Friday, September 3, 2010

The Invisible Mind

(post reprinted from Intimate Awakening which is no longer in operation)

Your problem is NOT that you have a body, but that the body has subordinated your mind. You believe the mind invisible and only the body can be SEEN and, therefore, what the body does is very significant to you. This is why the mind requires so little attention, except when attending to the needs of the body.

A mind engaged only with the pursuits of a body is called “ego.”

The ego insists that the mind be limited by the body (actions/behaviors/doing) and this gives the impression upon the mind that the body is more real than the mind. The mind has actually come to believe it is nothing more than a part of the body and since the body is bound by its limitations, the mind must be equally as limited.

If at any time bodily control is threatened, you immediately become vigilant to the mind in demanding control of the body. The ego believes that as long as the body is under control, the mind may think whatever it will and little to no control is required. This is because an uncontrolled body can be seen, while an uncontrolled mind is invisible to the naked eye. Failure to control the body leads to guilt and shame, while failure to control the mind is NOT of concern, except as it relates to the body.

That which the mind gives most attention to is always perceived as visible. You are actually relieved that the mind is invisible, because if others knew your mind you would be forced to control the mind more vigilantly than the body. In fact, this would radically alter ego dynamics by demanding that the mind be invested purely in control of itself and this would make the body invisible.

Who would care what the body did, or did not do, if the mind was unconcealed and fully disclosed? How could an “ego” conceal itself and live vicariously through a body if the mind were fully open to the world? 

The ego thrives upon concealment and omission and, through the body, the ego is a master of disguise. Therefore,  your “awakening” to truth is contingent on a fully revealed ego and to fully reveal the ego is to fully engage with others in order to be revealed with, and through, them. An ego that continues to insist on a private and invisible mind, is a self-protective ego fully engaged with the fear of exposure.

To proclaim your emancipation from the ego’s conditions is to deeply and fully engage a world of others without fear. Your private little experiences of "awakening" are nothing more than a covert egocentric manipulation to reinforce individual privacy and concealment. The ego thrives on experiences it can call its own and does NOT take kindly to the idea of sharing.

Look to everyone around you as vehicles to sharing of 'self.' Your purpose is to dissolve the limits of relationship, which are conditions the ego has imposed from fear. The ego’s need for privacy impedes your purpose.

The only way to free your mind… to reveal it.

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