Saturday, June 13, 2009

In The Game Of "Spirituality," Play By The Rules, Fools!

All games have rules. "Spirituality" is a game that also has rules. Even choosing not to call it a “game,” makes that a rule. We all follow rules and we believe that there are some rules that we must never deviate from.

What are the rules of your spiritual game? 

Can we play “with” your rules or must we play "by" your rules? Do you insist that your rules are “the truth” and, therefore, not to be questioned? Can your rules be changed or must we rigidly adhere to the letter at all times?

Do your rules make other rules “wrong”? If my rules are different from yours, do you feel it incumbent upon you to “correct" my mistakes?

Beliefs are rules and rules shape your perception. Do your rules help you to see or do they blind you to what is there? Do your rules make you happy or is your happiness based on following the rules? If you refuse to follow the rules, will you still be happy?

Are you the teacher of “the rules”? Do you feel compelled to teach your rules? If I resist learning your rules, what will you think of me? Are you then compelled to contrast my "ignorance" against your "wisdom"? Is that wise or is that ‘righteous’? When I question your rules, will this diminish me in your mind? Will you look down upon me, demanding I replace my rules with yours? If my rules are different from yours, can we still love each other?

Or do the rules make all the difference between love and hate?

Can I bend your rules or will that change your “truth” and make it false? Will you fight to insist that your rules be followed against all others? Will you say “no, not that, but this”? Do you insist that the rules are not yours but "god’s" rules? Or, do you insist that they are the rules of “Oneness”? Do your rules insist that there is no “self”?

Do you follow the rules of Christianity or the rules of Islam? Do you follow the rules of Hinduism or Buddhism? Do you follow the rules of Non-Duality? Maybe you follow the rules of science?

Does your “god” have rules through which your playing the game is judged?

The ego-self will cleverly use everything at its disposal, even denial of itself, to impose its rules. But there must always be rules and “you” cannot exist without the “rules of play” and many call the rules “truth.” Even to assert that you follow NO RULES, is to assert a rule to follow. 

Maybe it’s not the games that you suffer through, but the rules you feel compelled to follow?

Are your rules “sacred”? Do you follow special rules passed down for centuries? Do you revere the teachers of those rules? Must you follow the rules because someone ‘smarter’ than you determined the rules? Does this make your ignorance a rule? Or, because you follow their rules, you now no longer claim ignorance? Have they told you that if you follow the rules they teach, you too, can be 'smart' like them?

What are your rules? Do you even know the rules you play by? Can you list the rules you play by or do you blindly conduct your life with no awareness of the rules you follow?

Or… do you just “know,” without a doubt, that your rules are the "truth"?

Just asking...



    1. Never, ever, ever wear red and green together. Fashion is for life, not just for Christmas.

    2. Never, ever ever give away the end of a movie you've seen to someone who hasn't seen it; in fact, don't give any of it away. If you do, that person has the legal right to kill you on the spot.

    3. If you've forgotten someone's name you really shouldn't have, first try to discreetly find out from someone you trust; failing that, try contrite honesty; if this is not appropriate, RUN!

    4. White shoes after labor day are, in fact, OK if they're not bright white. Cream, ivory, bone - all fine.

    5. Never remove your helmet during a space walk; your head will explode. Messy.

    6. Ladies: either do cleavage, or short skirt. Not both. Legs OR boobs not jugs AND pins!

    7. If in doubt, smile, and pretend you have a fabulous secret that you're keeping to yourself for now. The charisma you exude will distract anyone from anything.

    8. Lighten up. Seriously, Dude, lighten up. I really mean it. I'm so not kidding!

  2. Good grief!

    So many rules! Is it any wonder so many suffer?

    "Lighten up"? Actually I'm happy to report that I have achieved the normal weight for my height.

    But thanks anyway : )


  3. When in doubt about someone's name try calling them Mike and watch their response!
    Cleavage and skirt absolutely don't mix, you got that right: makes a man cross-eyed....
