Monday, June 21, 2010

Real or Illusion? (it makes NO “difference”)

You have so many things to take care of in your life. In fact, you often feel overwhelmed by too many problems and worries. But if you resist truth, existence must always seem overwhelming as you remain victim to one ‘problem"’ after another.

Truth cares little for what you ‘do’ and, because of that, is always IN everything you do and when you are certain of this, what you do will reflect that fact and be true for YOU as well.

But you’ve got a kids, work, bills, etc, etc. How can you ever expect to be aware of truth when life pulls you in so many directions?

Yet, why seek to make truth absent to specific circumstances? All your resistance come from the need to differentiate between levels of truth. The ego struggles to judge what is true as opposed to what is NOT true, beautiful as opposed to ugly, innocent as opposed to guilty, etc, etc, etc. Differences between the starving child of Ethiopia and the billionaire in Manhattan must be perceived by the ego in order to assert itself into its experience of a ‘world.’

Yet, truth has no levels and NO differences, because it includes NO opposing contrasts and attaches to NO specific circumstances or conditions. There is truth in everything you do, if only YOU didn't need to perceive ‘differences.’ Otherwise, you will only continue to seek out the differences and fail to realize the certainty of truth.

All experiences are true. Yet, because the ego requires truth be what it determines, it judges truth as absent in some circumstances, while present in others. Truth does not conform to egocentric expectations and therefore, is never absent when you choose, nor is it present by choice.

Thankfully, you have nothing to do with it.

However, many religions and philosophies teach you that the world is “illusion.” This obviously invites the individual egocentric ‘self’ to make determinations based on past experience (since the ego-self is entirely composed of past experience) in order to press itself INTO its experience of a “world.”

Yet, if every experience is true, your seeking differences demonstrates that you have determined otherwise and will subsequently continue to differentiate between true and false experiences. Truth is easy to understand and does not require learning. However, although your lack of understanding does NOT change Truth, YOU require it be learned and so, YOU have yet to understand it and this is why it makes no difference to the ego whether or not the world is all REAL or all ILLUSION.

Truth is certain. If it were not, it could not be true. Certainty places all the ego’s plans in jeopardy, because if ALL is certain, then everything the ego does makes NO difference TO that certainty. This invokes fear for an ego requiring the world remain uncertain, because the ego’s experience of itself is manufactured entirely from uncertainty. An ego convinced of certainty could NOT exist. Your world is a product of uncertainty, but because truth is certain, an uncertain world could NEVER exist.

Make no mistake, everything you DO is as certain as what is NOT done. Every action, every thought, every feeling, every mood that seems to spontaneously lift you up or press down upon you, is as certain as your reading these words in this very moment.

But you believe there is no certainty. You could die on your way home from work today. You can’t predict the future and that’s the only way you could be certain of anything.

An uncertain world can be seen through truth, which would naturally dissolve all uncertainty and doubt. Actually, YOU CAN predict the future and YOU HAVE. Yet, you have predicted it to be uncertain and so IT IS. Yet, how could any predictions, divorced from truth, be valid? What you expect from uncertainty is NOT True and what is NOT True could never be real.

You could experience yourself dying in a car accident. But this does not make it true except to perception that SEES differences through uncertainty. You believe in the products of uncertainty and this is what you experience because perception always FOLLOWS belief.

Yet, you protest, “Wait a minute! First you say all my experiences are true and then you say that my experiences from uncertainty are not true. Which is it?

You have NO experiences from uncertainty, although you believe you do. However, such belief does not make it true. You believe you can have experiences from uncertainty, but this is impossible, since uncertainty does NOT exist. Every experience you have is true, yet, only BECAUSE uncertainty does NOT exist.

Behind all your uncertainty and doubt is the certainty inherent to your experience of Being and fortunately for “you,” nothing is free of that and, therefore, everything IS free. Engage your world from certainty and naturally reformulate your perception completely free of all fear.

It is your uncertainty that demands that you control conditions arising from ‘chance.’ Engage your world from certainty and be free of the need to control the very conditions you impose. Everything is certain and you need control nothing.

You believe “free-will” allows you more control and more choices. This misinterpretation of free-will has led to centuries of suffering. Only when control is no longer needed is your WILL free. Yet, as long as you feel you must control the conditions that arise from uncertainty and doubt, you will always believe your are victim to the world. This is simply not true and I recommend you conduct your life as if it were false.

Artwork by Eli Tiunine - "Shizophrenie"


  1. Hear, hear! Dude, you are on FIRE these days.

  2. "Engage your world from certainty and be free of the need to control the very conditions you impose."

    No doubt the universe is unfolding as it should (Max Ehrmann)

    How does humanity take language such as "truth" and "being", and hold either beyond relative definition? Where the actual experience of either becomes universal and beyond definition? It's why I see Tao, Mike, as weaving into everything...every concept. It's the attachment of definition that gives, perhaps, the perception of a separate and tangled the weave.

    But in order for truth to be beyond fantasy or conjecture, wouldn't it have to be in everyone's "sight", as it were? If this is what you are saying, I feel there is somehow, a missing link. But I don't know what that is. The missing link is either what holds everything together or allows it to collapse.

    Thought provoking blog~


  3. "Dude, you are on FIRE these days."

    Thanks Dudette!

  4. "It's why I see Tao, Mike, as weaving into everything...every concept. It's the attachment of definition that gives, perhaps, the perception of a separate and tangled the weave."

    Indeed. Which is why I often use different definitions for the same concept, since it doesn't really matter.


  5. Cool Mike :)

    But just to play the other side of the card for a moment, how do we know it doesn't matter? I think it matters what we do, but at a more depth of field, as it were, not the surface manure.

    Like the BP oil catastrophe. The surface manure is that those who could slide due to deregulation of oversight under GW Bush, did. The depth would have been had they chose not to.

    It matters what we do, you know? As for that, I think it matters what you say. Even if none of it holds ultimate meaning, it still matters.

    Your Friend,

  6. "It matters what we do, you know? As for that, I think it matters what you say. Even if none of it holds ultimate meaning, it still matters."

    You're right. Paradoxically, it matters a great deal and NOT at all. Yet, in the 'NOT at all' remarkably, is 'a great deal.' Hard to explain, but it seems to me that in the detachment one becomes deeply attached.

    Hard to communicate, though...

