Monday, July 18, 2011

Defending YOUR Egocentric Experience as “True”

The infinite player invites truth by no particular means under his or her control and therefore, has no reason to defend as “true” what is experienced. That’s because truth is not an answer generated through questioning and all attempts to generate it as a means of ending all questions are meaningless.

The infinite player realizes that there are NO answers to the questions, only infinitely more questions. Hence, the infinite player invites truth by being vigilantly aware that ALL rules for questioning are based on answers that only deny further questions. Whether or not this results in “realizing” truth is insignificant to the infinite player, who understands that any focus on truth automatically applies egocentric rules, such as, “history informs us…,” “the ancient masters teach…," “The Buddha states…,” “the Bible says… ,“ etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

The infinite player understands that ideology is NOT truth and he/she is not directed by it.

Finite players seek an answer to end all questions and this results in complex ideologies and dogma. Infinite players realize the answers are finite, while questions never end and this is why infinite players are not bound to any egocentric “Rules of Questioning.” Once an answer is found, the ego immediately begins defending it as “truth.”

The infinite player realizes that TRUTH needs no defense.

If it is the answer, why defend it? Shouldn’t everybody KNOW it…naturally, intuitively and totally? Is the answer only for some, but not others? Yet, how could that be TRUE, since it does NOT apply equally at all times. Ego’s love to spin “truth” in their own special ways, because egos love to be special. 

Does the answer, or “truth,” you seek, require you disengage from others and the world in order to receive an answer that meets your ego-centered satisfaction? Or, is there some specific type of engagement (spiritual, religious, scientific, etc, etc) required to have your answers be considered “truth”? What conceptual understandings must you learn and superimpose upon your experience (sensation) of a world in order to acquire a “true” answer? Do you seek to add OR subtract “meaning” from the world as a way to an answer?  Do you believe that once you “discover” the answer the game of questioning ends?


The ego must defend ALL its experiences as “truth,” since the purpose of ALL of its experiences is to prove IT IS REAL (and not much else but that). Note your general feeling of discomfort, as I suggest that all your experiences are completely meaningless because they come to you egocentrically. Of course, your life is not meaningless and absurd to you, because you give it all the meaning it has for “you.”

There is NO separation. You will defend your meanings, because the meanings you superimpose upon your “world” define “you.”
The infinite player plays comfortably WITH the meaning of every experience, in the realization that his/her experiences can only lead to further questions with additional experiences, on and on, ad infinitum. Answers can only exclude experience by putting a stop to further questions. This process is symbolic of a finite egocentric self, which demands that its experiences represent “truth” and it will often die to defend a“truth” that proves IT is “true.”

Your “happiness” is entirely contingent on the rules that the world provides to arrive at the answers that proves you are “true.” Did the world teach you to seek “bliss” as an answer to your “suffering”? Do you believe truth should be sought alone and that “transcending the world” is the answer? Are the answers you embrace nothing more than “Rules of Questioning” that really answer NOTHING at all? (but keep your questions within comfortable parameters so “you” feel you’re making “progress”?). You gave it ALL the meaning it has for you, but surrendered responsibility for what it returns back at ya.

You write the rules from moment to moment and in each moment a different rule seems to apply, all based on the belief that the rules will give you the ANSWER and, hence, “truth.” Yet, in a thousand centuries, all we have so far are ever more complex, chaotic and complicating rules. How can this mean anything more than “living” without purpose, because there are NO answers, no truth, only more rules? It is not what you see that causes fear, but the rules you’ve applied to the experiences OF your mind and this conforms to cause and effect.

Hence, can anything really be ‘there’ at all, if you only see what your rules demand, because they determine the very parameters of what CAN BE SEEN?

One answer makes you happy, while the next one makes you sad. The “happiness” your answers provide, chaotically conform to relative levels and degrees of “truth,” but never the WHOLE TRUTH. You have a hundred answers each embraced while unaware of conflicting answers and overlapping rules that tend to negate and cancel each other out. How is it possible to have even the simplest communication, when minds are in chaos due to the relativity of egocentric “truths”?

The world thus becomes a reflection of confused minds victimized by their own chaotic meanings crashing against one another incessantly. Chaotic minds obsessed with separate events as “true,”  fail to fully engage in questioning TOGETHER, and so suffer from events and situations that evolve from answers deemed “sacred” (religion and science) and beyond all question.

Chaotic rules can only SEE chaos, since these are what the rules demand. The world merely conforms to your rules for SEEING and, because there is no safety in rules originating from chaos, such instability can only give rise to more fear. Fear quickly attaches to an answer and fails to develop more adequate questions.

Living for the question and NOT the answer negates the ego-self’s desperation for answers through attaching to meaningless experiences.

Play infinitely with the questions and surrender hope of ever finding an answer.

Artwork by Darek Jasiczak - "False Prophets"

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