Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fabricating Your Fixations

The ego is essentially a fabricated fixation. To "fixate" is to lock in on a point (belief) as opposed to, and in contrast with, other points (other beliefs). In order to exist the ego-self requires fixed points or coordinates. Therefore, it unravels an experience of time/space (body-world) through which to perpetuate its self-construct in contrast to other fixed constructs. The ego-self essentially knows itself through what it contrasts WITH and without contrast you could not exist as a fabricated fixation.

But the constructs which the ego employs to contrast itself against, are as much a fabrication as IT IS. 

To fixate on itself, the ego requires fixation on a contrasting world through which identification of self would be easily referenced as unique and exclusive from all other fabrications.

From these two contrasting fixations (self and world) the ego unraveled numerous other subsequent fixations which exponentially multiply and, thus, confirm its existence as FACT. These experiential fixations continue to become ever more complex (and ever more patently absurd) and can be seen to be increasing with TIME.

Yet, you don’t experience your ‘self’ as an imaginary fixation and the egocentric mind must deny that IT would ever be involved in such vapid, self-absorption. Therefore, the ego does something quite ingenious in order to maintain this fixation (that requires NO conscious intervention or awareness from “you")

It merely requires that you fixate on what the world offers and ITS existence falls neatly into place.

You will never doubt your ‘self’ as long as you experience a world through which to contrast “you.” Remember, the ego knows itself through what it contrasts with and, therefore, it need only facilitate the fixation on a contrasting “outside” world (space/time) to reinforce its fixation on ITSELF. Therefore, all that need occur is for you to simply VALUE what the world offers and, Viola! you remain deeply immured and fixated on the ego as the means TO perceive value and KNOW YOUR ‘SELF.’ By judging contrasts, your existence is assured as “real.” For how would “you” know a “world” if not from the shelter of a fixed “self”?

You can go ahead and doubt your ‘self’ all you want. If the world is REAL, so must “you” be. 

There is only one problem with this system. The ego-self constructs the very fixations through which “you” know your ‘self.’ Only you must continue to remain ignorant of that fact and the world is the ego's 'gift of denial.' If you were to ever realize that you are origin of ALL experience, the ego would instantly dissolve (since it's only a fabrication). So how does the ego-self deny that IT constructs the fixations for which it contrasts itself?

By constructing ever more complex fabrications in order to achieve ever greater fixation.

You live in a techno-postmodern world where even experiences that were once considered true, are now determined false, while the false begins to seem suddenly true. Soon you will be utterly confused by what is true or false and this confusing fluctuation between fact and fiction is beginning to occur on a daily basis, as the world’s “truth” becomes obfuscated and seemingly manipulated. The world begins to seem ever more absurd, keeping you ever more firmly fixated in what is ‘out’ there, as opposed to any experience… WITHIN.

The ego is fabricator of dualistic experience. Egocentric fixations have now become so intricately complex as to seem beyond denial and if the world is beyond denial, the ego IS also beyond denial and this complexity only builds upon itself through time (since this is the egos purpose for time). If the ego-self is denied, its constructs of experience must also be denied. Yet, your continued affirmation of the world only continues to re-confirm the 'ego-self' and the world makes “you” true.

Through your fixation on this complex absurdity, the ego will simply keep you fixated on the world through FEAR. Through fear, you will only construct more fixations, as a means of extricating yourself from fear, but only keeping you in denial of the egos need for contrasting fixations to insure it’s ‘reality.’

By understanding ego dynamics you can understand your experience of the world and this is the only means of changing the world.

To play infinitely IN the world, is to play infinitely WITH your experience of the world. There is NO difference between the two. It is to play WITH your constructs of experience and the rules which keep you fixated on the games of the world. To remain fixated on your fabrications is to no longer play freely and those who do not play freely... NOT ‘play' at all.

Artwork by Madeline Von Foerster - "Esentia Exaltata


  1. It seems that the ego can do a good imitation of "the origin of all experience". A difficult one to blunder out of. But fun tying!

  2. This ego thing. No wonder we fear the court jester in our darkest dreams. Speaking of which, the images you choose as companion to your posts, well, quite court jesterly.

    "You live in a techno-postmodern world where even experiences that were once considered true, are now determined false, while the false begins to seem suddenly true. Soon you will be utterly confused by what is true or false and this confusing fluctuation between fact and fiction is beginning to occur on a daily basis, as the world’s “truth” becomes obfuscated and seemingly manipulated. The world begins to seem ever more absurd, keeping you ever more firmly fixated in what is ‘out’ there, as opposed to any experience… WITHIN."

    And you wonder why I would make a comparison to the Chesire Cat. Well, there you have it.

    Anyway, this is an utterly amazing post. It takes one in. I like what No One In Particular said..."a difficult one to blunder out of." Truly so.


  3. "It seems that the ego can do a good imitation of "the origin of all experience". A difficult one to blunder out of. But fun tying!"

    Good point!

    We blundered in...

    So I suppose we'll blunder out.

    If it happens, it'll probably be by accident.


  4. "And you wonder why I would make a comparison to the Chesire Cat. Well, there you have it."

    Yes, that's becoming clear to me now. The comparison is accurate.

