Sunday, October 2, 2011

Individual Truth is an Oxymoron

Do you believe you will transcend your egocentricity through means established by your egocentricity?

Do you really believe you can do it all on your lonesome? That “you” can seek out the right path and the perfect teacher? That “you” will one day claim truth for your…”self”? That “you” can and will achieve your own personal and individual “enlightenment”? That you can “awaken” to absolute truth as an individual?

Is this not the epitome of egocentric arrogance? Does this not completely and totally accentuate and symbolize separation and division? What unified oneness, what non-dual perspective, can an “individual” ever achieve?

The premise instantly negates the conclusion.

An “individual” claiming truth is an oxymoron.

The individual endeavor, to be rewarded for finding absolute truth just for “you,” smacks of total and complete hypocrisy.

But then…not to an ego…ha!

But what are “you” moving to and why? What is it you really wish to “transcend”? Why else would an ego-self choose to go it alone, if not for its deep distrust of THEM? And when you achieve your coveted “awakening,” how will THEY look to you? Closely examine every modern “enlightened master” and, contrary to the claim of “enlightenment,” the distrust is always there, based on seeing INEQUALITY.

Centuries of egocentric translation of the Great Wisdom Texts has channeled the truth to conform to egocentricity and now “you” accept it as incontrovertible FACT. But why shouldn’t you? Look at all the sheit you have to put up with, your entire life, from other people.

Make no mistake,  TRUTH alters ALL objects of consciousness and makes them completely… EQUAL… in every aspect imaginable.

An ego cannot transcend itself, just as a snake cannot eat its own tail.
Nevertheless, “you” continue to persevere in your egocentric desire for the individual rewards promised.

But who or what interpreted those promises? Who or what found them desirable in the first place? Who or what picked the vehicle and who or what set out on the chosen path? Who or what went in and who or what will come out?

Why…”you,” of course. An “individual” claiming truth. The egocentric YOU. Possibly a little calmer, a little wiser and maybe even a bit more arrogantly egocentric. But hey, you’re “awakened” and a little arrogance is part of the GAME.

So go ahead, close your eyes and ears in years of meditative tranquility and when you open them, if INEQUALITY stares you in the face…best you close your eyes again because TRUTH is not yet available to “you.”

“When the two shall become one”… has passed you by. Drat, foiled again!

Well, maybe it’s time for a change? Maybe your awakening lies with THEM? Maybe you really can’t do it alone? Maybe you need help?

“No!” exclaims the frightened ego, “they cannot be trusted. Look what they’ve done to you!”

It is NOT the world you seek to transcend… but THEM.

THEY are your world.

Your suffering is ENTIRELY bound up with the egos that populate your world. Although you like to think that you “love” them, primarily it is FEAR that determines your interactions and the limits of your “love.” Self-protecting, self-preserving, self-actualizing…FEAR. All your anxieties, all your depression, all your disappointments, worry, anger, guilt, etc, etc, etc is directly associated with THEM. Look closely at every problem that dogs you these days and recognize it's some “other” who impedes what you desire, what you demand.

You could have anything you wanted…

…if not for THEM.

You believe THEY are wrong and “transcendence” will make it better. You do not fear no-self, you fear other selves.

The government, the Illuminati, the police, your boss, your coworkers, your kids, your mother, your spouse, your neighbor, Aunt Ginny, Uncle Joe, angry people, inconsiderate people, greedy people…

…but not your dog! Fido is pure, just as nature is innocent. But the rest of THEM? Not to be trusted. THEY are clearly guilty.

There would be no need for transcendence if only THEY could be trusted. The world would be such a wonderful place if not for THEM. You could be “happy,” if not for THEM. Peace would be a reality, if not for THEM.

If that is true, then there can be little doubt that your “awakening” to truth lies entirely with THEM. Because the only FEAR you need overcome, to achieve the deep and abiding peace of TRUTH, is your fear of THEM.

The hardest path to follow is the one you fear the most. But the best path to follow is the one that faces fear head on.

THEY are your TRUTH and your SALVATION.

Fully engage THEM completely without FEAR…

…and awaken.

Artwork by Michael Hussar - "Stigmata"


  1. it's funny how the most intense feelings I get that I need to deeply engage others to get over my sheit, or awaken, or whatever, tend to come late at night once everyone is sleeping...

    ... I never feel quite as motivated to do it when I wake up the next morning.

  2. I've slowly been trying to open up to people in one on one situations, but living in a college dorm with 3 other people and friends always coming in and out, I spend a great deal of my time surrounded by groups of people. I am wondering if you have any experience with trying to open up to groups of people with different ideologies and whatnot at once. I mean it seems like at some point i'll have to be completely open all the time, no matter what circumstance i'm in, but right now it seems a lot easier to do it in a one on one situation. i would be very interested in any thoughts you have on this.

  3. All I can suggest is that you sit with the fear that blocks engagement and wait to see what comes up. In most cases you may find it is completely irrational and absurd. Yet, the ego tends to rationalize and justify the need as means of self-protection. But WHAT are we protecting and FROM what?

    You seem to be deeply researching yourself and this is good. Awareness will naturally increase, but it will at first be very uncomfortable. Use that discomfort as a marker that you are on to something significant and keep going, keep questioning.

