Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's ALL in Your Head

To play infinitely in a finite world, simply dissociate from your significance.

To dissociate from the ego is to extract oneself from finite outcomes and the beliefs that determine such outcomes as valuable. However, this is liable to cause much suffering initially because, for a very long time, you have experienced value where none exists. To learn that everything you have ever valued is worthless, is a shock that many could not endure. Therefore, they remain fixated on valuing useless outcomes believing them rewards, when in fact, they merely maintain the suffering of a finite existence.

The seemingly omnipotent belief of your 'world' is to “rise above” and this is the outcome you pursue, but always in opposition to those who seek the same. The ego wants MORE. Therefore, to rise above what is below and always less, it must compete so that IT can know itself through the opposition of inequality. 

To SEE equality by equalizing your experiences, is to avoid being victimized by the ego-self you idolize as “you.” Your significance relies on that power alone. Make no mistake, the vision of equality is infinite, because IT has NO opposing forces.

Attach no significance to what you are shown from a state of egocentricity, because there is NO such state, hence, what IT sees cannot be real. The ego points out what it requires you see, because the ego manufactured the experience to be SEEN. Because you are fixated on the ego, you believe it is “you” and so you allow it to direct you. It demands you believe that what it shows “you” was there before you looked. This maintains your attachment to egocentric perception. Attach NO significance to what you SEE and learn that nothing was ever there to begin with. It is how you interpret what you SEE, that maintains egocentric suffering.

The groundwork is laid long before events are experienced. Belief is like a magic carpet that unrolls to disclose exactly what you expect to be “true.” Expectations are the molecules of experience and, when they oppose one another, experiences must conflict and demonstrate to you a chaos of your own invention. And you will suffer through the need to control what you made "true," by denying the fact that it is YOUR experience of opposing inequalities.

On many levels you do understand this, since you recognize that with every experience you have a choice on how to respond. Yet, how would you respond if you knew that your response has determined the experience prior to responding?

If nothing leaves your mind, then both situation and response are on equal terms. Although, you have divided experience in two, it is still unified because its origin is not split. The mind is whole, although you have split off parts of that experience to accentuate your separate egocentric fixation. The ego must experience parts for which to contrast and oppose itself against. Therefore, by dividing experience the ego remains a part of your mind and, by fixating on that part, you experience nothing as whole, simply because an ego can experience nothing as whole.

While parts must conflict and cause suffering, the whole is known by absolute peace in unifying all the parts into ONE. While the whole is infinite, the parts must expire because they cannot be sustained of their own accord, separate from the whole. This is why an ego-self must “die,” because it has rejected awareness of the whole in the delusion that IT can exist of its own accord. All finite experiences must expire because they have no basis to exist divided from the whole. Experiences that engage the mind from an egocentric perspective DIE, because nothing exists separate from the whole including YOU.

You desire egocentricity and your experiences conform to that criteria. Therefore, the ego requires controlling the conditions that make IT real. NOT to control is NOT to “exist.” A world unopposed and equal to the ego is a world an ego could NEVER exist in, because the ego exists through the opposition and conflict of inequality. Equality is infinite and can only dissolve all finite delusional experiences that the ego manufactures to prove IT exists.

The mind holds both the situation and your response, making both experiences equal because they originate from a whole. Yet, the ego must divide them up, accepting ownership of the response, but rejecting the situation as separate from itself. Yet, by taking ownership of the situation, your response must change in realization that the mind is the origin of ALL experience, since all experience is OF the mind ONLY.

Nothing leaves the mind.

Artwork by Adnrey - "Cook in Brain"


  1. This is why an ego-self must “die,” because it has rejected awareness of the whole in the delusion that IT can exist of its own accord.

    so what will that look like if i were a fly on someone's wall? Howie

  2. You'd see a fly swatter rapidly approaching...

    Stay off my walls, Howie!

  3. was going through ur old articles and came across this gem...thanks mike...the first line if followed n really understood may be enough to get some real peace

  4. Forgot about this one. Wow did write that???

