Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Circuitry of Consciousness: Alternating vs Direct Current (metaphor)

The self-construct (“you”) was NOT conceived apart from a world of other egos. Such a reciprocal exchange makes us exclusively “other-referencing” and even in our most isolated egocentric moments we are drawn to one another through the circuit that connects us.

The content of every individual mind is a story of birth and death and this is available to all minds. Everything in between is only meaningless filler, simply because it makes no difference to the story of birth and death.

However, it may be very meaningful to “you.”

Nevertheless, others define you as you define them and this is occurring moment to moment since you became aware of an individual ego-self ‘existence” (an existence in which other egos were necessary to your awareness of a ‘self’). This circuit of consciousness has no direct source, but is an “alternating current” infinitely connecting all minds.

However, the ego can misinterpret the circuit as “direct current.” The ego demands division from the circuit through which it constructed itself in order to experience itself as exclusive-to-itself. It misinterprets alternating current by asserting a direct line from itself to itself, assuming total authority of itself, by itself. This negates all but the most minimal of influence from, (or to) others, making it easy for the ego to maintain its narcissistic “existence” in contrast to other egos and this is why there is a tendency to keep our thoughts undisclosed and private.

Of course, this is delusional, since all current alternates between minds and experience is constructed based on that exchange. This is why all experiences must agree or else we could not communicate.

The egocentric self-construct must always interpret alternating current as direct, otherwise its belief in a localized self-consciousness would be dissolved and it would be privy to the content of other localized minds as they would be aware of the content of its consciousness. To believe that localized content is available to other localized minds, would be to end egocentric existence entirely and this is a very fearful idea to an ego glorified in its individual exclusivity.

But is there really exclusivity to your experiences? Although you certainly interpret your experiences as exclusive to “you,” is this actually the case or is it merely a grandiose egocentric delusion? Your thoughts are different from mine in relation to time, but are they different in relation to content?

Although the circuit of consciousness is infinite, we limit what can be experienced thereby setting limits to consciousness. We agree that we cannot “move mountains” and no individual has ever done so (except maybe through dynamite).

This explains the brief psychologically paranormal experiences often reported by individuals, such as precognition or past lives. What occurs in these atypical instances is that individuals attain brief contact with the circuit’s alternating current. Such experiences are beyond the usual realm of direct current and can be disorienting and sometimes shocking to the normalized and conventionally conditioned ego-self.

Hence, experiences of awakening are nothing more than brief disorienting experiences of alternating current, as opposed to direct current, resulting in all manner of abnormal, atypical, and seemingly miraculous, encounters. Nevertheless, this can only shock the normalized ego back into directly continuing to assert itself as direct source of itself. This is why experiences of “awakening” or “enlightenment” never last. An Individual will revert all experiences into direct current, thereby, interrupting the charge.

Direct current automatically imposes time constrictions making experiences finite, temporal and conventionally expected. However, alternating current, running between minds, has no restrictions, limits or conditions and so it is very unexpected. When individuals serendipitously and spontaneously find themselves briefly experiencing this alternating current, they are afforded momentary glimpses of other minds and really nothing more than this, since there is really only One Mind. This experience is not thought based, since our thoughts are oriented entirely on direct current. However, it is an experience of the circuit of which we are all connected. Therefore, contrary to egocentric individualism, we are entirely the same (metaphysically speaking, of course)

Welcome to the Grand illusion
Come on in and see what's happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the band starts playing
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star.

But don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how your life should be
But they're just someone else's fantasy
So if you think your life is complete confusion

Because you never win the game
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...

So if you think your life is complete confusion
Because your neighbors got it made
Just remember that it's a Grand illusion
And deep inside we're all the same.
We're all the same...

America spells competition, join us in our blind ambition
Get yourself a brand new motor car
Someday soon we'll stop to ponder what on Earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder who the hell we are


  1. Mike,

    I wonder if value is the same as meaning. I see a distinction, somehow. This post here has value when considering things as circuitry. Suddenly, I think of a light switch going off and then on over and over from room to room in the corridor of That corridor which everything and everyone seems to glide through. It may be better to glide than to try and arrange through it.

    It was interesting to read the paranormal experiences as part of that current. Again, it seems to fall into that Nature-Divine circuitry that somehow seems self-evident during the gliding travel.

    Again, I find value in this writing opposed to any particular meaning. I like that
    feeling, somehow.


  2. Hi Mike,

    Whether it's the story of direct current or alternating current or seemingly paranormal experiences or being entirely honest (not necessarily truthful) about our content through the usual tools of conceptual communication or being tightly closed... doesn't matter. It's the same thing, in a different guise, interpreted however it is interpreted.

    Experiences of enlightenment or awakening may not last, but that depends on what you are labeling certain experiences.

    Wonderful, thought-provoking post Mike.

    Love, Suzanne

  3. No One

    "Experiences of enlightenment or awakening may not last, but that depends on what you are labeling certain experiences."

    I thought that " doesn't matter"?

  4. Nahnni,

    "Again, it seems to fall into that Nature-Divine circuitry that somehow seems self-evident during the gliding travel."

    Indeed...just glide and let the current take you.

    Kinda Taoist I suppose...

  5. "Kinda Taoist I suppose"

    Admittedly so. Sad to say, I'm not very good at it, though. It's the distractions from the glide that kind of trips a person up...every single time.

    Blessings to you and yours, Mike~
