Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forgive Them Lord, For They Know Not What They Do

Spiritual paths and practices are a godsend (unfortunately, God, most likely, is not a participant).

Hey, did your spouse and kids piss you off? Not to worry! You’re on a spiritual journey and they are definitely NOT. At least, not yet, anyway. Obviously, when you get “enlightened,” you’ll bring them into the fold, but for now they must remain on the fringe of your spiritual journey to "enlightenment."

Of course, you’ll have to tolerate their ignorance because they just don’t understand, nor can they. Nevertheless, you will soon understand everything and, based on the "trickle-down" theory (not to be confused with the “shit rolls down hill” theory) they will soon partake of your abundant beneficence and enlightened wisdom.

Unfortunately, they are simply too ignorant to understand that you're doing it all for them! 

They simply do not understand and must be kept on the outside looking in. Oh sure, you can throw ‘em a bone from time to time, like “kids stop fighting, don’t you realize it's all illusion?” Of course, most likely you’ll become the “illusion” and they will tune you out for all eternity. But that’s the way it is with the ignorant ones, they know not what they do.

You, on the other hand “reside in the certainty of your goal." (they can thank you later)

When your wife asks you to do the dishes, you jump at the chance, because now you do the dishes the right way - “mindfully.” Ha! That’ll show her! Besides, what does she know about properly doing the dishes so that only the dishes are done. You are incredulous at how she sometimes does the dishes and talks on the phone at the same time. Nothing but pure ignorance!

Now when you come out of your sacred meditation, only to be angrily informed by your wife that you over-drafted the checking account, you merely respond with, "but honey, all the evil in the world, and all the unhappiness, comes from the I-concept. and failure to be one with Being."(Wu Wei).

Don't be concerned when she defiantly states that she's "getting a lawyer" (lawyers are ignorant fools!)

Your real love is the guru, meditation or text and the ancient hallowed path of ego-transcendence. Ironically, like the alcoholic’s primary love is the bottle and nothing else matters, you are a lover of "enlightenment" and nothing else matters. Your head’s not swimming with booze, but koans, sutras and witty advaitist sayings like, “There is no becoming, ALL IS,” or the constant inner drone of I AM, I AM, I AM, etc, etc, etc.

Let's face it, nothing else in the world, is as important as transcending the world. Hell, even Sri Ramana had to be stuffed with food to keep his body alive. Nobody dared ask him to do the damn dishes, for crying out loud!

So, when your coworker gets promoted over you, you don’t blink an eye simply because you know that “ALL IS.” Sure, you’re “in it,” but you know damn well you’re not “of it” (although sometimes that can be hard, especially on the freeway). Let him get that raise in salary (ignorant fool!) your kid’s education means nothing to you. Money is maya! (except when the price of gas goes up, but you're still working on dissolving that one).

Of course, it may take several decades until you reach your coveted goal of “enlightenment.” But hey, everybody’s gonna have to be patient and trust that "your goal is certain." 

If only you could figure out how to make them understand that through your “awakening” they'll all be saved. If only they understood that the hell you’re going through is not for you (that would be selfish), but ultimately it's all for them.

Then they might be a little more respectful, for God’s sake!

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