Saturday, August 14, 2010

A World Awaiting to Awaken

You have no idea whether your 'world' actually exists.

However, you certainly do have an experience of a 'world' from which you claim 'existence,' because in that experience "you" are very real to you (as is everyone else you come in contact with).

Yet, no matter how many 'others' populate your experience of a world, that experience can be a lonely one indeed.

Nevertheless, the more deeply your experience can be shared with another, the more likely two or more can experience entirely new worlds, not available to individual minds separately seeking fulfillment.

All relationships that seek the depth of unity, through dissolving estrangement, are valuable in creating new worlds, since a 'world' is nothing but an experience in consciousness.

This is the only transference that occurs. There is no proprietary linear transmission of truth from teacher to student (relative truth maybe, but who cares about that, since the world has numerous paths for the transmission of conventional information and that information has so far failed to redirect our present course).

The teacher who recognizes that truth is only encountered through an interdependent depth of understanding between minds is the genuine teacher.

The teaching of specialized concepts defining individual salvation merely provides the delusion of "wisdom," based on the world's acceptance of "truth" as available to separate individual minds and conforming to specific egocentric standards. "Wisdom," that merely perpetuates conventional ideas based on the paradigm of individualism, can only remain relative truth and will continue to keep your experience mired in the past and unalterable except on the past's terms.

Yet, a way to truth can be realized "when two join together as one."

However, it is not a physical joining, particularly in regard to bodies (or sex, which is not a joining at all, but merely the delusion of 'sacred' union defined by ancient edict - a rule). It is a joining of minds through seeking to deeply understand one another beyond normal everyday surface understandings that we all engage in with little depth and no understanding. Even in our so-called "love" relationships we remain virtual strangers to one another.

But who would take such a risk? Because, make no mistake, inherent in union is the fear of losing the self. Yet, this fear is unfounded and based on a faulty premise, since it is not loss of self, but an intensified enhancement between two or more minds.

Nevertheless, love is completely impossible in a world of strangers, in which individual and collective conflict (war) is the chief modus operandi of interaction, and as long as true joining is feared, "awakening" is denied to ALL.

And so, we remain a world awaiting to 'awaken' as we have been for centuries past. In our continued conventional attempts to awaken alone as separate minds, we merely perpetuate our existential loneliness and continued estrangement and the 'world' can't help but exhibit what we believe.

Therefore, if the teacher is seen as providing some form of salvational or enlightenment information that is unique to the teacher, and not available to the student except from the teacher, understand that this is inauthentic and denies 'relationship' as the vehicle to truth.

Individual minds have nothing to provide other individual minds except within the deep grounding of relational and interdependent truth.

Individuals will always inaccurately assess the "master" as a proprietor of truth, rather than the facilitator of a truth that he does not own, but that can be accessed only through the merging within the deepest realms of intimate relating between two or more. But a "guru" is not necessary to access this depth and anyone will do, as long as two or more agree to embark on seeking that interdependent truth without proprietary ideologies from the past .

In the deepest depths of relationship, 'love' is encountered simply because it is created where it did not exist before.

But for most, past failure at engaging with conditional love has created psychological obstacles to the dissolving of conditions with another. Such a failure then applies conditions upon another, thereby, creating nothing together, but more obstacles.

Yet, depth of relating facilitates an equality, that cannot be found outside the joining of two minds, in an intimacy of understanding. This is an encounter with "love" that is created from, and because of, the relationship, provided that neither party enters into the relating with any preconceived conditions of what "love" is or, at the least, is willing to discard all preconceptions as to the parameters of that 'joining.' The defining properties are found within the union and not anywhere else.

This is the infinite game, because there is no limit to how deeply two or more can engage in understanding one another and it has absolutely nothing to do with "wisdom" which are merely platitudes for how to negotiate a world that already exists as experienced, because one is conditioned to experience it as such.

Intimate awakening can take one beyond this world, because through continued depth of understanding, sensation loses its appeal to truth. You cannot 'see,' or perceive, an intimate awakening but it can be a "direct experience" between two minds.

Love is not apparent in the world simply because minds refuse to join in the creation of love, but simply go off in search of that which meets the separate ego's conditions of love based on its own conceptualization. Love is nothing to a separate ego-self, but everything to a self construct joined with another in defining love.

This is the experience of a new world that cannot be discovered alone.

Artwork by Amanda Sage - "Chicago"


  1. Dear MikeS,
    Thank you so much for this beautiful post.
    With love and appreciation,
