Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Removal of Free-will Coloured Spectacles

As opposed to the mythical memes passed down through a hundred generations and, thus, being accepted as truth, your actual “awakening” entails a grieving process and not some enchanted garden of bliss bunny bullshit.
Of course, you've never had free-will, but you have yet to realize this as a fact that informs all other thoughts, feelings and behaviors. In the meantime, you continue to conduct your life within an illusion of control as if you had something to do with anything that happens externally or internally in your personal world.
Denial: 90% of egocentrica mammalian’s live in complete denial.

They cannot grieve the loss of free-will, because they believe all their choices come from autonomous intentions of a deliberating volitional “self.” They continue to function as if they made choices entirely contingent on their own free-agency and continue to experience the anxiety, depression, anger and guilt that living this illusion demands. They feel pride in accomplishments and disappointment in failure, as if they actually made choices free of all influence.

Yet, there are some that claim “I may not have a choice in what happens to me, but I can choose how to respond,” completely ignorant of the fact that they did not make themselves, had absolutely no involvement in the construction of the brain circuitry that informs them exactly how to respond and are genetically hard-wired to perceive reality exactly as they do, with no possible alterations to that perception.
“It is true nonetheless that our idea of free will, vague, amorphous and ultimately incoherent as it may be, is still so much a part of our culture that most of us see everything around us through (as it were) free-will-coloured spectacles. We think we discern the workings of free will in our world, just as religious people think they discern the workings of God. And this vision is self-validating and self-perpetuating, because the more we see the world in this way the more reason we think we have to believe that it really is this way. And we aren’t going to take off the spectacles because we don’t know we’re wearing them.” Oerton, Richard (2012-10-02). The Nonsense of Free Will: Facing up to a false belief (p. 108). Matador. Kindle Edition.
At no point will they ask themselves, “After years of having my every move directed by genetic disposition, parental structuring and socio-cultural influence (the very things that made me precisely what I am now) at what point did all that miraculously dissolve to spontaneously grant “me” the opportunity to make choices completely free of all influence? Exactly when did my ‘will’ become free of all influence?”

The answer is obvious….

ANGER: 5% of current egocentric population is at this stage. A defense mechanism that blocks truth and clouds the mind. I have witnessed it in the comment section on this blog in which the evidence against free-will and for a predetermined causal order, absent all free-will, is so monumentally apparent that it generates fear and with fear is the only catalyst for attack. Upon the first recognition of your utter helplessness to be free and separate of a predetermined causal order, you desperately intensify your efforts to prove that it can be done and you will seek to prove this no matter how often you fail.

BARGAINING: 2% are here. Some seek desperately to extricate themselves from determinism with the claim (more like wishful thinking) of at least a little bit of free-will. The “compatibilists” hold that free-will is essentially a part of determinism (which is absurd) and many, like Daniel Dennett, contend that even though we are 99 percent determined, there is still that tiny 0.999% that we control. When that 0.999% is available to us and where it can be found in the genetically predetermined and socio-culturally pre-formatted ‘personality’ is not apparent but, as many bright minds seem to claim, one day science will locate the capacity for free-will, even though science (specifically, neuroscience) is rapidly progressing in the reverse.

Egocentrica mammalia believes he has sculpted his life based entirely on his freedom of choice, denying that a causal order, that has shaped the universe and continues to do so, shaped him, and any power he might engage to resist this fact, was predetermined long before he even existed (your denying the absence of free-will is hard-wired and this is most likely a genetic predisposition favoring survival fitness). He simply cannot accept that who and what he is was shaped long before he even existed as a manifest organism.

He seeks to break free of genetics, evolution, parental injunctions, socio-cultural influences of the time period he was manifest and the childhood conditioning that he had no choice in experiencing in his formative years, because it was thrust upon him beyond his will, thereby, shaping exactly what he would will in the future.

DEPRESSION: 2% are at this stage and, like denial,  many remain here never to leave. On the path to awakening, depression is the longest and most experientially barren stage. Some take their own lives, many disappear from society never to be seen again and others simply remain at this stage until their death, never realizing the expansive freedom of surrender, they remain inured in limitation and contraction and continue their lamentations that IT NOT BE SO.

In this stage there is usually an intellectual acceptance of the absence of free-will, without the accompanied experience, in a fluctuating self-replicating feedback loop of attempted acceptance and back to non-acceptance.

You may be here for a very long time....

....spiraling down numerous rabbit holes of abject meaninglessness and absurdity, grasping for some sense of what is true and real, only to be nauseatingly disappointed time and time again. You will rigorously prevail in grasping tightly to various contrivances of your fictional social order, only to eventually recognize your pretending can fool others, but keeps you despondent and disengaged.

Decades pass, as many seek solace of “spiritual” ideologies, paradigms and practices, like Buddhism, Zen, non-duality, and other esoteric intellectual distractions, only to be smacked square in the face by the undeniable reason for soothing social constructs that have no purpose but to keep you skipping merrily along by constructing ever more useless neuro-circuitry in 3 lbs of fatty tissue immersed in perpetual darkness.

But you do all this because it is the only purpose of your existence.

ACCEPTANCE: Only a mere 0.5% of egocentric mammalian’s are at this stage. This stage can be considered an “awakening,” because there is no longer a return to the other stages and only accommodating to the fact that every choice ever made had to be made exactly as it was made and could not have been made any differently than it was in the exact moment it was made.
The immediate experience of a causally predetermined existence, contingent on a quadrillion experiences that preceded and absent all free-will, quickly shuts down the circuits useless in supporting this powerful experience.
This ‘short-circuiting’ of other less useful pathways can be a gradual process, although many circuits diminish immediately, particularly socio-culturally conditioned pathways, i.e., self-esteem, status, career, materialistic pursuits or object accumulation, many judgment circuits and other “insecurities’ wired up on the grey matter simply lose electro-chemical current, which can only result in a brain-based sense of freedom (just consider the exhilaration of being free of even just 50% of the the thoughts that arise in that gelatinous blob between your ears. It is literally unimaginable!).

The acceptance stage clearly engenders the chief and most prominent variable of all spirtuo-religious ideologies…surrender. You are, and have been, in charge of nothing and any control you impose upon your reality, you were destined to impose long before you were even born.

Every thought that ever arose in the brain of your mother, and her mother and her mother before her, had to arise exactly as it did, and exactly when it did (time/space continuum) for you to be manifest as a thinking organism and engage the thoughts that you must to allow future generations to manifest as they must, thinking the thoughts that only they must.

When this is truly encountered, as a brain experience and not just the usual firing of contemplative circuitry lighting up frontal lobe sections for years, but amounting to nothing but additional circuitry, there comes a swift and gradual frying of the motherboard.

Yet, this is only an essay in conjecture, the experience defies explanation other than to say that it is completely outside your power to make it happen in any way.

When it comes to “awakening” or “enlightenment,” this is the only fact that need be engaged. But only if your particularly unique neural wiring takes you there and there are only a handful that are heading precisely in that direction and…

…they have not the slightest clue they’re going there.

But they will one day surrender their “free-will coloured spectacles” and perceive a world never before seen.

Artwork by Suliman Almawash


  1. Is that Donald Sutherland in the picture?

  2. Some recent life events have moved me from bargaining to depression on this question. The lucky fact that I found this blog might lead me to acceptance eventually. In any case, if it does, it won't be up to me.

    1. Indeed, depression is the slow and painful frying of the motherboard to the point that 'thought' becomes useless and, thus, it soon makes no difference what thoughts arise and when thought loses its significance, behaviors become less important, so that what you do will be exactly what should be done.

      Makes sense when you get it. Till then it's absurd to even think this....


  3. Hi Mike

    I just came back from vacation and found a new space in myself.
    I'm curious how long it will take till it wears off. Maybe it won't and it can become a new strength.

    Over the last few years I've been more disciplined with meditation and such. Yet it was always more of a task, hard work.. I feel that now I'm letting go more. Like my practises can be used to deepen that process of letting go not only during practise but that it has a carrying-on effect during daily life. Making mundane things easier to cope with or easier to enjoy. Realizing there's no need for stress, only a need for responsibility and not giving in to stress.

    I've had some tastes of no-self, but I ran away from it, as scary as it was at some points. I'm finding myself longing more for that one thing: letting go and disappearing more. Maybe it can be done with the right questions and intent.

    It also feels like the universe, and people, everything in it, is cheering me on sometimes, to wake me up more. As if everyone is just acting the way they are, doesn't matter if they're happy, sad, angry, irritated, or "making me" react like that, perfectly "acting" in order to wake me up.

    Maybe I'm just daydreaming at this point, I'm curious what you think.

    Kind regards

    1. "Yet it was always more of a task, hard work.. I feel that now I'm letting go more."

      When neuro-circuits lose electro-chemical current, due to non-use, there can only be a sense of freedom as the focus of that circuit loses priority and the brain then no longer filters perception based on the needs of that circuit. This is probably the most realistic definition of "freedom" available, but primarily rejected by the spiritual community (read: frying the motherboard).

      "I've had some tastes of no-self, but I ran away from it, as scary as it was at some points."

      Again, when the socio-culturally programmed 'mother board' is gradually burning up, fear circuits, deep in the mammalian brain stem, are activated. But this is irrational as it has nothing to do with actual survival only 'social' survival, which is entirely fictional, hence, those circuits can be easily eliminated, while instinctual circuits cannot be extinguished (except by an adept few, eg, Ramana Maharshi fried circuits relating to food consumption and had to be self fed, else he would die).

      "I'm finding myself longing more for that one thing: letting go and disappearing more. Maybe it can be done with the right questions and intent."

      Indeed. When neural pathways involved in maintaining fictions lose juice, freedom is an eventual experience. As far as intent, you are not in control. Sit back and let it unfold as it will and only as it can. "You" are not in charge of this...

      "It also feels like the universe, and people, everything in it, is cheering me on sometimes, to wake me up more."

      Natural Neuro-circuit pruning has absolutely nothing to do with sensation or external reality and everything to do with how you are now filtering perception, based on the LACK of circuits and the formation of new pathways. This is how every "enlightened master" has encountered his world anew and... are no exception.

      Enjoy the unfolding as you peel back!

      : )

  4. No self? true. 'causal order' no! Just this uncaused event, despite the story of this resulting in that and so on.


  5. Mike, I do find that when I ask for a more beneficial/neutral mind state, that my higher self (or brain if you like that more) does respond and I get the benefits. It only lasts for so long, but it's working for sure. So I don't think you should ignore intention work. It might not be free will, but maybe "intenting" leads to freedom or whatever destination one has set.

    Thanks for reading/replying

    1. Nothing 'wrong' with illusions. I have many of my own. We all do.

      It gives egocentricity vibrancy and color. I suppose it's when the illusions become overpowering, and seek to alter reality to fit the illusion, that things get bad. That's more accurately referred to as a "delusion."

      Everything I write is illusory. But, I have no "intention" of changing the world. That would be delusional.

      Always welcome your comments,

  6. Hi Mike, good essay. I know you are not one generally to lay out maps but there are similarities in human experiences that align too closely to ignore.

    The depression zone is tough... close enough to smell the meal, but a gate prevents entrance to the restaurant (or some crap like that). The problem with the acceptance part is that there is an implication that that is something "you" choose, which of course flies in the face of the whole underlying premise. Gotcha! Actually, I do find it increasingly easier to see the true nature of the should/woulda/couldas, the judges, the fears, all that stuff arising in the mind from who knows what origin (yeah, that does sound a bit buddhist-y but it does fit the no-free-will/brain-soup model). It does make my head spin a bit sometimes though. Literally. Something to do with looking out and realizing nothing is as I have assumed it to be for my entire life. I try to explain this to random strangers on the street but don't get far.

  7. Hi Chris,

    Sorry you've sensed an implication of 'choice' in the acceptance stage. My diction may have implied that, but actually there is no 'choice' on what stage one finds oneself and every stage is as valuable as any other, although it would seem that the acceptance stage is more valuable to egocentrica mammalia,because it seems as though one is finished and, of course, one is. Yet, when the motherboard is fried, there seems to be no need for acceptance or rejection. Hence, understanding the acceptance stage when one is in, say, depression or anger, means something entirely different from when one gets there (or so I am told).

    And yes, the depression stage is "tough" and actually, of all the stages, it has my utmost admiration and respect.

    Indeed, this post sat in the hopper for several months in my compulsive avoidance of "maps," but after reading Kubler-Ross for the umpteenth time, I perceived a similarity to the stages of grief/death. So, yes, there is a similarity in "buddhist-y" ish isms in terms of ego-self death.


  8. Sorry you've sensed an implication of 'choice' in the acceptance stage.
    Not the case - I was referring to the common notion that one chooses acceptance, as one chooses everything (aka free-willism). It's more akin to the broader definition of grace, "generous, free and totally unexpected and undeserved".

    (or so I am told)
    Implies this is an intellectual exercise?

    Started on Richard Oerton's book, thanks to your reference.

  9. Chris,

    My bad. Misread your post. Your poignant use of sarcasm is often missed by the reigning king of the sarcastic allusion. I dub thee, emperor!

    "Intellectual exercise"?

    Nah, just too humble to toot my own horn...

    He makes some crystal clear arguments. Enjoy the book.

    1. My bad. Misread your post. Your poignant use of sarcasm is often missed by the reigning king of the sarcastic allusion. I dub thee, emperor!
      That is quite an honor but I must humbly decline. I get in enough trouble with my mouth as it is. Of course, as emperor, everyone would experience my sheep's pearls as golden orbs of wisdom. Naaah.

      He makes some crystal clear arguments. Enjoy the book.
      It's all so logical that it couldn't be anything else. I enjoyed the bit about Laplace's demon - here I thought my notion of infinite computers was new. Also was having some conversation today about the difference between agnosticism and atheism and I realized the absurdity of either proposition.

      I do have to get on with frying the motherboard or this shit will make me crazy. Is there a popping noise or a funny smell?

    2. "I do have to get on with frying the motherboard or this shit will make me crazy. Is there a popping noise or a funny smell?"

      Ha! Lol...

      Clearly, that question is indicative of "The Fry."

      However, the symptoms are unique to the individual "self" frying in the pan.

      I would suggest marinating in olive oil and red wine, with a sprinkling of garlic and basil.

      : )
