Monday, October 20, 2014

The Arousal Addiction of Human Egocentrica Mammalia

The post-modern human egocentrica mammalian is steadily drowning in his need for constant arousal, an addiction that intensifies with each passing year, requiring ever greater levels of mindless consumption.

The growing magnitude of this arousal can only result in the consumption of, not only external resources, but the very neuro-circuits that give psychological reality to all his fictional, made-up, conjured out of thin air, “lifestyles,” since he is clearly devolving into varied and numerous states of mental illness, that are the obvious result of his fictions. The tangled subconscious neuro-circuitry, tightly packed between his ears, simply cannot handle his delusional ideas of reality and are rebelling en masse.

Essentially, he is gradually being neurologically sucked up into his own maladaptive mind games, and self-actualizing fantasies, to a 'tipping point,' resulting in mass confusion over his chronically contradictory and competing “value systems,’ in which he can only experience a neuro-circuit overload, or advanced forms of neuro-chemically based mental disorders. A hunter-gatherer brain, which we still have, cannot comfortably accommodate daily sado-masochistic anal sex fantasies, without experiencing...symptoms.

As opposed to his ancestors, post-modern egocentrica mammalia is afflicted with the potential for chronic “boredom,” which must be avoided at all costs, for if egocentrica mammalia were to remain mired in his self-actualizing boredom for any length of time, he would eventually come face to face with the abject pointlessness of his daily existence and all the banal, insipid everyday actions he feels compelled to perform to deny his pointlessness.

Hence, because of centuries of boredom avoidance, he has gradually developed an arousal addiction, which needs ever greater magnitudes of meaningless distraction to escape the awareness of the empty nihilism of his emptiness. 

Yet, he cannot, regardless of his attempts, through pointless ideologies and systems of belief, escape the emptiness of his hard-wired subconscious (although he continually claims he has free-will), which, regardless of his chronic daily use of synthetic medications, results in major depression, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, etc., etc, etc., which all point to a mind-numbing existential anxiety that resists all his attempts to alleviate, and only works to magnify his complete lack of free-will. What possible free-will can exist in socially induced mental illness?

There was a time when human egocentrica used his big fat frontal lobe to question his existence, as opposed to the trivial uses he engages today to maintain and continually stimulate the dopamine receptors (motivation), requiring ever greater levels of motivating stimulation to avoid meaninglessness, yet, which his daily behaviors can only serve to support and reinforce.
If the day to day behaviors your society deems normal, only induce chronic depression, then you have no other alternative than to ingest the “medications” necessary to continue to plod along with that social order.
There was a time when egocentrica mammalians studied philosophy, ethics and morality and these subjects were the chief preoccupation of any “higher education.” Great thinkers were lauded as exceptional and admired for the products their grey matter produced. Now they are simply ignored or marginalized as useless studies, substituted by the endless cornucopia of entertaining drivel that mesmerizes egocentrica mammalia and holds him in a willing suspension of disbelief over the fact that his existence is totally pointless.

Post-modern human egocentrica mammalia lives in a time when thinking deeply about his existence actually impairs his ability to comfortably exist and, except for a select few, human egocentrica mammalians are virtually compelled to seek ever greater levels of entertaining novelty, which they receive through their sexual paraphilias, internet porn, object fetishism, celebrity worship, insipid entertainment, etc., and the seemingly infinite ways they attend to their own self-adoring actualization, fully employing “mirror neurons” which allows them to replicate themselves through others, thereby, sucking dry any degree of personal authenticity that they might achieve, if they had any motivation to do so, except the dopamine receptors are literally exhausted by the mindless cacophony of their daily existence.

Their actions are the same, their words are the same and the thoughts that their brains produce consistently result in behaviors that mirror the actions of a shallow collective, but they adamantly proclaim that they are ‘free.’ From cave paintings demonstrating the magic of discovery, they now employ smart phones as a means of magnifying and reinforcing their blatant mass stupidity.

Their fear of boredom is completely warranted however, since truly becoming oriented to the arid and banal state of their empty existence would no doubt be death defying, and for human egocentrica mammalia, death demands every means of denial at his disposal.

From birth, the absurd socialization of human egocentrica mammalia, to fictional renditions of daily living, provides the experience of death long before the actual event overtakes him, regardless of his attempts to ‘conceptualize’ the conditioned experience as actually “living.”

His self-actualizing goals demand consistent mind-numbing preparation, planning and organization, since every goal, by its nature, must deny the fact that the hand of the universe is up his ass, moving his lips and directing his head to and fro. Yet he believes, with all his metaphoric heart, that he’s a volitional, free-willed, master of him ‘self’ and has control over his dominion, or brain, which is where he exists and nowhere else.

Nevertheless, his extermination seems entirely assured, as he has entirely lost the capacity to ‘be’ (an aspect of existence clearly evidenced everywhere else in the universe, that allowed him to exist in the first place) substituted by an enduring chronic desire to be ‘something,’ as a means of perpetually denying the concrete fact that he is not separate from a natural causal order that has historically demonstrated indifference to all the ‘somethings’  he wants to ‘be’ and couldn’t give a rat’s arse about his career aspirations or his mind consuming goals for an early “retirement.”

Yet, ironically, and paradoxically, it does appear that the actual purpose of his existence, as clearly ordained by a predetermined causal order, that has facilitated the unfolding of a manifest universe, is to rebel against his actual nothingness by creating fictional somethingness to avoid the truth of his nothingness.

Now why the fook would the causal order predetermine human egocntrica mammalia to ‘think’ it was separate and completely free from the dictates of an unfolding causal order that nothing else in the manifest natural world even slightly considers itself separate from?

And why is it that the only way human egoncetrica mammalia can actually experience total freedom is by allowing itself to experience complete containment and incarceration by that predetermined causal order?

Fook if I know….

Artwork by Cristiano Siqueira

Friday, October 3, 2014

The End of the Free-Will Paradigm

In your formative years “you” were hastily indoctrinated into a “free-will" paradigm of "personal responsibility," and your ego-centered, cranial-based existence (all experience occurs in the brain) is now virtually suffocating in an ocean of 'choices,' made and to be made (but you continue to proclaim you are "free"). As you advanced in age, so did the oppressive burden of making "right" choices, in order to finally experience "happiness," even though a great many of your choices have only induced suffering and this demands an ever greater attentiveness to making the 'right' choices.

Free-will magically grants you "personal responsibility” and dumps a heaping sheit-load of guilt on "you" for choices made in the past that turned out to be miserably "wrong" in the future and, as a result, you live in a chronic state of anxious contraction about the choices you must make as a means of sculpting your precious future because, as you righteously proclaim, this is "my life" (as if you were completely unfettered and non-originated from the predetermined causal order of space and time). You had absolutely no choice in your birth, nor will you have a choice in your death, so why the fook would it matter what you choose in-between? Does the universe care about your self-esteem or career choices?

Such are the results of the "free-will" paradigm. A paradigm that is patently false (and can easily be observed as such through a  basic analysis of the variables that have determined your current life trajectory). Nevertheless, 99 and 44/100 percent of human egocentrica mammalians wholeheartedly endorse free-will, without question and without doubt, and conduct their every waking moment on free-will being undeniably true, resulting in a pandemic of depressed zombies, chronically rejecting what is as is and, year after year, slogging through mind-numbing routines of abject pointlessness, which they have no choice in, but believing that things should be different than they are, which they cannot possibly be else they would be, they suffer as they inevitably must.

They live woefully miserable lives in constant rejection of the variables currently representing their own personal “life.” They are consistently gritting and grinding over “personal responsibility” and go though numerous years of "education" to painstakingly develop the skills of making ‘right choices,’ which, subsequently, and regardless of their esteemed education, they consistently fail to make anyway, over and over, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

This results in 'neurological exhaustion,' requiring constant, moment to moment, distraction in finding ways to avoid their own fooking minds (which the spiritual-entertainment industry makes billions on) and the thoughts that arise, denying that they have NO "personal responsibility" for those thoughts (thoughts that are clearly victim to a free-will paradigm of 'personal selection regardless of social conditioning and outside influence) and they do ALL of this because they have no choice.

Yet, what if, from birth, you were indoctrinated into a paradigm absent free-will and contingent on a predetermined universe in which nothing was separate from an infinite unfolding causal order and that every choice made had to be made exactly as it was made or it would NOT have ever been made at all?

How would "you" conduct your life if you knew it was predetermined to unfold exactly as it did and does? Would it matter what you do, if what you did had to be done exactly as you did it, in each and every moment, or it would not have been done? What type of 'self' would exist absent free-will? Could a "self" absent free-will even exist? What would that 'self' be like? How would you think, and react to your thoughts, if you knew you were not responsible for any of them? Would you sit around moaning that, since "I'm not a 'self' that makes choices free of influence, I'm NOT gonna do a fooking thing at all"? Or would knowing that you are not separate from an infinitely unfolding predetermined causal order result in your deeply engaging whatever unfolded before your eyes and completely without fear? Would the concepts of "right" or "wrong," "good" or "bad" totally cease to exist in human discourse?

What if we raised children to believe the fact that they had NO personal responsibility for what arose between their ears, since 86 billion neurons, and billions of miles of dendritic connections, fueled by chemical processes in trillions of synapses, are obviously outside their capacity to control? How would we 'choose' to teach them if they had no 'personal responsibility' for their actions?

There are a few who currently live under such auspices. They have no anxiety regarding the future and no guilt of the past. They tend to exist in a state of "surprise" over what unfolds before them and the individual ‘choices’ made based on that unfolding (which is, of course, part of that predetermined causal order).

They have not developed tendencies to reject reality, as that which is not wanted, while another reality would be more suitable to their tastes. Momentarily, they may not like what has unfolded but, nevertheless, they accept the emergent variables as inevitable and adapt accordingly.

They see very clearly that they are not separate from the whole timeless tapestry of a predetermined causal order, and every choice made being part of that timeless unfolding, and in that understanding they experience absolute freedom.

As a result, they tend to play infinitely in a finite world....

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Human Egocentrica Mammalia: Destroyer of Worlds

The post-modern social fictions of the collective egocentrica mammalian ‘self’ are pathetic momentary wisps of smoke, quickly dissolving into insignificant anonymity, which demands human egocentrica consistently twist and bend his own fictions to validate his importance.

Validation is necessary due to the undeniable awareness of his abject insignificance. Awareness right down to the sinew of his bones, chronically informing him that his words don’t matter, his actions change nothing, his thoughts are useless to divert his eventual death and a causal order at work in the entirety of the universe (including an indifferent natural world) could easily smash him to smithereens in an instant without the slightest logical reason or rationale.

Alas, enter the ‘prefrontal cortex,’ with trillions of historically ‘significant stories,’ neurally hard-wired through childhood social programming, serving no other purpose but to provide an individual sense of grandiose self-importance.

Based on the predetermined causal order, that clearly holds nothing sacred, human egocentrica mammalia has little choice but to desperately press himself against that unfolding order. A reality that could care less for his complaints when his fictional "lifestyles" eventually FAIL (as they always must) to actualize him into some tiny semblance of magnanimous significance. This desperation is so psycho-emotionally profound that egocentrica mammalia will employ acts of destruction and death to insure and reinforce his individual, independent significance.
“The sense of insignificance and death anxiety have been shown to play a key role in everything from terrorism to mass shootings to extremist religious and political ideologies to obsessions with materialism and wealth. Just about all that is violent and corrupt in our world seems connected to it.” LINK
It is egocentrica mammalia’s blatant insignificance, deeply hard-wired in his primitive limbic system, that drives him to wipe out entire populations (populations similarly existing within fictional boundaries, participating in fictional activities) as a means of asserting his own fictional significance, and this has gone on since an individual ‘self’ electro-chemically crackled to life in some nebulous circuit in the 3 lbs of fat between his ears and, will obviously continue until his pursuit of significance eventually overrides all his circuits and he gets sucked up and consumed by his own electro-chemical brain matter, with billions of neurons overloaded by his incessant need to escape the undeniable fact of his own pathetic lack of significance to the universal causal order.

The genetic nature of human egocentricity is based on one specific variable, not available anywhere else in the predetermined causal order of manifest existence, and that variable is… the capacity to ask ”why.”

Nowhere else in the universe is “why” even slightly entertained. Everything is as it must be, and has always been, based on a predetermined natural order that has been expanding and unfolding since time began. But the delusional hubris of egocentrica mammalia actually proclaims an answer and that answer is a product of ego-centered delusion, based on the all-encompassing fear of his abject insignificance, resulting in a mental labyrinth of lies, fantasies, delusions, fabrications, mythologies and distorted beliefs.

Everything egocentrica does, he does to raise himself from the depths of his own microscopic insignificance within the grandeur of the universe, made vigorously apparent by the knowledge of his own eventual death.

Egocentrica mammalia pins his entire existence on the vagaries of “why” and constructs complex fictional realities to provide answers as to “why” he exists and what the purpose is to that existence.
Fictional stories give purpose to the purposeless. Yet, it is a desert mirage and the closer you get the more it dissolves into thin air.

Hence, egocentrica has constructed fictional societies to mask his insignificance through vapid goals, mundane and morbid distractions and futile aspirations and there are very few who will get close enough to see the emptiness that is actually apparent in all of it. 

“You” are absolutely of no significance to an indifferent predetermined causal order and that indoctrinated recognition only compels you to engage mythological fictions, absurd ideologies and blatantly ignorant belief systems to somehow deny the truth of your worthlessness to the predetermined causal order that allows you to exist at all and granted you the capacity to mentally construct your ‘self-ness’ as a means of engaging in fictional pursuits to fabricate fleeting experiences of significance.

But, of course, with a wave of his hand, death scatters all your significance into nothing, like a sand painting on a blustery day.
“The Grim Reaper has his hand up all our butts. He’s puppetting all of us because everything that we do, every project we undertake, child we have, building we build is because we know we are going to die. It’s the main driving force of our lives. If we ignore our death, we end up just going around completely oblivious to why we do the things we do!” Read more: Caitlin Doughty: Mortician + Death Activist | Rising Stars | OZY

 Artwork by Metalpiss

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The “Hero’s Journey” Follows a Neural Pathway

With some 86 billion neurons wired up to a trillion miles of dendritic connections, fueled by seemingly infinite synaptic electro-chemical interactions, there is a virtual universe between your ears and just as galaxies have no free-will to determine their fate, “you” are no different.
So tell me where, in all that…are “you” accountable? Which Neural pathways are “you” responsible for maintaining?
The journey of a thousand miles does not start with the first step, but with the first firing neuron, genetically formatted and bathed in varying amounts of motivation inducing dopamine, telling you when and where to go. The "Hero’s Journey" is a centuries old glorification of a free-willed egocentric mammalian ‘self,’ cloaked in the illusion of choice that, apparently, exists nowhere else in the predetermined natural order.
There is nothing you need do to be free. You are truly and undeniably free. Just allow the neural network to take you where it will (which will happen, whether you allow it or not)
Your “spiritual journey’ is housed entirely in your skull and there is no leaving those predetermined neural pathways. The paths you follow, wired up in your grey matter, were predetermined for you long before you were born (genetically and socio-culturally) and you have no choice but to go where they take you as they define and determine who you are and what you desire.

Nevertheless, your goal has always been not to follow your neuro-circuitry (cause the sheit in your head just constantly pisses you off!), but to seek out and follow someone else’s neural pathways, some “master teacher,” in the hopes of achieving the brain state that they vigorously claim as “awakening.”

For over half a century I have studied the products of other neurally predetermined “enlightened masters,” only to eventually jettison each and every one of those teachings as pure drivel (examples of that exist throughout this blog). Yet, in retrospect, it was necessary for me to encounter and burn through each and every “spiritual” ideology I engaged, since this is how the motherboard is fried. Yet, I had no idea I was doing this and had no conscious intention thereby. I longed for the one ideology that would save my sorry arse.

Escaping the path is part of the path and your chronically historical attempts to find the "right path" is all predetermined by the path you are now on. 

Thoughts have become particularly useless to me these days (as demonstrated by the diminishing posts appearing here). Regardless, thoughts arise as they always do, internally (pre-programmed neuro-cicuits) and externally (sensation) influenced, the only difference being, at this point in my “journey” I have experienced the complete abrogation of free-will (volitional choice and agency) and, hence, have become quite comfy cozy with whatever pops up in the gelatinous fat between my ears.

I really don’t give a fook about the thoughts in my head. “You,” on the other hand,  care deeply about what you ‘think,’ so much so that you actually avoid thinking, because of the chronically dumb sheit that incessantly arises in your cranium, or you seek out and diligently learn new strategic ways of ‘thinking’ to improve the "quality" of your life, in a rebellion against the very neuro-circuitry that determines the quality of your life and the motivational dopamine that bathes those circuits, to keep ‘em lit up like a Christmas tree.

I have absolutely no interest in being anyone’s “teacher” since, clearly, you will learn what you’re supposed to learn whether you want it or not (it's all predetermined). My interest is more about engaging with those who have suddenly realized that they are frying their motherboard, which has similarities in relation to stages, but completely dissimilar in how and when those stages are encountered. In that realization, the burn intensifies, because you’re not wired to want or expect it.

Before there was only fear that you were some sort of mental mutant, because you just couldn’t engage the social fictions with the rest of the socially programmed Egocentrica mammalians. But now, hopefully, you've come to a point where you enjoy the burn (if not, don't worry, you will)

You have been straying from the herd for decades and have no idea why and it bugs the sheit outa you. You’re disengaged, discombobulated, disenchanted and psycho-emotionally distorted, but only in relation to your egocentric brethren, who seem to exhibit excellent adherence to programming (but deep within the circuitry, they're beginning to fry too!). They don’t understand you and you are getting to the point where you don’t have a fooking clue as to what motivates them to engage in the fictional/mythical bullsheit they find so utterly fascinating. Feel free to disembark from the herd, if the spirit moves you, otherwise, your attempts to graze with the chomping cud eating cattle will eventually drive you bat sheit crazy (but, that may be necessary, if so prescribed by the causal order).

Your brain is hard-wired to accommodate fictional realities which, thereby, demand behavioral conformity. Every socially enchanted rule and law has a corresponding neural pathway because, if it was not hard-wired in your cranium, you wouldn't know what the fook to do. 

But as the ‘frying’ proceeds you may find that you no longer care what to do and let the ‘doing’ unfold however it may, because you have no “choice” anyway, so why sweat the big stuff?

Artwork by Zoran Nova

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Removal of Free-will Coloured Spectacles

As opposed to the mythical memes passed down through a hundred generations and, thus, being accepted as truth, your actual “awakening” entails a grieving process and not some enchanted garden of bliss bunny bullshit.
Of course, you've never had free-will, but you have yet to realize this as a fact that informs all other thoughts, feelings and behaviors. In the meantime, you continue to conduct your life within an illusion of control as if you had something to do with anything that happens externally or internally in your personal world.
Denial: 90% of egocentrica mammalian’s live in complete denial.

They cannot grieve the loss of free-will, because they believe all their choices come from autonomous intentions of a deliberating volitional “self.” They continue to function as if they made choices entirely contingent on their own free-agency and continue to experience the anxiety, depression, anger and guilt that living this illusion demands. They feel pride in accomplishments and disappointment in failure, as if they actually made choices free of all influence.

Yet, there are some that claim “I may not have a choice in what happens to me, but I can choose how to respond,” completely ignorant of the fact that they did not make themselves, had absolutely no involvement in the construction of the brain circuitry that informs them exactly how to respond and are genetically hard-wired to perceive reality exactly as they do, with no possible alterations to that perception.
“It is true nonetheless that our idea of free will, vague, amorphous and ultimately incoherent as it may be, is still so much a part of our culture that most of us see everything around us through (as it were) free-will-coloured spectacles. We think we discern the workings of free will in our world, just as religious people think they discern the workings of God. And this vision is self-validating and self-perpetuating, because the more we see the world in this way the more reason we think we have to believe that it really is this way. And we aren’t going to take off the spectacles because we don’t know we’re wearing them.” Oerton, Richard (2012-10-02). The Nonsense of Free Will: Facing up to a false belief (p. 108). Matador. Kindle Edition.
At no point will they ask themselves, “After years of having my every move directed by genetic disposition, parental structuring and socio-cultural influence (the very things that made me precisely what I am now) at what point did all that miraculously dissolve to spontaneously grant “me” the opportunity to make choices completely free of all influence? Exactly when did my ‘will’ become free of all influence?”

The answer is obvious….

ANGER: 5% of current egocentric population is at this stage. A defense mechanism that blocks truth and clouds the mind. I have witnessed it in the comment section on this blog in which the evidence against free-will and for a predetermined causal order, absent all free-will, is so monumentally apparent that it generates fear and with fear is the only catalyst for attack. Upon the first recognition of your utter helplessness to be free and separate of a predetermined causal order, you desperately intensify your efforts to prove that it can be done and you will seek to prove this no matter how often you fail.

BARGAINING: 2% are here. Some seek desperately to extricate themselves from determinism with the claim (more like wishful thinking) of at least a little bit of free-will. The “compatibilists” hold that free-will is essentially a part of determinism (which is absurd) and many, like Daniel Dennett, contend that even though we are 99 percent determined, there is still that tiny 0.999% that we control. When that 0.999% is available to us and where it can be found in the genetically predetermined and socio-culturally pre-formatted ‘personality’ is not apparent but, as many bright minds seem to claim, one day science will locate the capacity for free-will, even though science (specifically, neuroscience) is rapidly progressing in the reverse.

Egocentrica mammalia believes he has sculpted his life based entirely on his freedom of choice, denying that a causal order, that has shaped the universe and continues to do so, shaped him, and any power he might engage to resist this fact, was predetermined long before he even existed (your denying the absence of free-will is hard-wired and this is most likely a genetic predisposition favoring survival fitness). He simply cannot accept that who and what he is was shaped long before he even existed as a manifest organism.

He seeks to break free of genetics, evolution, parental injunctions, socio-cultural influences of the time period he was manifest and the childhood conditioning that he had no choice in experiencing in his formative years, because it was thrust upon him beyond his will, thereby, shaping exactly what he would will in the future.

DEPRESSION: 2% are at this stage and, like denial,  many remain here never to leave. On the path to awakening, depression is the longest and most experientially barren stage. Some take their own lives, many disappear from society never to be seen again and others simply remain at this stage until their death, never realizing the expansive freedom of surrender, they remain inured in limitation and contraction and continue their lamentations that IT NOT BE SO.

In this stage there is usually an intellectual acceptance of the absence of free-will, without the accompanied experience, in a fluctuating self-replicating feedback loop of attempted acceptance and back to non-acceptance.

You may be here for a very long time....

....spiraling down numerous rabbit holes of abject meaninglessness and absurdity, grasping for some sense of what is true and real, only to be nauseatingly disappointed time and time again. You will rigorously prevail in grasping tightly to various contrivances of your fictional social order, only to eventually recognize your pretending can fool others, but keeps you despondent and disengaged.

Decades pass, as many seek solace of “spiritual” ideologies, paradigms and practices, like Buddhism, Zen, non-duality, and other esoteric intellectual distractions, only to be smacked square in the face by the undeniable reason for soothing social constructs that have no purpose but to keep you skipping merrily along by constructing ever more useless neuro-circuitry in 3 lbs of fatty tissue immersed in perpetual darkness.

But you do all this because it is the only purpose of your existence.

ACCEPTANCE: Only a mere 0.5% of egocentric mammalian’s are at this stage. This stage can be considered an “awakening,” because there is no longer a return to the other stages and only accommodating to the fact that every choice ever made had to be made exactly as it was made and could not have been made any differently than it was in the exact moment it was made.
The immediate experience of a causally predetermined existence, contingent on a quadrillion experiences that preceded and absent all free-will, quickly shuts down the circuits useless in supporting this powerful experience.
This ‘short-circuiting’ of other less useful pathways can be a gradual process, although many circuits diminish immediately, particularly socio-culturally conditioned pathways, i.e., self-esteem, status, career, materialistic pursuits or object accumulation, many judgment circuits and other “insecurities’ wired up on the grey matter simply lose electro-chemical current, which can only result in a brain-based sense of freedom (just consider the exhilaration of being free of even just 50% of the the thoughts that arise in that gelatinous blob between your ears. It is literally unimaginable!).

The acceptance stage clearly engenders the chief and most prominent variable of all spirtuo-religious ideologies…surrender. You are, and have been, in charge of nothing and any control you impose upon your reality, you were destined to impose long before you were even born.

Every thought that ever arose in the brain of your mother, and her mother and her mother before her, had to arise exactly as it did, and exactly when it did (time/space continuum) for you to be manifest as a thinking organism and engage the thoughts that you must to allow future generations to manifest as they must, thinking the thoughts that only they must.

When this is truly encountered, as a brain experience and not just the usual firing of contemplative circuitry lighting up frontal lobe sections for years, but amounting to nothing but additional circuitry, there comes a swift and gradual frying of the motherboard.

Yet, this is only an essay in conjecture, the experience defies explanation other than to say that it is completely outside your power to make it happen in any way.

When it comes to “awakening” or “enlightenment,” this is the only fact that need be engaged. But only if your particularly unique neural wiring takes you there and there are only a handful that are heading precisely in that direction and…

…they have not the slightest clue they’re going there.

But they will one day surrender their “free-will coloured spectacles” and perceive a world never before seen.

Artwork by Suliman Almawash

Friday, June 13, 2014

The Indestructible Kevlar Dream

I get a lot of emails that ask,  “yo arsehole, why you always biotchin’  about guilt?"

Guilt maintains the dream-like delusion of individualized egocentric existence and consistently, moment to moment, locks “you” securely in place just by how you think about “you.” There can be NO security in a dream, only the constant seeking of a security that cannot be found by an egocentric self that, by it's very nature, must be lost and guilty of not being found.

To truly see the full nature of your egocentric self, simply follow the trail of guilt, always asking, "is that true and does it matter?" and then just keep going deeper down the rabbit hole.

Not making enough money? Out of work, can’t find a job? Are you drinking more than usual? Yell at your kids too often? Not the man you used to be? Not as pretty as you once were? Are you on food stamps? Foreclose on your mortgage? Been to jail once or twice? Did you have an affair? Eating at McDonalds way too often? Watching too much TV? Spending too much on cigarettes? Failed to clean those gutters? Too much pot? Not spending enough time with your kids? Don’t call your mother enough? Fantasizing about other men/women? Spend too much time playing video games? Wish you had gone to college? Wish you had graduated high school? Do you need to exercise? No money? Need to lose a few pounds? Coveting your neighbor? Wished you owned a BMW? Not rich enough? Smart enough? Not good looking enough? Your personality sucks? If only you smiled more? psychotherapy? Bored with your spouse? Flirting with your coworker? You sleep too much? Don’t sleep enough? You look at porn? You spend too much time alone? You need to get more done? Need to take better care of yourself? You need to wash the car? Need meds? Need to get off meds? Need a new car? Masturbate too much? Should be working more? You should be playing more? You should have more sex? Your life should be more exciting? You should meditate more? You’re kids hate you? You should pray more? You should have more fun? You should know more? You shouldn't have done that? You should have told him off? You should go to church more often? You’re too stupid? You’re too fat? Nobody likes you? You wish you had more friends? You should get a promotion? You should be happier? Bad grades? Too much partying? You’re too depressed? You’re too anxious? You’re too old? You’re not funny enough? Everybody thinks you’re an asshole? You’re a crappy parent? Why are you wasting time reading this? People think you’re boring? You hate your coworkers too much? You hate everyone too much? You hate yourself too much? You have ugly feet? You should be different? You need to improve your self-esteem? Women/men don’t find you attractive? Your eyes are too far apart? You have no ass? Your tits are too big? You need a better job? Your tits are too small? You should pay off that credit card? You drive a hoopty? Little dick? Everybody thinks you’re lazy? Everybody thinks you’re dumb? You shouldn't think these thoughts? You need to get more things done around the house? You waste too much time? You should be more positive? You pick your nose too much? You hate your mother? You hate your father? You should be more active? You hate your kids? You don’t know what to do? You need a lower rate on your mortgage? You should be doing what you’re supposed to do? You should be doing what you want to do? You should get a divorce? Your life sucks? You should be more spiritual? You should be more loving? You should be more outspoken? You should have an affair? You should be more spontaneous? You need anger management? You should have a better credit rating? You should do what they tell you? You should live more? You should be dead? You should have a purpose? You failed to meet your goals? You should have goals? That ship has sailed? Living with your parents? Shop at Walmart? Voted for Obama? Voted for Bush? Didn’t vote? Got an abortion? You think about sex too much? Cheated on your taxes? You hate the government? You hate women? You don’t trust men? You think there’s more to life than this? You wish your spouse loved you? You wish your kids liked you? You wish more people liked you? You wish you liked yourself? You wish you could find love? You just need a break? You wish you could love your family? You wish you could love your job? You think God hates you? You hate God? You wish you could write like me?

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, on and on, year after year, month after month, day after day, moment to moment, ad infinitum…..

What have you done? What have you NOT done? When will you do it? When will you stop? When will you change? When will things be different? When will you succeed? When will “you” be what you should be? When will you be what you want to be? When will you know what you want to be? Shouldn’t you know by now? Soon? Tomorrow? In a week, a month, ten years? In time?

Not awakened yet? No enlightenment today? Then when? Aren’t “they” enlightened? Why not you? After 20 years of deep spiritual practices and contemplation are you there yet? No? Why not? Is something wrong with you? Are you not advanced enough? Are you not doing something right? Are you on the wrong path? Can you ignore centuries of historical precedence? Which is the right path? Are you not worthy?

What’s wrong with you? Does it matter what you do, if you can never be right? Why are you doing that? Shouldn’t you be doing this? Why aren’t you doing what they do? What are you afraid might happen?

You first learned the experience of guilt from your parents when you failed to comply with a rule. You learned of public guilt (shame/embarrassment) from public school whenever you made a mistake. When your loved ones are “wrong” correction must always involve guilt. The entire social system is based solely on finding guilt and justifying innocence. Adam and Eve were guilty and every religious-spiritual ideology on the face of the earth is built on a foundation of individual guilt.

Guilt is the fabric of an indestructible Kevlar dream. Every thought in your mind, is another stitch in time. Guilt makes your reality virtually bulletproof.

Awakening literally dissolves ALL guilt.

Are you there yet?


Artwork by David Mach - "Die Harder"

Monday, May 5, 2014

"You" Are Just Along For The Ride....

Free-will demands "cognitive dissonance" or that of holding two polar opposite ideas simultaneously, which obviously seeks consonance or 'freely' choosing the 'correct' perspective" for relief.

It does seem apparent that "being in the moment" is nothing more than a detachment from belief circuits that ascribe to a self-based will that is free.

It also seems apparent that every "awakened" master simply realized this as fact, thereby, neuro-plastically disrupting brain chemistry and eventually altering and re-routing previously programmed circuits to generate a brain state for which "enlightenment" concepts were then superimposed for the sake of communication.

Hence,  "enlightenment" or "awakening" is nothing more than the total and complete termination of all cognitive dissonance, which can only be ended when the option of 'choice' is neuro-plastically removed entirely from the circuits.

So relax, sit back, and allow the brain to simply do what it does, since this is what has been occurring all along anyway.

You have always just been along for the ride and nothing more than that....

(vid's a bit long, but very informational as a means of gradually gaining freedom from an internalized core referred to erroneously as an I-me "self" that makes 'choices' free of stimuli influence)

There is a much bigger picture that an ego-centered core-self cannot fathom:

"We are the global network of neuro-chemical reactions. And the self amplifying cycle of acceptance and acknowledgement, sustained by the daily choices in our interactions, is the chain reaction that will ultimately define our collective ability to overcome imagined differences and look at life in the grand scheme of things" (video)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Energizer Bunny Enlightenment

I have many detractors who are apparently hard-wired to refute my descriptions as a means of defending their own conceptions of “enlightenment” as some nebulous product of a free-willed autonomous ‘self.’

Recognizing that they have no choice in this decision, since they have been traveling subconsciously in this direction since birth (our meeting has been fated), based on being grounded in a predetermined causal order that granted their manifestation exactly as it has thus occurred and must continue to unfold, I have no reason to become agitated or irate by their chronic babbling, resulting from a closed system of filtered neuro-circutry originating from their formative years and, therefore, providing no 'choice' in future neural sculpting that is directed by earlier, already formed circuits.

You can only understand what you are hard-wired to understand, since the '”neural-pruning,” or deconstruction and construction of circuitry, goes on outside your awareness and control and any changes to that wiring occurs in association with the circuits that already exist in your head. Attempting to escape the circuitry is the nature of cognitive dissonance and, I assure you, you will seek to escape that experience as quickly as possible.

Utilizing the colloquial terms “enlightenment” and “awakening” must always result in problematic descriptors, with much gritting, grinding and gnashing of teeth, since individuals without the neuro-cricuitry to go beyond the terms automatically, subconsciously, become fixated on these empty pointers. I recognize this because I was once hard-wired to filter out more pertinent information as well and thought that because I had free-will I must be doing something wrong in my failure be “enlightened,” which only pressed me further toward a singular event that I now understand as patently absurd, but which 99 percent of the "spiritual seeker" population continue to desire.

Henceforth, I will cease and desist from employing those non-descriptive pointers and simply replace them with the term ‘understanding’ which, based on the specific routing of the circuits in your cranium, you either have or have not and both entirely by degrees. Logically, one cannot be held accountable for what he is not hard-wired to understand and the degrees of understanding are seemingly infinite.

It cannot be denied that understanding goes on and on, like the Energizer Bunny, further and further, deeper and deeper, until the grey matter ceases to pulsate with electro-chemical current, necessary to engage consciousness in that very process of understanding, resulting in the understanding that it is pointless understanding anything at all, whatsoever.

This paradoxically implies that your actual purpose for existing is to increase the understanding that your ever understanding anything at all is patently meaningless (and, based on observation, with regard to current occurrences in the world, there are very few whose circuits have reached such a point).

This is why, all your conceptually confusing and futile endeavors to become “enlightened,” all your idolizing of historically infantile ideologies and your vigilant enduring of esoteric “spiritual practices,” are destined to fail in reaching that singular event, because there is only a gradually increasing deeper understanding that is not a singular event or episode one can predict and hence plan for achieving through intentional means. Any singular event can only be employed to go further but, as history demonstrates, most will become stuck on their brain-based temporal lobe whizbangs, proclaiming themselves “awakened masters” mustering the sheep to sit reverently at their holy feet.

Most “spiritual seekers” pursue a singular event that they refer to as “enlightenment” or “awakening” (and the lexicon is growing with newer absurdly confounding concepts defining an exact point in time that can never occur in an expanding predetermined causal order) and this is why a deeper understanding is thwarted by the fixation of an event or episode that can never happen, and has never happened except in fictional mythologies, only an ever deeper understanding that never ceases to increase in intensity.

But, alas, once again, there is no free-will in this journey and, thus, you should simply enjoy the ride until it ends, because the one crucial fact we all understand indubitably, but wish to escape through our revered and egocentrically vainglorious concepts that provide delusions of transcending death, is that it all does undeniably... end.

What more need be understood than that and for what purpose?

Friday, March 28, 2014

The Self-Perpetuated Lobotomy of Neuro-Circuit Deconstruction

You can do anything you want with fictional realities, because they don’t exist anywhere else in the natural order, except in your head (still making it part of the predetermined causal order as is everything else in your head). Nevertheless, fictional realities are contingent on the ability to prove the fiction as fact, not only to your 'self,' but to whichever herd you tend to graze with collectively.

The belief that you are an “enlightened master” is no different than a belief that you are a "policeman," based on the predominant social paradigms of the communal order. Hard-wired behaviors, specific to the role, must be performed adequately in order for others to invest belief in your being a policeman or an enlightened master. You may claim to be a policeman, but if the participants of the social order refuse to invest belief in your role, you are literally powerless to perform it. You may claim to be an enlightened master, but if you tend to use improper or fowl language and have sex with your students, you will lose credibility and have your title and privileges revoked. You must follow the script precisely and only minor, and easily assimilated, variations will be tolerated as you are bound to the scripted performance.

Scripted fictions, such as policeman and enlightened master, are very fragile because they are fictional constructs. Although the physical structures built to emphasize a fiction may stand for centuries, the fictions themselves require the continued “manufacture of consent” to maintain their facticity as part of the natural order. Buddha and Jesus are fabricated ideas personified, but monuments and cathedrals have been built to honor those fictions and those structures will stand for many centuries.

The pyramids were built in response to mythically fictional realities and still stand to this day, although the fictional realities have long since dissolved unto dust. “Disneyland” has a factual location, with solid factual structures, arranged so as to support the fictions conjured up by the cartoonist Walt Disney. “Washington DC” also has a factual locale, with solid factual structures, arranged to support the fiction of American government. Essentially, the social order that provides meaning to your factually vacuous existence is no different than your vacation to Disneyland. Yet, only one you invest in as factually real.

There are a seemingly infinite number of fictions factually hard-wired in your skull and because the hard-wiring is factual, the fictions endure, until death or a paradigm shift make them unbelievable, at which time you will simply terminate electro-chemical impulses, no different than quitting smoking (as the belief one needs to smoke is also a hard-wired fiction). Such fantasies are the fabric of a fictional society and have required daily monotonous indoctrination strategies (the role of public educational system) in order to support the complexity of the interlocking and self-reinforcing socially manufactured fictional mythologies.

The fictional realities of family, community, government, education, media, home, entertainment, etc, all work together to spin the yarn of whatever fictional realities help fuel the illusion of a cohesive fictionally “law” based social order. Do you have even the slightest idea of how much of your everyday existence is entirely based on meanings that are sculpted from past fictional fabrications and have no factual basis whatsoever?

Frequently, in the complexity of a post-modern society, fictions are often in competition with one another through their advocates. "Marriage" is a fictional arrangement with many rules to maintain cognitive adherence to a belief, but the rules are currently in a state of contention (simply because they are fictional and thus, fluid and fragile) based on the fiction of “gender.” To contend that only a ‘man” and a “women” can participate in “marriage,” is to fail to recognize “marriage” as a fiction by framing it with factual rules that must not be broken. To assert that a “family” must consist of a female “wife” and a male “husband” is also a fabricated fiction that has no relevance to the natural order, other than procreation which is entirely instinctual, requiring no conceptual fictions to support and reinforce it.

Why is it so few have the capacity to separate fact from fiction, when fully understanding the difference is a factual “Awakening”? However, there is nothing “spiritual” about this Awakening, because “spirit” is itself a fiction, conceptually superimposed upon certain brain processes, occurring mostly in the temporal lobe (the locale that most "spiritual awakenings" synaptically occur). It’s simply the dissolution of electro-chemical current necessary to maintain the belief circuits that make fictional realities believably pseudo-factual delusions.

This Awakening can be massively uncomfortable for most, because it requires the extinguishing of electro-chemical current to miles of neuro-circuitry whose sole purpose is to maintain fictional realities. It’s a process of extracting ‘belief,’ or neuro-chemically dissociating from various circuits, thereby, dissolving electro-chemical current, as a means of separating fact from fiction. Consider this process a non-volitional, self-perpetuated lobotomy and many are currently deeply involved in such a process today. Unfortunately, they tend to equate it with a free-willed agent, which merely delays the process ( the delay itself a product of causality)

It’s really not self-perpetuating and simply seems as such, because you can’t do it by choice, although many are currently proceeding in this very direction without actually recognizing the process that is factually occurring with no assistance from a non-existing ‘self,’ but only upon arrival does one realize this fact.

Similar to any addiction, if you abstain from the belief that you need to smoke cigarettes, the neural current which maintains that particular circuit (nicotine addiction) will eventually lose electro-chemical power in the synapses and the belief is extinguished along with the behavior (where the mind (brain) is, the body naturally follows). Hence, it is not for the feint of heart or those who demand their fictions define who and what they are.

Which is why you will not do it by ‘choice,’ because, as opposed to nicotine addiction, abstaining from crucial aspects of a fictional society (that endorses your nicotine addiction) is not an impulse your neuro-circuits will facilitate without severe cognitive dissonance. You can disengage circuits that support nicotine addiction, as you no longer wish to be identified with that behavior, but to disassociate from the circuitry that defines other parts of your ‘self,’ may result in chronic emotional disturbances. “Mental illness” is nothing more than symptoms arising from an inability to conform to fictional realities that define a fictitious social order and, hence, in most cases, mental illness should be treated as a guidepost along the path of "Awakening."

To no longer believe in fictional realities, i.e, truth, security, money, career, marriage, employment, compassion, freedom, trust, competition, happiness, love, etc, etc, can be quite disorienting and cause intense cognitive dissonance between your ears, thereby, demanding relief. You want these fictions to be factual aspects of your existence, for without them there would literally be no meaning or purpose to your existence.

You need conceptual paradigms, such as fame, bliss, wealth, fun, enlightenment, prestige, love, awakening, joy, status, spiritual, etc, etc, to fill your abject nothingness, less you should have to face the abyss from which you arrived and to which you will depart. You will fight to maintain the fictions so as to avoid the actual emptiness of your factually meaningless existence. Nevertheless, facts hide behind fictions and fictional realities exist merely to distract you from fact, as they have no other purpose in a predetermined causal order.

As fictions evolve in complexity they tend to crash against and merge into other fictions, thereby, generating confusion and chaotic disruptions in your head and within the fabricated social order. In a fictional society it is beneficial that you have fictional employment for which fictional value, or “money,” can be extracted to support a fictional “government” that is constructed on the fiction of a “democratic nation,” whose fictional role is to fight other fictional governments to acquire access to factual resources used to fuel fictional societies.

Fictional realities are fluid and malleable and have no fixed or concrete mental structures (other than the structures built to support and reinforce the fiction as real). “Democracy” is a fictional reality because it has no factual nature such a tree or rock. You can make democracy anything you want it to be if you’re in a position to do so, and we see this occurring today in the fictional reality called the “United States.” Many have fought and died to defend the fiction of democracy, because it has been defined as a more beneficial social structure allowing egocentrica mammalian’s more fictional “freedoms.” However, today the fiction of democracy appears to be no different than the fictional reality of “communism,” as observed in present day China, and this is because both tend to operate under the more predominant fictional reality of “capitalism.”

Dissecting fictions for some individuals is a rewarding process, while for others it is terrifying and results in anguish, despair and even suicide, demanding the flight into comfortable, but vapid "spiritual" ideologies, such as Buddhism or its more conceptually complex cousin, Zen. It is all “state dependent” and what mental ‘state’ you consistently experience is dependent on hard-wired neuro-circuits, which you did not construct in childhood and still have nothing to do with in relation to the direction the circuitry takes. Hence, most individuals will cling to their fictions, or simply substitute one fiction for another, up to the final breathe.

However, based on final breathes, often the predetermined causal order will decree death, but with a delayed onset. In these instances of "terminal illness," an individual is afforded the opportunity to rip asunder all fictional realities and see through the veil. This is often described as an "Awakening," when only the barest essential circuits remain to filter perception, thereby, allowing a more panoramic view of the actual facts. However, these folks tend to have no inclination to write books about their “enlightenment” and, hence, we have little info on the process (the psychologist Elizabeth Khubler-Ross is a good source).

Other than the terminally ill, who have burned through the stages of grief to achieve acceptance of finality, finitude, finiteness (burning through the rings of fire to arrive comfortably at the clear center) all other prognosticators of enlightened bliss should be completely ignored as silly self-absorbed adolescents seeking attention (and the list is seemingly infinite).

Imagine what would immediately drop from your life upon knowing that an asteroid was about to hit the earth, decimating all life on the planet? Who would “you” be then? What circuits, crucial to self identification, would immediately be starved of electro-chemical current and die? What would a world facing its impending doom look like? What behaviors would immediately be absent from the world, substituted by other less predominant behaviors?

Dissecting fictions without the benefit of impending doom is much more difficult, because often one must continue to participate in the fiction, while knowing it is entirely delusional and this is quite evident in the fictional realities of employment, work, career, education, etc. To see it clearly and proclaim it fictional is to be utterly alone, surrounded by a world that believes fictional realities as factually necessary aspects of human existence, even though they can be found nowhere in the natural order of a causally predetermined universe that allowed human existence in the first place.

However, be careful how far you go in this endeavor of deconstructing neuro-circuitry, because the end product of your search will inevitably be “you.” But, we're all on that path anyway, so have at it!

Artwork by Tommy Ingberg

Monday, March 17, 2014

Wonderfully Scripted Little Snowflakes

Your thoughts, decisions, emotions, and actions – essentially everything you do—relies on the incredibly complex circuits within your brain. Within these circuits, neurons signal to each other through a process called synaptic neurotransmission, whereby chemicals released by one neuron bind to receptors that are located on a neighboring neuron. This extremely complicated process requires an orchestra of protein interactions and is tremendously quick, taking place over about two thousandths of a second.” LINK
So where are “you” in all that?

Take a minute (or “thousandths of a second”) to locate your ‘self.’ Which specific neurons, receptors or synapses truly represent the “I-me” you identify with as an awesomely special little snowflake?

In what way do you control the synaptic transmissions of 48 billion neurons occurring in “two thousandths of a second”? If the experience of “you,” bouncing around haphazardly somewhere in your head cheese, occurs in “about two thousandths of a second,” are you ever really “there” to control it?
But egocentrica mammalia cannot surrender from the neurally hard-wired illusion that he has control of his thinking and that thoughts don’t just simply arise, but that he chooses exactly what to think, drowning in guilt if the ‘thought’ is not correct, never realizing that surrender of control is his actual freedom, since he never had control in the first place. Just a shadowy wisp of conceptual ‘intentions,’ allowing for a fragile and tenuous illusion of control, belying that he controls absolutely nothing.
The miles of synaptic dendritic matrix that you identify with, and that defines “you,” certainly creates the need for incredible beauty, but only to escape the need for a cranial HELL, and the circuits are so constructed so as to differentiate between both in the delusion that you can “choose” one over the other.

The spiritual purveyors of free-will fantasies continue to proselytize a "choice" to escape from your scripted neuro-circuitry, while the escape plan just gets swallowed up in the tangled electro-chemical mess between your ears, through impulses streaming in “thousandths of a second,” along a trillion miles of dendritic wiring, most having have been constructed long before you even were aware you had a self, but they are undeniably responsible for the kind of self “you” became and will continue to perpetrate.

“You” are not responsible for…anything at all, whatsoever.

Centuries of sacred philosophical and spiritual drivel is being annihilated in one fell swoop by the realization that there is nothing an “I-me” self can do, but exactly what it must do because there has never been a "choice." All your revered, and centuries old, spiritual practices have resulted in nothing but more synaptic transmissions, butting up against one another like a traffic jam on Santa Monica boulevard. Yet,  you had no choice but to plod along wherever the circuits took you, in the delusion that you were choosing a direction, outside that which was predetermined for you.

This idea is so utterly debilitating to some peeps that they have even expressed a desire (in the comment section) that I should “choose” to kill myself, a thought that I have encountered many times in the past. However, that “choice” is obviously not a neurally scripted circuit in my gray matter. Nevertheless, should dendrite connections begin to gradually link up in that direction, I would have no choice but to comply as directed and many have followed just such an arrangement of circuitry, to perform a behavior that was predetermined before they were even born.

Your entire life has been scripted by a predetermined causality that you have no cranial capacity to avert or “think” yourself out of, because those very thoughts are part of the predetermined script.
The script is everything and it’s what you want to be, simply because you've been following it all since birth. Jump off script and you don’t exist and you will do anything to exist, but only as “you.” You will literally fight, and die, to stay on script.

Have you ever wondered why everyday is exactly the same? There is nothing you can be that is not scripted in the neuro-circuitry.  The script defines you because it’s hard-wired in your head. You know nothing else but the script and the script was written long before you were even born.
Would you like to be an enlightened master? Unless it is scripted in the neuro-circuitry, it is entirely impossible and that scripting began long before your existence and even your conception. You did not write the script. The author remains anonymous, except where it has been scripted to be known. Nevertheless, you will do what the script demands, for without the script, you could not exist and existence for egocentrica mammalia is always a scripted affair.
No matter how much you hate the script, you can never leave the script, because the script is “you.” Every single egocentrica mammalian is defined by a script and they play their parts expertly, because it’s hard-wired in their skulls. They can’t leave the script because they can’t exist outside their heads. It’s that simple.

Your life is scripted. You’re pleasure is scripted, just as your pain is scripted. You always know what to do, because what to do is wired into your cranium. You know what to fear and how to fear it, because the synaptic transmissions go only where they must in the universe situated between your ears. “You” exist nowhere else.

Make no mistake my fellow actors, you will follow the script because your lines are crucial to the very continuity of ALL reality and your act has been entirely influenced by the scripts of others, as your lines are absolutely necessary to those who follow your brilliant absurdities.
The show must go on as a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying everything for those who can see the patterns and flow with them.
Do you often wonder why you think the thoughts you do or do the things you do? Can you see the minute causally predetermined antecedents that were required to occur before you could step upon the stage and perform your role? For you to be “born” whole worlds had to be obliterated and the movements of even the most microscopic amoeba had to occur precisely as they occurred, else you would have no script to follow and could not be. Centuries of causally predetermined lines had to have been read exactly as they were for your lines to have significance in the whole performance.

And your death is as crucial to that whole as the evolution of simple organisms into complex. Without your death, similar to your birth, the show cannot go on, as your performance is integral to this entire tale.

You are, most assuredly and without a doubt, a special little snowflake.

Just not for the reasons you think…

Artwork by Igor Morski

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Egocentrica Mammalia: Just a Fart in the Wind

There are many out there today, burning down the house in the ‘desire’ to experience the cold winds of the real. They stand outside watching it burn to the ground and then turn and walk away, with the understanding that they're "done."

Remaining in the comfy warmth of your spirituality keeps the fear at bay, but ignorance is your only reward. 

Like cute cuddly cute kittens huddling in a corner, egocentrica mammalia hides in his fabricated symbols, weaving ever more complex and confabulated fictions that fail to veil the death that started at birth and so, he never really lives, but remains in a comfy cozy trance-like state, till death actually awakens him.

Why wait?

You confidently proclaim your spiritually narcissistic blather completely ignorant of the predetermined causal order that gave you life in the first place. You reverently conform to your historically sanctioned sacred rituals and practices (while still proclaiming you've "let go of  the past") in the desire to achieve “enlightenment,” a state different than the one your in now, but forget that if there were no oxygen you would not be in the state your in now. You sit in your meditative reverie, seeking to transcend your made-up, mundane fictional realities by rising beyond your repetitively entrenched egocentric thought patterns, ignorant of the fact that if the earth stopped spinning you’d soon drop dead. Yet, your spiritual search allows you to deftly deny the undeniable fact that you would not be sitting in your spiritually self-absorbed, splendor-on-high, searching for some conceptualized nebulous state of blissful ignorance, if it weren't for the fact that gravity keeps your butt firmly attached to the floor.

But none of this matters in your narcissistic search for a more conceptually defined (what words can do it justice?) and higher order of narcissistic self-absorption. Egocentrica mammalian’s are the only life form that chronically seek a state of mind other than the one he is now experiencing and, in a millennium, has yet to find. Alas, will he never surrender his search?

Furthermore, that “enlightenment” you must have experienced had nothing to do with you at all and if your brain were not wired-up exactly as it is, and if you had not had the exact prior experiences you have exactly had, down to the tiniest detail which, thereby, rerouted neuro-networks exactly in the way it did, then the experience you claim as “enlightened,” would be no different than that whizbang, jiggy-yahoo orgasm you had following a night of furious fornication (and that too was predetermined).

When you attain that illustrious shift in consciousness, achieving your enlightened state of divine bliss, can you then quit your day job? If not, then how will you incorporate the bliss of “enlightenment” into shelf stocking at Walmart or enhancing you company's bottom line through expert stock picks? When you ascend to this higher, more sacred, state of consciousness, how will that affect the rest of the world? Will the earth continue to turn on its axis or will it pause in its infinite revolving to marvel at your new found, self-defined, psycho-emotional status?

Or are you victim of socio-culturally programmed neuro-circuitry?

And when that moment, long sought, of “awakening" has you struggling for just the right concepts to describe it to everybody, will you become expertly adept at peddling narcissistic drivel at discount rates on Apparently, based on a recent historical perspective, the sole purpose of post-modern, spiritual “enlightenment,” or “awakening,” is to facilitate seminars and post vids on Youtube. What other purpose is served?

Does your “enlightenment” mean anything to the rest of the fooking universe or is it just another useless narcissistic brain fart? If it is intended by an egocentric, how can it be anything BUT egocentric? Nevertheless, it does seem the universe has set aside space for your delusions, else, you would not be deluded.

In fact, many bright and “spiritually” maligned minds claim we are approaching a massive shift in “collective consciousness” and they support this by pointing to the numerous social uprisings occurring around the globe (as if social uprisings are a new feature in the history of egocentrica mammalia). They seem to believe that overturning governments is proof that collective consciousness is somehow “spiritually” shifting, rising, transcending, even though each new fictionally defined “government” repeats the patterns of the last (can this not be observed as a definitive historical fact?).

I keep attempting to watch these “shift in consciousness” videos only to struggle to keep my lunch down as the same useless drivel is spouted with reverence by so-called spiritual teachers. I can only ask, does the predetermined natural order, an order that, if it did not exist neither would you, give a fook about your ability to “vote in free elections”?

The causal order that spawned you is indifferent to your constant whining about “freedom” and demonstrates this indifference by shutting off your heart whenever it damn well pleases and you have no fooking freedom to change that.  But as long as you still have the full capacity to buy boat loads of plastic Chinese sheit, you proudly proclaim you’re free. No doubt when that “freedom' is absent, you too will seek to overthrow governments. Such is the delusional nature of egocentrica mammalia.

After centuries of evolution, post-modern spirituality still looks to the Mayans for truth. Egocentrica mammalia can fly to the moon and back, but still demands 2nd century Buddism inform him how to conduct his life. Egocentrica has tomes of technologically advanced knowledge stored in countless libraries, with the ultimate potential to save everybody and everything on earth, but still relies on a 2000 year old book for its most significant data on how to organize and conduct his life.

Is egocentrica mammalia a causally ordered fooking joke? If so, why does he take himself so seriously? Why can’t egocentrica laugh too?

Why not choose an ideology that provides evidence to support its facts. Why not look to neuroscience, which is rapidly demonstrating that you have no choice in what you believe, since all belief is provided to you from birth and hard-wired into the fibrous fatty tissue betwixt your ears.

Or look to the ideologies of medicine, which demonstrates that, with billions of hormonal, electro-chemical, cellular, molecular, neuronal, dendritic, etc, etc, actions taking place in the body, there is no point in time for which a ‘self’ makes a choice separate from these processes and all of these processes actually serve to define the exact ‘choice’ being made by that ‘self,’ external to any specific deliberation or intention.

If these processes occur entirely without autonomous egocentric “choice,’ what makes you think a “you” exists at all? If science can determine what you think before you think it, then who or what is actually thinking? Where do your thoughts come from, if not “you”? If it ain’t “I-me,” then who or what is doing all this fooking useless thinking that leads to nothing but more useless suffering?

Is the same WILL that intends the planetary orbit around the sun not evident in you?

I have no more responsibility for the sheit I write on this blog, than you have in complaining about what I write on this blog (in the comment section). But I can see with crystal clarity the predetermined causal factors that have led me to write this ridiculous drivel (and not a serious bone in my bod cares a spit). Can you see the predetermined variables that have led you to leave your insipid comment? Something brought you here and keeps you coming back for more. What electro-chemical impulses are being stimulated? What parts of your brain are literally lighting up as you read this, while for others, not even the barest of sparks?

There are some who are getting very close to understanding this WILL, which is only a hop, skip and a jump to the end of “you.” Those peeps are hanging by a fragile tenuous tether, in which any wrong move could snap it completely.

Then what?

An egocentric ‘self’ contingent on free-willed, deliberate, intentionally, self-determined choice is like a fart on a windy day, gone before you can get a good waft of the wretched stench, leaving you to wonder…

…did that fart really exist after all?

Artwork by Mark Ryden

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Electrified Goop of Egocentrica Mammalia

Alas, egocentrica mammalian wants to be more than an electro-chemical mass of grey goop, housed in a calcium shell, and so he actually formulates neuro-circuits within that goop to prove he is more than a fissured fatty deposit.

Over many centuries he developed language circuits for which to devise, and babble about incessantly, ever more complex and complicated concepts  like “consciousness,” “mind,” “thought,” “intellect,” (and even “concept”) as a means of removing himself from the mechanistic processes that he has absolutely no control over, yet cannot exist without.

There is nothing in the universe that is NOT material and egocentrica mammalia is an electro-chemical, gaseous bag (molecular material) of skin-encapsulated organic cellular tissue, entirely directed by a force, he deludes himself into “thinking,” he has control of, as opposed to it completely controlling him.

Egocentrica mammalia maintains the absurd belief that his ‘self’ is more than just electrified brain circuits. Hence, he conceptualizes all manner of immateriality, i.e., consciousness, subconsciousness, mind, thinking, conscience, soul, spirit, non-duality, enlightenment,  etc, etc, as a means of reinforcing his innate programmed narcissistic drive to assert dominion over all he surveys and, obviously, grant himself permission to destroy all he surveys, based on whatever sociopathic whim takes his fancy, directly associated with the socio-cultural programming of the time period he was thrust into by no choice of his own, but that he cannot disengage with (since it's tucked up in his skull).

We have electro-chemical impulses wildly dashing, hither and thither, through neurally charged gelatinous tissue and those impulses entirely influenced by external stimuli and, subsequently, influencing other previously formed circuits, respond as programmed, thereby, acting upon the universe in ways decreed by that causal order.

Hence, all ego-centered experience is nothing more than an electro-chemical 'experience’ of brain processes or the brain experiencing its own electro-chemical transmissions. These 'experiences" are then run through language circuits to provide "concepts" for which to superimpose upon the experiences and make them all peachy keen special.

Your entire life is made up of experiences you apply concepts to as a means of actually knowing the experience, but only conceptually. You have never really experienced anything at all, because thought happens before you think it. Therefore, a fearful thought is devoid of the experience that caused it and what is feared is the concept superimposed upon the experience.

The "thought" impulses that led to Einstein's E=mc2 are no different, electro-chemically, than the thought processes which demanded he perform his morning bowel movement. Neurally charged electro-chemical impulses transmitting through miles of microscopic dendritic wiring, subsequently, arriving in the brain’s language centers with the conceptualization, “damn, I gotta take a shit.” Language has always been egocentrica’s greatest curse, because it demands every brain stimulated impulse have a label (like “shit”)
Sorry, but you really aren’t the awesomely unique snowflake you’d like to think you are and, it’s that narcissistically unique circuitry that is your main obstacle in experiencing the causal order on its terms and not based on the symbolic concepts you superimpose upon your experience of the predetermined causal order. The natural order reflects no such narcissism and it is unique to egocentrica mammalian condition, but only in relation to overpopulation and self-extinction, which their narcissism immanently portends as a future inevitability.

Hence, even a "concept" itself is material, being made up entirely of electrified chemical transmissions that the electro-chemical “self” has no control over. A "thought" is an electrically charged impulse and “mind” is itself nothing more than aggregate brain processing in electrified goop, obviously experienced in your head. As neurons fire off in my language centers, allowing me to string together concepts from my memory banks, I can feel my cranium encased thinking-cap hard at work, in this very moment, making some kind of fooking sense outa all this sheit.

However, I have no delusion of some nebulous experience called “mind” or “consciousness,” simply neuronal transmissions zipping around in my skull and so, I have little to worry about in terms of what pops up in my head, since what pops up will inevitably pop up with no help from “me,” as is always the case. I just sit back and wait to see what arises because something always does. It’s guaranteed!

The same impulse transmissions that bounce around in a cat’s cranium dance around in your head, except you apply language circuits to experiences that allow you to conceptualize fictional realities, or symbolic fabrications, that are meaningful to a fictional “I-me,” but mean absolutely nothing to the cat or any other entity in nature. Clearly the natural order takes a long hard, but totally indifferent, piss on your self-actualizing fictionally symbolic parade of dreams, goals and aspirations.
Yet, egocentrica mammalian’s do not wish to be deconstructed into nothing more than electro-chemical processes in membranous grey goop. Egocentrica demands that, somewhere deep in his neuronally charged thinking-cap there exists a sacred “soul,”  or divine “spirit” and he proclaims that much of his thinking is not normal impulse transmissions, but truly “spiritual” and sacred.

When he “meditates,” (concept) and thereby, seeks to control his neuro-circuitry, he attaches grave significance to this goal as a means to further increase his narcissistic, self-absorbed fictional self-actualizing through empty symbolic practices. Yet, he merely need observe the undaunted repose of a stationary house cat to realize there is nothing “spiritual” about it, since the domestic house cat has no prescribed ritualistic practices and simply sits still until some instinctually programmed demand takes over.

But, alas, and to his detriment, egocentrica mammalian’s cannot simply sit still. On the contrary, their predetermined role in the causal order is to invent symbolic realities for which to perform activities so as to self-actualize a fictional self that has its actual origin in brain circuitry. 

Egocentrica’s neural programming demand actions and behaviors be productive (thereby, reinforcing fictional realities and associated symbolic actions) and have meaning outside that as provided by a predetermined causal order that caused his very existence to ‘happen’ in the first place. Hence, he must devise a constructive concept to give meaning and purpose to any stillness he proposes to engage and he does this, over and over, ad nauseam, until he loses focus on what anything means.

To sit on your fat arse and do nothing must have a productive outcome or product, hence, egocentric stillness must be sacred and have profound implications. Egocentrica can’t just sit his ass down and stop fooking with everything. On the contrary, his not fooking with everything must lead to something special that only he finds productive, because his patently absurd symbolic meanings can be found nowhere else in the natural world.

As a result, egocentrica mammalian’s ‘sitting still’ has now become a purposeful endeavor called meditation, involving all manner of hocus pocus, voodoo “chakras,”  levels of consciousness, enlightened states, etc, in complete ignorance of the fact that all this empty conceptual sheit is happening right there in the 3lbs of fat packed tightly between his ears.

Egocentrica dances about in euphoria over his newly found “spiritual awakening,” never once considering the neurochemical interactions of dopamine and serotonin, swimming around in his skull that made this bliss bunny state possible. Nope, it definitely was not the actions of neuro-circuitry, but the Great Pumpkin of Universal Divine Cosmic Oneness that gave him his “enlightenment.”

But fear not egocentrica mammalians of the world!

Your ludicrous conceptions of an immaterial universe are part of that predetermined causal order. Your silly conceptual babbling about enlightenment, awakening, non-duality, etc, are causally ordered for cosmic joviality. Your inane meanings and purposes have provided the always unfolding causal order with centuries of comic relief. Your constant need to self-actualize a symbolic entity you call “I-me” has always been on the predetermined causal menu and the universe absorbs all your symbolic sufferings with complete indifference….and maybe a few shits and giggles.

Can you see your purpose yet?

Doesn’t matter though, you’re doing it whether you see it or not.

Artwork by Christophe