Friday, May 15, 2009

I Am "Spiritually Humble." Therefore, You Must Love ME

Everything another does is a direct reflection of your ‘self.’

Oh sure, we’d all like to detach from the context of our perception of others and, thereby, minimize guilt for past actions or inactions, but the fact is that the world is a reflection of the contents of your mind. Your experience of the world is a reflection of your belief system and the world reflects this system in flashing neon colors.

The concept of an individual “unconscious” simply makes it easy to detach from what we perceive by denying responsibility for our own perceptions, "I see hell, but it ain't part of me. Sorry I ain't taking no responsibility for making it real!"

It is so easy and comforting to know that it’s ‘others’ who cause all the havoc and chaos in the world, since your fear and hatred are quietly tucked away in a safe place (unconscious) and your "spirituality" aids in this denial of responsibility.

It’s their greed, insensitivity and ignorance that makes the world a truly despicable experience (notice I didn’t say “place” since space-coordinates make it easy to dissociate from experience). It’s their lack of love that creates a world of violence and cruelty. If they would just get their act together we could all live happily ever after. It’s not you, it’s them!

I mean, for crying out loud, can’t everyone see how spiritually humble you are? Geez!

The idea that you need simply detach from your perceptions of others, or the associative belief system that determines your judgments of others, and be free of their crap is an idea bordering on absurdity. As if that were even possible. Ha!

But this is your knee-jerk response and this type of spiritual bypassing is no different from the ‘I got mine’ consumeristic attitude which has resulted in our current economic collapse and quite possibly the end of the world as we know it.

If you see aspects of hell, then clearly you believe hell is possible and therefore, it is your experience, no matter who you perceive as manifesting a particular aspect of hell, thereby, permitting you to blame them for your experience and massage your humble innocent egoic self.

The ego’s need to insure and prove its innocence is downright nauseating and it's all over the damn place.

Time to get real.

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