Tuesday, September 10, 2013

To Live Meaninglessly May Be The Only Hope for Mankind

“Let’s face the truth. Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer, says Joseph Campbell. I think we should stop asking ourselves existential questions. In order to escape the brain’s complexity, let’s start asking ourselves these simple questions instead: What meaning do I give to my life? What is the purpose of my life? What is most important to me in my life? What are my deepest values and beliefs? Adding purpose and values is the only way to live a meaningful life.” Read more: http://www.exposingthetruth.co/what-is-the-meaning-of-life/#ixzz2czGwh87Q

This author appears to conclusively answer the ultimate question and claims that the answer is the “truth” that we must “face.” Yet, the author then goes about negating that very truth she claims we must “face” by suggesting we should construct our own relative meanings by “adding purpose and value.”

Wait. What?

How is that “facing truth”? Is it not realistic to state that, if life has NO meaning, then to live as though it does is to live a lie? If this is true then everything that egocentrica mammalians do, other than eat shit, sleep, fuck and die is absolutely meaningless and fictional.

If the truth is that life is meaningless, who are we to alter that fact? If life is meaningless, and this has certainly been the conclusion from centuries of eastern and western philosophy (so it’s easy to see why this author claims it as truth), then why are we not living in complete accord with that truth?

Should we not be living as meaningless a life as possible if, in fact, the truth is that life is absolutely meaningless? Why attach relative meanings to an absolute meaninglessness if they are false?

Could it be that centuries of “bringing meaning to life” has resulted in the current state of affairs in which it has become abundantly apparent that we are progressively hurtling toward our own inevitable doom through a confusing confluence of conflicting meanings all crashing headlong into one another? For a belief to be meaningful it must be defended, else why adhere to it and live by it as meaningful. For every belief defended there is the opposite belief also defended and this creates all manner of havoc.

For instance, we have accused Syria of gassing their own people and thus we find it meaningful to drop bombs and kill people to punish them for killing people, because we believe there is clearly a meaningful difference between killing a thousand people with gas or killing a thousand people with bombs.

It appears that if only life could be absent meaning, we’d all be alot happier.

Possibly, what humanity requires is a little bit of nihilistic meaninglessness, because all our meanings are slowly killing us.

If the truth is that life is meaningless, then who are we to oppose or negate that truth by conjuring up fictionally symbolic meanings that really do nothing to alter the truth whatsoever? Should we not pray to the meaningless and practice rituals that have no purpose?

Note that the author claims that life’s meaninglessness is the truth that we must face. Yet, how does one face that truth and learn from it (enlightenment?), if we’re all running around defending fictional meanings that do nothing to debunk the stark truth that it’s all meaningless? If the truth is that life is meaningless, why pretend it isn’t? Is the way to a meaningful life pretending it’s not meaningless, when in fact that is the truth?

Why would anyone want to live in ways that oppose truth?

However, this raises a question:

Is it even possible to live a meaningless life?

If your life is meaningless, why would you want to live it at all? Are egocentrica mammalians the only species with an innate need to seek out patterns, superimpose meaning upon them and then live as if that were true?

Nature is completely indifferent to your meanings and does whatever it does regardless of what it means to you. It follows a causal order or WILL that can and will easily crush your meaningful fictions like a handful of grapes. No matter how many fictions egocentrics superimpose upon nature, nature is meaningless and exists as such. Nature does not care what you find ugly or beautiful. It is not even aware of your sense of right or wrong and it apparently does not have the slightest inclination to conform to what you consider good or bad etc, etc. Nature kills, but never murders. Although you’re all jiggy with how ‘awesome’ you are, nature couldn’t give two farts in the wind about your self-esteem, your values and morals or protecting your precious “lifestyle.” To nature, you are as meaningless as a baby antelope being ripped to shreds by a pack of hyenas.

So now that we know for certain that life is meaningless (as the above author correctly informs) shouldn’t we find a way to live in conformance with that truth? If it’s all meaningless, then all meanings are equally sheit no matter who believes in them or doesn’t. Hence, if life is meaningless, then there is absolutely no purpose to it, making each and everything you do in your busy day as purposeless as anything else anyone else does. Whether you sit on your butt all day and watch soaps or volunteer to feed the homeless, both are equally of no purpose, simply because life is meaningless. Your life is as meaningless as your death, so why are you struggling to do important things with your life? Or maybe death is more meaningful than life…

Nevertheless, because egocentric mammalia has no free-will, he cannot shake free of his need to make meaningful stories as the universe has so endowed him. Thus, he cannot live a meaningless life and any attempt to do so would be packed with meaning, thereby, negating the purpose of meaninglessness which, obviously, must have no purpose in order to conform to meaninglessness. Hence, to avoid the excruciatingly painful vacuum of empty nothingness (imagine living a life for which the only purpose of that life was to eat, shit, sleep, fuck and die) egocentrica mammalians have spent thousands of years constructing fictions for which to fill that void, regardless of the truth.

And not one of their fictions has ever altered the truth even one tiny bit...


  1. Dear Mike,

    I'm reading your blogs for the past 2 years or so, I think there's one piece that needs to be incorporated here: Memetics, which I have a gut feeling that will bind several pieces of the puzzle together. A meme would fall into the category of an idol, or egoic mind, ACIM-wise. A scientific (not-so-approved-yet)approach to the ancient problem of mechanistic thought. What if it is all a virus-like entities battle that strive for survival?
    Sorry for the simplistic approach, just an idea from someone that is programmed to understand that he holds no copyright of his own thoughts.(wow, that sounded cool)

  2. Eclipse
    (Waters) 2:04

    All that you touch
    All that you see
    All that you taste
    All you feel.
    All that you love
    All that you hate
    All you distrust
    All you save.
    All that you give
    All that you deal
    All that you buy,
    beg, borrow or steal.
    All you create
    All you destroy
    All that you do
    All that you say.
    All that you eat
    And everyone you meet
    All that you slight
    And everyone you fight.
    All that is now
    All that is gone
    All that's to come
    and everything under the sun is in tune
    but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.

    "There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark."

    Wow. That is one ghastly piece of art, Mr. Simkins

  3. Indeed...

    If only the sun were not eclipsed by the moon....

  4. "What if it is all a virus-like entities battle that strive for survival?"

    Instead of looking at what it could be, why not simply see it as it is?

  5. Sure, life certainly is meaningless if your brain circuits have lead you there.

    I don't see much meaning in life either, but could that be because I'm so conditioned to see what everyone else sees?

    We're all conditioned to believe this and that about ourselves. To react this way and not another to phenomena and situations.

    Could it be that humanity has simply conditioned itself so far into what is now the norm, that we've effectively cut ourselves of "freedom" and "nature"? That maybe there's a higher purpose to everything, but we're just so concentrated on other things that we don't see it?

    I don't know, but I like to believe that yes this is so and maybe one day I'll see how things really are.

    Kind regards

  6. While I am on a Pink Floyd lyrics kick , I offer this:

    Dogs of war and men of hate
    With no cause, we don't discriminate
    Discovery is to be disowned
    Our currency is flesh and bone
    Hell opened up and put on sale
    Gather 'round and haggle
    For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
    Even our masters don't know the web we weave
    One world, it's a battleground
    One world, and we will smash it down
    One world ... One world
    Invisible transfers, long distance calls,
    Hollow laughter in marble halls
    Steps have been taken, a silent uproar
    Has unleashed the dogs of war
    You can't stop what has begun
    Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion
    We all have a dark side, to say the least
    And dealing in death is the nature of the beast
    One world, it's a battleground
    One world, and we will smash it down
    One world ... One world
    The dogs of war won't negotiate
    The dogs of war don't capitulate,
    They will take and you will give,
    And you must die so that they may live
    You can knock at any door,
    But wherever you go, you know they've been there before
    Well winners can lose and things can get strained
    But whatever you change, you know the dogs remain.
    One world, it's a battleground
    One world, and we will smash it down
    One world ... One world

    It eloquently summarizes the reality that the ego desperately wishes to avoid, but cannot.....

  7. "The only absolute knowledge attainable by man is that life is meaningless"

    - Tolstoy -


  8. Glad to see you're still fired up Mike. Love the irony of passionately held beliefs about meaninglessness. You rock xxxx

  9. indeed, much irony in each and every post. So much so that some don't even make sense (to the uninitiated).

    But as far as "passionately held"...nah. It could all change tomorrow (or even in the next hour.) I hold onto my beliefs like I hold onto my women...

    ...very loosely.

    Good to hear from you Miss Nobody!
