Can one “thought” be more important than another “thought”
if all such impulses originate in the same place (brain) and are composed of
the same electrochemical ‘stuff’? Is a thought impulse to meditate any more
significant or profound than the thought impulse to pick a bugger from your
nose? Both result in an action, however, you’re programmed to feel a tad bit
guilty about digging around in your face. Is guilt nothing more than hating the
thought impulses that arise in your head in the belief you have a choice in
what impulses your brain provides and when?
Every experience you have ever had, you had in the brain.
No matter where you were, you were only ‘there’ in your
brain and every place you ever visited was experienced by you because of that
3lb lump between your ears. All the woohoo, whizbangs you got from years of
vigilant spiritual practices, were provided to you exclusively in the fissured
fat housed firmly in your cranium.
The very “self’ you identify with, is a direct result of billions
of microscopic neurons all linked up with one another generating different
impulses from different experiences and storing that information for future use
and “you” will rely on this information throughout your entire life, much of it
without conscious intent because you had no choice in the formation of your
brain circuitry and, hence, no choice in what it provides.
You experience yourself in a brain and even bodily
sensations and impulses are brain processed. Every emotion is generated in your
brain through unique circuitry linked up in your head, processing responses in
nano-seconds in ways that only you could experience and no one else.
Seems you really are a unique little snowflake after all!
Unfortunately, “you” exist as nothing more than a brain and
have no personal responsibility beyond the impulses that brain provides. You are
free of all guilt, shame and remorse for all the nasty sheit you did wrong your
entire life simply because you have never had personal responsibility for the
thoughts that arise in your head. Everything you did had to have been done
exactly as “you” did it and it couldn’t have been done otherwise.
So why suffer?
Did you decide to have that thought before you had it or did
it just simply happen? Do you choose a thought before you think it or has every
thought been influenced by other thoughts themselves influenced by external
events resulting in programmed responses?
Have you ever had a thought that was not directly influenced by external events, including bodily impulses? Have you ever had a thought that you could proclaim was the result of your being a unique little snowflake and was not influenced by external events and programmed responses?
The raw brute reality of the naturally occurring causal
order is a fact that we are not particularly fond of and we employ fictional
realities to escape that fact, requiring each programmed fiction be linked up to a myriad
of other circuits, all influencing one another.
You have attached to numerous fictional realities to aid in
getting out of your head. Most intentions to control thought are motivated to
relieve you of thought impulses you do not wish to think and you don’t like the fact that
we have no control over our thinking. It’s not that you don’t like your life, it’s that you don’t
like the ‘thought’ impulses bouncing around in head cheese that inform you that
your life sucks. You then look to fictions to redirect electrochemical impulses.
Such fictions can be found in religio-spiritual ideologies which often seek to
emphasize egocentric consciousness as something special and unique and outside
the predetermined causal order. Or we just turn our brain over to the TV, which
then externally influences the direction of neuro-circuit impulses and this is
why egocentrics require entertainment to escape their own non-volitional brain
Yet, no matter how you seek to escape your mind, practice
your thought control techniques, meditate for hours, pretend to “be in the
now,” study scripture, chant your mantra, do the rosary, achieve “no mind,” etc,
etc, etc, blah, blah, blah, you can’t escape the raw brute reality of living in
an indifferent causal order along with other egocentrics who seem to always
find a way to fook up your kumbaya plans for enlightenment, generating brain
impulses you do not want to ‘think,’ but can’t avoid and, hence, grit and grind
But am I not in control of these words I write? I learned
these words and, hence, they were provided to me, each one generated and
contained by its own neuro-circuit in the language centers of the brain. Your
brain-centered, electrochemical ‘thought’ impulses were given to you and there
are only so many ways words/concepts can be strung together to generate ‘meaning.’
But what lifelong series of events brought me to this point in which my brain
is utilizing neuro-circuits to string together these words in just this way? Am
I really in control of impulses that motivate other impulses that generate
these sentences?
However, many claim that this mechanistic engagement with
the predetermined causal order (God?) is just another story. Yet, is the fact
that the sun rises and sets simply another story? Possibly, if we stretch the
imagination far enough we can come up with all kinds of other hocus pocus
conclusions to explain that fact (and there are many such stories out there).
However, we cannot deny it is a fact that you use to conduct your entire life,
every day of your life. Days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, etc,
are all fictional boundaries not found in nature, but based on a rising and
setting sun and necessary for egocentric existence in a fictional social paradigm.
So when science completely deconstructs and reduces the ‘self’ to a simple, mechanistic brain process, what stories will be told and how will we live out our lives knowing this as a fact similar to the rising and setting of the sun?
Will you hate science for taking "you" away from your "self"? Will “you” still struggle mightily to consider your ‘self’
a special little snowflake, demanding everyone else see you as such, else you will 'feel' bad? When it is
discovered that the ‘self’ is merely a location in a cranium, and has nothing
to do with agency, because no free-will exists amongst billions of neurons
transmitting impulses based on influences beyond the brain’s control (as it
has been programmed to do) along trillions of dendrite wires, how will you
conduct your life?
Will it make a difference knowing you have no free-will in what you think and do and that you are nothing but a puppet directed by a predetermined causal order that preceded your existence, but granted that existence nevertheless?
Will you be “happier” knowing there’s really nobody up
there and that it makes no difference what you “think”? Will you finally
experience the freedom that not having a ‘self’ to contend with provides? Will
what you ‘do,’ no longer take on grave significance upon recognition that there
is no ‘doer’ of anything ever done? And if no ‘doer’ ever did anything, will
you experience an incredible relief for all the “bad” things you did that still
require you experience guilt and remorse? Will the hatred for those who have
‘done’ wrong to you simply dissolve into thin air because there is no longer
anyone to blame? How much attention will “you” require when there is no “you.”
What will the world be like when no one considers themselves special little snowflakes?