Friday, May 21, 2010

The “Ego” has Landed and Mother Maya is Happy

Our shared world seems to be rapidly deteriorating. This is a clear indication that, contrary to the numerous attempts at unification and mutual exchange, egocentric division, alienation and estrangement, are escalating globally.

A preponderance of evidence seems to demonstrate that, in fact, the ego has landed and all attempts to redirect the collective consciousness to dissociate from fear in a unified reconciliation seem to be fading.

South Korea recently announced that one of their warships was sunk by a North Korean torpedo and they are calling for severe consequences. North Korea denies, proclaiming that any consequences might precipitate all out war. In the meantime, President Obama has just sent a carrier fleet to reinforce troop and armament buildup along the borders of Iran, while still engaged in war with Iraq and Afghanistan. Worse yet, civil unrest and mass uprisings in Slovenia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Greece, Spain, Ireland and now France, are beginning to build steam against the IMF’s demand for “austerity measures” in countries that are financially bankrupt, while banks continue to reap astronomical profits.

Cities, states and even whole countries are making severe cuts to social services in an attempt to balance budgets that are billions of dollars in default and many may eventually declare total bankruptcy. Militia groups are on the rise, while sales of guns and survival products increase. Home foreclosures and bankruptcies are reaching historic levels and, despite the U.S. governments desperate attempts to camouflage the truth, the unemployment statistics rise weekly causing tens of thousands to rely on food stamps. All while millions of barrels of precious “black gold” spill into the gulf in what many consider the gravest ecological disaster in the history of the United States.

All our usual pathetic attempts at control, based on imaginary money and threats of war, are slowly increasing, thereby, allowing egocentric chaos to escalate. Desperation results in the chaos of hysteria and rage, fueled by ever increasing levels of fear.

The egocentric belief system is composed entirely of fear-based needs and, as fulfilling those needs begins to appear hopeless, the ego-self must seek to impose ever greater levels of control upon a delusional world. The egos only response to fear is more control, which then fuels more fear. Currently, we see egocentric, fear-based governments and financial monopolies beginning to apply ever greater control over economies and territories. This can only escalate on a global scale as individual egos collude to counter control measures through application of their own chaotic means of control.

To the fear-based egocentric mind, surrendering control as a means of reducing fear is preposterous and absurd. But this is exactly what must occur, for change to ever be perceived in a fear-based delusional world fixated on lack, loss and scarcity. 

Unfortunately, the likelihood of a collective consciousness dissolving fear-based belief systems of control seems essentially non-existent, since the postmodern age has evolved almost entirely from fear-based systems imposing control through technological advances. The ego-self has come to rely on technology to sustain its delusion of ‘existence,’ even though technology has also increased the chances of its destruction. Because of technology, relationships have receded to the background as advanced methods of achieving monetary wealth (high frequency trading, credit default swaps, etc) and more ingenious methods of waging war (high altitude drones, GPS guided missiles, etc) have proliferated.

The purpose of your existence, that of engaging in the infinite, spirit-enhancing depth of relationship, has been almost completely deleted from the mind by the egocentric fear-based need for ever greater levels of control. Engaging in a unifying exchange, under a banner of “oneness,” seems to have disappeared from the collective horizon. Now we are turning to the “Lifeboat” paradigm of every man (ego) for himself.

As we gradually begin to descend down Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs” (as opposed to ascent), fear based physical survival and safety will be considered paramount by egocentric minds and the concept of a 2012 will begin to seem no longer conspiratorial or crazy. Fear is a collective contagion that spreads like wildfire, creating self-preservation “memes” in the collective consciousness, easily enlisting cultures around the globe in an orgy of fear-based thought processing and self-preserving judgments. Racism, xenophobia and bigotry will reappear and nationalistic fervor will reinforce boundaries and limit communication between countries, states, cities and even small villages. Suspicious strangers do not communicate well, if at all. However, they are adept at exchanging destruction on a mass scale.

Unfortunately, even the most advanced spiritually enlightened mind is still a product of collective consciousness and if we ALL go down, rest assured, no one will be left behind. Make no mistake, the world is a product of collective belief.

Mother Maya (the delusion of ‘appearances’) counts on our collective fear and the more you fear the world, the more delusional and insane it must appear. For quite some time it seemed the Mother was content with our absurd lives of suffering through superficial materialism and nationalistic conquest, but she has become bored with the old games and wishes to witness the “shock and awe” of egocentric physical survival in a techno-fascist world. The Mother feeds on our fear and as our fear grows… she grows.

Control is a finite game that demands an outcome, but infinite players do NOT seek outcomes. Infinite players play with boundaries, limits and rules and they lack the serious intent necessary to win the finite rewards the world claims as “real.” The illusory world of Maya is about boundaries, limits and rules. Therefore, Maya cares little for infinite players, because they lack the fear necessary to keep up appearances and, for Mother Maya, it’s ALL about appearances.

Infinite players do not fear appearances, simply because they desire nothing from what appears, except to play with it, infinitely. This absence of fear tends to change what appears, because the infinite player has no interest in controlling appearances. But they are deeply engaged with everything that appears, because they do not fear what they SEE.

There is really only one choice (but even that may be too late to reverse our present course). Egocentric fear must be nullified so that reunification can occur and relationship become the purpose of ‘existence' (what other purpose could there be?). The world needs more infinite players in order to dissolve the boundaries and limits of finite games.

Demonstrate to yourself and those you relate with that there is NO need for control, simply because here is NO need for fear. As fear recedes, appearances must change because it is fear that makes them real. Play infinitely with your fear, but do not resist what appears.

There is still time to change your mind, but minds must be changed if we wish to change appearances.

Artwork by Terrance Lindall - "The Stone Eater"


  1. Hope it will be a bit bigger than the 2000 year bug tho, otherwise big disapointment, maby it will put some cracks in the religious field who knows or i'm a bit too optimistic...

  2. There's a lot of doom and gloom in the news, and a lot of balancing hope and light that doesn't sell papers or keep folks tuned into the Evening News. The world has been forever going down the toilet, according to some imaginations. That the world seems teetering on the edge of what imagination has made real - absolute destruction or absolute transcendence are both absolutely, concretely possible - is just the fruits of what can be explored (played with) despite fear.

  3. I'd say you've rarely been accused of being an optomist Mike.

    A pessimist is one who feels bad when they feel good, for fear of feeling worse when they get better.

    Sound familiar?

  4. "Hope it will be a bit bigger than the 2000 year bug tho, otherwise big disapointment, maby it will put some cracks in the religious field who knows or i'm a bit too optimistic..."

    Indeed, big hopes on the Y2K break down, but, alas, nuthin'
    Hopefully 2012 will really zap the collective mind.


  5. "The world has been forever going down the toilet..."

    Yep, and we might be getting weary of all that this time.


  6. "A pessimist is one who feels bad when they feel good, for fear of feeling worse when they get better."

    Sorry Andy, but a pessimist is "a person who habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy."

    But I love how you improvise your own definition of common terms.

