Wednesday, August 29, 2012

NEUROTOPIA: An Exercise in Neuroplastic “Enlightenment”

Generally, it will take a human brain many years of arduous and painstaking contemplative and meditative practices to achieve the brain-based experience of “enlightenment” (located primarily in temporal lobe region), if attained at all prior to death.

Often, this may require intense training under a revered, and seemingly narcissistic, “enlightened” teacher who has achieved the appropriate neuro-circuitry for which to claim electrochemical experiences of “no-self,” “mindlessness,” “ego-transcendence,” “non-duality,” “Buddha-mind,” etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. These claims are authentic, but only point to one brain-centered experience referred to as…


Unfortunately, because many of these “enlightened” teachers have not adequately extinguished other demonstrably neuropathic circuits, much of their curriculum is often absurd or downright inane (such as sitting in a sweat lodge until dead, worshipping dogs as enlightened beings, collecting numerous Rolls Royces, etc, etc, etc). But usually it consists of some form of neuro-plastic brain circuitry construction, either behaviorally (meditation/yoga) or neurolinguistic-cognitive (teacher student transmissions/ BK's “The Work”)

Yet, clearly, as one who has attained “Neurotopia,” or the exact neuro-circuity formulation necessary to experience the “non-dual” state, I am qualified to provide at least one “neuroplastic” technique which may accelerate the learning potential of the novitiate student of Neurotopic enlightenment (additional exercises will require an up front payment of $99.99 per exercise. Credit card and Paypal accepted).

This exercise covers both input and output neural stimulation and will require approximately an average of 45 days for which to form the circuitry and the habitual responses necessary to fully experience the electrochemical charged circuit required for Neurotopia. Science has demonstrated that adult brain neuroplasticity is amenable to neuron formation (although not as efficiently as the childhood developing brain). In this exercise we are seeking to formulate one single solitary neuron with its attending dendrite branches. 


INPUT: First you must form a smile.
This simple skill is an electrochemical input as you must consciously remind yourself (brain) to engage the facial contortion necessary to provide input to the brain in terms of bodily state recognition circuitry. Science has demonstrated that “smiling” generates numerous neuro-circuit connections causing excitatory synaptical responses.

OUTPUT: Repeat “Life is meaningless and has no purpose.”  Intentionally generating this electrochemical thought-experience is considered an output channel and you will formulate these cognitive circuits by engaging intentionality circuits which will assist in solidifying the circuit we will refer to as “meaninglessness” for short.

COMBINED INPUT/OUTPUT: This exercise requires the engagement of both physical input and neuro-cognitive output to stimulate a pleasure center brain experience connected with both the neuro-circuitry generated from repetitive smiling, while reinforcing the linguistic circuitry of “meaninglessness.” This input/output feedback loop will intensify over a short time toward achieving the Neurotopia experience.

The benefits of this exercise, if diligently practiced for approx. 45 days (average habit formation/extinguishment period), will result in remarkable results and will bring the student seeking "enlightenment" that much closer to the actual Neurotopia he/she will actually experience (and run around town claiming "enlightenment/awakening")

In fact, this exercise can be coupled up with other, more specific, brain circuits to electrochemically generate an experience of enlightened Neurotopia even under the most adverse conditions.

Lost your job? Simply retain a smile and repeat “employment is meaningless and has no purpose.” Spouse wants a divorce? “Marriage is meaningless and has no purpose." Pending jail-time? Incarceration is meaningless and has no purpose.” Not getting enough sex? “Sex is meaningless and has no purpose.” Can’t pay the rent? “money is meaningless and has no purpose.” Be sure at all times to maintain a “smile” based facial condition to insure that the input co-occurs commensurate with the output of “life is meaningless and has no purpose.”

Initial attempts of this exercise will engage the “irony” and “sarcasm” brain circuits (probably stimulated as you read this). However, those disbelief-based circuits are electrochemically stimulated in response to other socio-culturally conditioned circuits solidly fixated on “enlightenment” as some form of mystical, sacred state of conscious that takes one outside oneself into a realm of magical bliss and a peace that passeth all understanding. Nevertheless, as a brain transcendent state of experience it is centrally located, generated and interpreted by….the brain. This is scientifically undeniable.

Regardless of what your brain informs you, based on genetically and socio-culturally conditioned neuro-circuits (that you can't shake free of even if you tried), I would suggest you try this exercise as it does work wonders in altering emotional circuits of the entire Limbic System.

However, keep in mind that constructing “enlightenment” circuitry does NOT extinguish or redirect other circuits long relied on to produce negatively interpreted states or experiences. Hence, achieving a state of Neurotopia may not impede or redirect other circuitry that generates an electrochemical experience in relation to learning your spouse is having an affair, your car has been repossessed or your house was foreclosed on and such circuitry collision may subsequently impede the Neurotopic response significantly, unless the above exercise is performed diligently enough to solidify the Neurotopic circuitry.

Clearly, the age of enlightenment/awakening teachings, and teachers, is coming to a final and complete close since reality based brain circuitry is much too formidable to be disconnected. This new age will reveal that all past claims to enlightened states were nothing more than spontaneous electrochemical anomalies in brain circuitry (disconnected and unintended electrochemical ‘spurts’ of cognition) entirely associated with a self identity neuro-circuit also located in brain matter. But, you can be certain that the claimants will bawl bloody murder when they have their sacred transcendent experiences reduced to nothing but brief neural circuit experiences in 3 lbs of electrified fat.

When we can finally free ourselves from ridiculous claims that experiences generated by electrically stimulated brain matter are somehow sacred and transcendent, then maybe we will finally be yielding to a real conscious evolution based on reality (and not brain waves generated by the Galactic Federation from planet Oogachaka or somebody’s dead guru). When we can finally cease this incessant desire to escape our own brain circuitry, through strange bodily contortions and absurd mind control practices, we may be ready to pursue a true spirituality (the study of the strange and seemingly miraculous “mirror neurons” is a good start) that is not seeking an escape from self and world, but seeing it all for what it really is, an experience in the brain.

A spirituality that denies reality is just sick neuro-circuitry in need of some serious plasticity.

Artwork by adnrey - "Cook in brain"


  1. That's some 3 pounds of electrified fat you got, Mike! This latest series of blog entries is some of your finest, in the opinion of the 3 pounds of electrified fat composing this comment. Don't ever go away!

  2. Thanks Willie, always good to hear from your circuits...

  3. Hello Mike, first off just wanted to say that I enjoy reading your blog, I find your entries both insightful and hilarious. Sometimes I laugh and then in the midst of my laugh i'm like 'o fuck' as the implications of what I just read have become clear.
    I've been reading and contemplating this nonduality stuff for quite some time now, over the past year or so this exploration has taken on a new and obsessive quality in that it has become the forefront of my life. At points I have tried to just ignore this and forget about it and resume my regular life, but it seems this compulsion to reach this 'no self' no dual state has reached the point of no return. When I was first exploring this stuff I was mainly reading and listening to the regular names you hear of in this enlightenment teaching community. Recently I began to realize that a lot of what is being said about no free will, no self etc, is confirmed by the latest neuroscience discoveries. I tend to have more faith in scientific discoveries rather then what some teacher says, and as I started to read the science the conclusions started to become obvious. I was glad to come across your latest entries as they seem to confirm what I had read and contemplated.
    Lately whats becoming clear is that all human functioning can be traced back to some region in the brain, and its obvious that I am in no way controlling any brain region. I'm not capable of electrical impulses that start a cascade reaction down various neuronal pathways leading to the various behaviors that I partake in. This is not only true of physical actions, but also of mental states and emotions. This led me to the consideration that enlightenment or the no self state seems to be a purely physical brain phenomenon. In other words, it seems to be that if this no self state becomes apparent in ones life, then the energy or electrical impulses feeding through the neuronal pathways which produce the personal self experience, are divested or re-routed. For over the past year now, and more so recently it seems that my personal self seems to be stripped away. As each day that goes by, I feel more and more as if life is living itself, and less and less like a volitional entity. I was attributing this to my spontaneous urges to investigate my experience, by asking the typical 'who am I' type questions. But now it seems to me that my internal subjective experience of asking questions, investigating my experience, studying neuroscience etc, is all just a kind of entertainment, and it isnt truely or in any way responsible for the dissolving of the personal volitional self. If I had an FMRI machine hooked up and could actually look at this brain, maybe it would be obvious that certain neuronal pathways are being activated less and less, and that was the physical cause of the dissolving of the personal self experience. Meaning that it was more a spontaneous physical phenomenon, for whatever reason, which was showing up in my subjective experience as 'me contemplating' leading to the dissolvement or seeing through of the personal self.
    Anyways just felt like sharing my experience.

    take care,


  4. Sunny,

    Good stuff!

    Is a regularly depleting "experience" of self a result of the shutting off of specific circuits or is that experience actually the origination of new circuits? Your comments just now fired this question off for me...

    Could it be that an experience of "dissolvement" is actually activating additional circuits, regardless of the fact that the experience seems to be a dissolution?

    Either way, I agree that the very fact that there is a "self" circuit (and there will be many more posts on this in the future) removes volitional choice/action from the equation. My only question: does this 'experience' of non-volition merely engage an emergence of additional circuits?

    Thanks for firing off some circuits in my skull that "I-Me" had nothing to do with!

  5. Excellent post Mike. I particularly like the description of "electrified fat". I have temporal lobe epilepsy and disconnection from the self occurs during the seizures. All I can see is that the gurus and whatever are just trying to induce that phenomenon. Or maybe that is what the brain does when god talks to you...

  6. Mike,

    There is a group of people in the world right now that have successfully extinguished the “I-Me” circuitry completely…they are late stage Alzheimer patients. Not a fate that any rational person would desire, despite the consternation that the attachment to the “I-Me” circuit sometimes entails.

    Just a thought,
    Random Havoc

  7. Gil,

    yes, I've been following the science related to temporal lobe seizures (epilepsy) and temporal lobe mystical experiences. Many claim they are similar experiences.


  8. Random,

    I've also been looking into the alzheimer's condition and for many there is still an "I-Me" but with no relation to the outside world. it tends to come and go due to Mirror Neurons damage. But, as you say, for some it is a complete loss of identity. Many claim Ramana Maharshi had terminated that identity to the point that people had to force feed the guy to keep him alive.

    Interesting leads worth following!

  9. "Not a fate that any rational person would desire, despite the consternation that the attachment to the “I-Me” circuit sometimes entails."

    In would any "rational person" know? what is the actual experience of a late stage alzheimer patient? How could we know? I certainly, as a rational person, hated to see my father not recognize me. But he didn't seem to mind much. Instead he seemed like a cat, just sitting off staring into the world. it looks like hell to a rational mind, but what does the alzheimers mind experience?

  10. Hi again Mike,
    About the exercise: I find it very interesting, I'll try it out and see what "happens". How does it effect the brain ? (If you don't mind me asking), and I were to use the phrase "there's no you" would it be effective?

    Abe ...

  11. Hi Abe,

    Dunno...maybe instead of "no you," it could be "I am meaningless." At least from my perspective, in relation to "I-me," this is more accurate. Probably can't dissolve the self through neuroplasty, but might be able to whittle it down to almost nothing.

