Friday, May 14, 2010

A Self-Actualized Hell

Technology has allowed the ego-self to become more comprehensive in its endless pursuit of self-actualization. The ego is fixated on techno-gadgetry and finds technology a more advantageous relationship than engaging with other egos (except for mechanistic processes such as sex). Technology has paved the way for complete self-absorption and the growing dis-ease of alienated minds estranged from one another

But this benefits the egocentric self, because it has become increasingly repulsed by relationships, often dissolving correspondence at the slightest provocation. Intimate understanding recedes to the background as strangers merely share time and space in bodily proximity (and even this has become threatening).

The chief goal of every ego is to self-actualize. Self-actualization is consistently facilitated through what the world offers in order to experience the ‘self’ as actual, real and truly ‘living.’ The experiences we seek do not simply reflect existence (since any ‘thing’ can exist) but a conscious egocentric experience of being “alive.”

The ego wants to be TRUE, but the very fact that it seeks experiences for which to make itself TRUE, proves it’s FALSE and not actual…and really nothing at all.

The ego, thus, projects meaning upon its experiences in order to magnify the experience itself, which when acquired, magnifies the ego. However, much of what it seeks to magnify it does so in order to possess or acquire, because experiences must be located and brought into consciousness from an “outside.” The ego is never satiated and every experience of acquisition or possession only reinforces the need for acquiring additional experiences of self-actualization.

This is the egocentric self-actualizing hell the ego constructs through the mind's capacity to experience. Since all experiences have a result or outcome for which to prove acquisition, it is extremely difficult for the ego to play the world’s games and NOT require an outcome be acquired or possessed. 

The infinite player does not seek experiences for which to self-actualize, but seeks experiences for which to share. The infinite player actualizes by engaging players to determine truth. If it cannot be equally shared, it cannot be true. This leads to a self-mutualization in which the truth of any experience is measured by how many can share in the experience together. Infinite players realize that the individual experience of truth as nothing more than fear-based delusion.

The world is inundated with individual claims of discovering “truth” (enlightenment or awakening) none of which can be shared, but only boastfully proclaimed and chronically talked about. At the same time technology increases the dilution and shallowness of any exchange of truth that could be engaged through relationship. The finite world becomes an experience of numbing, mindless, self-actualizing zombies all competing for control, consistently pressing the self into a delusional “world.”

The truth is in relationship and awaits your engagement with it. 

Infinite players play with the rules of relationship in order to dissolve boundaries and go deeper in the understanding that there are NO limits to how deep two or more can go. Your awakening is through others and not for an individual ego-self. Truth is found between minds and not locked up in any one cranium.

There are many "proprietors of truth" in the world. Yet, note that following their exciting “enlightened” episode, the self-proclaimed wise ones immediately begin engaging others (even Jed McKenna, the king of disengagement, needed to write books). The ego may claim this as the need to “teach,” but under this egocentric subterfuge is the irresistible desire to deeply engage with others in relationship. Your mystical experience is a lesson in engagement, even though the ego seeks sole possession.

You were created from extension and you have a natural affinity to extend. Infinite players are not bound by rules invented to constrict and limit. Infinite players extend beyond rules (even while following rules), while finite players are captured and constricted by rules and limits. Self-actualization is an egocentric rule that extends nothing, but constricts the self and impedes extension. Your self-actualization is in relationship with a world of other minds waiting to extend to you.

There is where you will find the truth that belongs to everyone.


  1. could you say that dharmma dueling was created especially because of that need? whitout falling into old stuff

  2. "could you say that dharmma dueling was created especially because of that need? whitout falling into old stuff."

    Indeed, Buddhism and Zen have been clearly co-opted by the ego.

  3. what does that mean?

  4. "what does that mean?"

    that about sums it up.... :))


  5. co-opted : To neutralize or win over (an independent minority, for example) through assimilation into an established group or culture.
    So they win? and they reinforce there status of winners by dueling?
