentrica mammalia is always a scripted affair.No matter how much you hate the script, you can never leave the script, because the script is “you.” Every single egocentrica mammalian is defined by a script and they play their parts expertly, because it’s hard-wired in their skulls. They can’t leave the script because they can’t exist outside their heads. It’s that simple.
Your life is scripted. You’re pleasure is scripted, just as your pain is scripted. You always know what to do, because what to do is wired into your cranium. You know what to fear and how to fear it, because the synaptic transmissions go only where they must in the universe situated between your ears. “You” exist nowhere else.
Make no mistake my fellow actors, you will follow the script because your lines are crucial to the very continuity of ALL reality and your act has been entirely influenced by the scripts of others, as your lines are absolutely necessary to those who follow your brilliant absurdities.
The show must go on as a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying everything for those who can see the patterns and flow with them.Do you often wonder why you think the thoughts you do or do the things you do? Can you see the minute causally predetermined antecedents that were required to occur before you could step upon the stage and perform your role? For you to be “born” whole worlds had to be obliterated and the movements of even the most microscopic amoeba had to occur precisely as they occurred, else you would have no script to follow and could not be. Centuries of causally predetermined lines had to have been read exactly as they were for your lines to have significance in the whole performance.
And your death is as crucial to that whole as the evolution of simple organisms into complex. Without your death, similar to your birth, the show cannot go on, as your performance is integral to this entire tale.
You are, most assuredly and without a doubt, a special little snowflake.
Just not for the reasons you think…
Artwork by Igor Morski
In what way do you control the synaptic transmissions of 48 billion neurons occurring in “two thousandths of a second”? Perhaps in the same way my heart pumps litres of blood around my body, doesn't mean we need to sit here and go pump, pump, breathe, pump, breathe, pump, digest etc, do we need to isolate what makes us, us? Where do organ donations come into it where the recipient picks up traits of the donor?
ReplyDeleteIt seems that you are protesting too much to get your point across, fair enough, it is all part of a script, just like this response is part of the script, so why bother? just plod along take down your blog give up on us trapped in egocentrica whatever and await the script end.
Although with my memory as of late I seem to be forgetting my script quite regularly unless of course the script says forget this bit or that bit in that case get me a phuckin Oscar cause I am on fiyah!
Though I am confused about my pleasure being scripted, did I know before I came into this pathetic shell of an alcoholic Richard Harris that I was going to absolutely love bacon, cream cheese, mushroom, capers and HP sauce wraps, not just like but adore? And did I know that I was going to hate brussel sprouts as much as the kardashians? What separates my obvious intelligence against that of the moronic trash rag reading bogan redneck that can't wait to see what expoits those skanks are up too? It must be the same wiring but only the programming is different?
Can't we get a future version of the script so i can get the lotto numbers before they are drawn? If we are trapped in this obvious hell written by a moronic Woody Allen I would like to live in a bit of comfort whilst those around me potter on according to the script
"Perhaps in the same way my heart pumps litres of blood around my body,"
DeleteExactly. Thoughts simply arise and "you" have nothing to do with it.
"It must be the same wiring but only the programming is different?"
The programming is different and the wiring reflects that by being structurally different. Same goop, just different configurations. Neuro-circuitry is what makes us unique and special little snowflakes, in denial that we had nothing to do with sculpting that circuitry.
"Can't we get a future version of the script so i can get the lotto numbers before they are drawn?"
Sure. Analyse the patterns your circuits persist in repeating to understand what you will do in the future. Take's some time, but it's time well spent.
Well bluddy hell, moit! Didn't expect to see the word bogan here haha! Mike, definitely don't top yo self (unless absolutely necessary, naturally!), the witld would be a far less interesting pointless, absurd sit-com of meaningless carne-marionettes without your patently useless musings! ; ) Just sayin' tho... What is a 'brain'? What are 'synsapses' how ever inconceivably numerous? Wtf is matter? No. One. Knows. Let's not fall into ascribing Aristolelian 'essences' here, and be clear: neither you nor anyone else knows (whatever their BS 'credentials' as to what they've seen/'know) has the first fuckin' clue what"s happening 'here'! Any argument counter to that fact I will just find to be more 'egocentric' hubris, puuure and simple. Just sayin' ; ) Gabriel
ReplyDelete"Just sayin' tho... What is a 'brain'? What are 'synsapses' how ever inconceivably numerous? Wtf is matter? No. One. Knows."
DeleteWhat is electricity? No one really knows (other than the concepts superimposed upon the nebulous entity to define it and make it work for us). But we all conduct our lives in the knowledge that it exists and will always does what it does and we have found ways to employ it for the benefit of all.
Neuroscience will do the same for the fibrous fat between your ears and from what comes out of that, you may find your existence to be much more acceptable and less dreadful.
just saying tho,
That's true we can find out advantageous things about the brain and how it works, indeed. Nowt wrong with that, obviously...
Wasn't meanr to sound passive aggressive if it did btw! Hopefully you kinda know where i'm coming from by now - really do enjoy reading! I suspect tongue was placed in cheek but that's still a dick thing to say - yeah kill yo self bro! Do it! ... Douchebag. No doubt there'll be a zaaaany response to this. Woah! Leftfield, man!
ReplyDeleteIf just the right linking of specific circuits engage electro-chemically in a way to provide a suicidal impulse that is engaged in behaviorally, then I suppose you might have your wish.
DeleteUnfortunately for you, at this point in time, the circuits only allow me unlimited amusement at your comments.
Mike, I think I've confused things a bit here - I left -this- comment - commenting on how horrible a thing to say that was by whoever that was. I meant the guy who said that would have a zany response! You're still permitted to find my comments amusing though! Forgot to sign my name. Gabriel
DeleteNo prob Gabriel.
DeleteWe all tend have a reliance on a colloquial type of sarcasm that can get a bit confusing. Nevertheless, obviously, from my posts, it's easy to discern that I am fueled by sarcasm, the turn of phrase, the hidden meanings, the well placed and relevant innuendo, the presentation of an absence...
I do enjoy the comments and they keep my circuits humming..
In the chaos a weird, but elemental, order often arises...
No problemo...
ReplyDeleteCausality does not imply predetermination. I generally agree that the causal nature of human cognition seems to exclude free will, but to jump from that to ‘our actions were determined since the Big Bang, and could happen no other way’ is just too far of a gap to leap, no matter the flavor of your faith.
Certain features, such as Chaos Theory and Quantum Uncertainty pretty much ensures that if you could somehow wind the clock back, it would not unfold in the same way twice.
So much for any ‘script’ written in the Big Bang, I wish you could incorporate this new data into your neural soup, it would make reading your blog posts less dissonant.
I would also note that the sense of free will (or illusion, if you must) seems to be very influential in the heuristic sorting of competing loops of ideas and concepts that vie for dominance in our brain which determine our actions and beliefs. You will act very different if you believe in freewill than if you do not.
But that ship may have already sailed for some, when it reaches some critical mass of adoption by the larger community of man it may resulting in what R Scott Bakker has termed the ‘Semantic Apocalypse.’ I can’t rightly see beyond that particular event horizon, but I can’t imagine a pretty scenario once it does.
I suppose it wasn't "too far of a gap to leap" for me, because that's how I see it. Hence, I write what I see but understand others may not see it yet.
DeleteSorry for the dissonance, but it is often necessary and often for a prolonged period, until a consonant note arises (which often results in further dissonance and this seems to be the electro-chemical duality we have no choice in redirecting).
"You will act very different if you believe in freewill than if you do not."
Correct. But you have no choice in that belief as it is entirely influenced by the sculpting of neural matter upon original circuits constructed in the formative yrs, which were experiences you had no choice in encountering.
Not sure, but I imagine if and when an absence of free-will influences the larger community there may be less engagement in the fictional realities and, as I see it, that would be a good thing. Less 'doing' by more people may have some positive benefits to the world at large, so busy doing so much.
Nice to hear you talk about a potential beacon of light on the horizon, Mike! Not calling you a, as Ned Flanders would say, 'negative Nelly' - but it is good to hear some positivity! Maybe in the face of evidence maybe people will start to face facts and start to dispense with absolutist 'right & wrong' ethics/morality and with it the 'free will' that necessitates its promulgation. As you've heard me say before, I still think we can kind of have a framework of ethics to work with but at the same time recognise that everyone is doing exactly as they must, how ever difficult that can be to accept sometimes: it's the truth. Do you recommend Sam Harriss's book on the subject then man? I think it looks good, from the couple of pieces I've read. I lookes him up a while ago and saw he had weird views on gun control I don't agree with personally but his stance on free will seems very astute and considered. Anja, I would say, don't stress - just try to play nice. You seem bright, so why stoop to egging someone on to etc. Lowest common denominator internet shiz if you ask me and I think you can do better than that! (Harriss talks about admonishing someone with regard to altering future actiob so I guess that's fine to say!) Relax, everyone. lol. Gabriel
DeleteAhhh, yes...the lysergic experience no doubt had something to do with the reconfiguration of my circuits. But that was many moons ago.
DeleteHarris is a neuroscientist who is scripted to rail against religion. But his no free-will speech resonated with me because I was already there, just looking for some science to reinforce it. There are many others, (even spiritual) but because it's not quite vogue yet, hard to find them.
DeleteIt's gaining in momentum tho...
How does DNA fit in this? especially considering it is in all living creatures and only the order determines the species - is this some process that makes us follow the script?
ReplyDeleteAnother predetermined variable you have no control of but that actually influences the sculpting of neuro-circuitry.
DeleteI'm an author, sorry! I can't help it...to write certain scripts. I'm a script-writer! Something wrong with that? Playing a role in my play too...something wrong with that? I mean...script-writing and role-playing in that script...something wrong with that?
ReplyDeleteYou don't like your role?
Write a better script!
What else is there to say?
Nice artwork...indeed!
Let me add this, please:
ReplyDeleteIf you can not write scripts properly...just don't do it!
And don't play roles you don't like!
But that doesn't mean your role has to be ALL nice all the time! Mind you! You're just an actor...IF you are a good script-writer AND a good actor...go for it!. But....playing a role in a bad play: THAT SUCKS!
Just refuse to play shitty roles in messy scripts!
What else it there so say?
Well...not everybody is able and willing to write a good script for a play. So...only let good writers write...let good players play...and just shut the fook up...if you have nothing BETTER to say....than what seems to be "reality".
You are into sustaining what already is? Go for it! But do not complain...when your body drops away...and you found yourself in a messy spot!
Strumm on. Strummer!
Mike, I see you think that "no free will" would get people to accept things more easily in their lives. I highly doubt that.
ReplyDeleteEven if and when science kind of proves your theory, it might still be incomplete.
Even if everyone believes they have no free will, I believe there will still be drama and misery. This is just human nature.
It's also a big IF, because no-one would accept such a thing for the truth, even if it were the truth.
In the end, you still have the choice to do things or not do things, no? It doesn't seem to matter wether that is incorrect or not, because the feeling will always be so obvious that the doer does things or not.
The biggest issue here, if you like to look at it as an issue as I do now, is that you are promoting laziness.
People like that and you'll have many followers (wether you care or not!), but taking responsibility is a choice and doesn't work well in lazy minds. If someone doesn't choose it enough, chances are that someone will end up with even more suffering.
Just saying that I feel confused reading some of your articles. What's the point? What do you think people could do in order to have less suffering in their lives? How can we accept more? Maybe you could write something about an ideal world according to you? :)
Indeed. Drama and misery are scripted circuits. Yet, some people accept this and some do not and even that is hard wired and outside free-willed choice.
ReplyDelete"In the end, you still have the choice to do things or not do things, no?"
Yes. You were granted no such "choice" in birth, geography, culture, parents, genetics, physical appearance, etc, etc, and you have no "choice" in death, but you are taught that, separate from those most crucial choices, you must make responsible "choices" in between the non-choice of birth and death, and all those choices made in-between will be entirely contingent on the above non-choice variables (culture, society, parents, genetics, etc). Egocentrica must make choices, but they are not his to make, even though he must make them nonetheless.
Does this NOT strike you as patently absurd?
Well...maybe not yet. But you read this blog, from time to time, so I imagine this conceptualization is percolating in your circuits and who knows where it will take you.
Egocentrica mammalians must make "choices," no different than a cow or a dog or a three-toed tree sloth. The only difference is that egocentrica believes he must make responsible choices, while the natural order exhibits no such delusion. Clearly, egocentrica mammalia's delusion is part of that natural order, except for those whose brain short-circuits this delusion (and even that is predetermined).
"The biggest issue here, if you like to look at it as an issue as I do now, is that you are promoting laziness."
Hmmm...not sure I can concur with that. I worked 10 hrs today and will do so again tomorrow. When you get it, you simply keep doing what you're doing. However, some may sink into some form of laziness, which only highlights that they don't get it just yet.
"Maybe you could write something about an ideal world according to you?"
The world is exactly as it should be. After many yrs of burning away circuits, I see that now. "Ideal" means "a conception of something in its perfection." But a concept can never be perfect, because it is a symbolic construct removed from the actual reality.
Sorry, my friend, is my responses are as ambiguous as the blog posts. But don't take my word, analyze your life and see how much of it was really any of your doing, from birth to now.
Let this info percolate in the grey matter awhile and see what comes up.
: )
Regarding free-will, choice, laziness and responsibility: Mike points out that he works hard, as I do. That's the way we are wired. However the vast majority of humans don't even have a glimmer of understanding about the subject being discussed and without an externally imposed motivation, would very likely slide into something like 'laziness' if not outright anarchy. I have done plenty of railing against religion as the not too subtle form of brainwashing it is, but I also know that it keeps a hell of a lot of people (aka society) in order and running relatively smoothly.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a one size fits all basis. You're unique, just like everyone else.
Check this shit out : http://www.dadabhagwan.org/gnan-vidhi-knowledge-of-self/what-is-gnan-vidhi/
ReplyDeleteOrdinary Douchebag.
Ha! Lol...that's fookin' hilarious....
DeleteOur method of enlightenment, or no-self, utilizes the scientific method. We are guaranteed East Indians (since no one would accept enlightenment from South Africans) who have conjured up all manner of esoteric concept, i.e., gaswani gnipgnot, puyja kakamaki, gnipi keepapeeing, etc, to assure you of our enlightened heritage.
absolute bovine excrement that suburban spiritual materialists will eat up in droves...
But, alas, so they must...
I cudn't stop laughing while reading it. I dn't understand how ppl can believe in this stuff. And the names or titles lol !! i've met the woman who provided the link (2 yrs ago) she invited me to Tony Parsons satsang.
ReplyDeleteOrdinary Douchebag.