Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Certainty of Christ Consciousness

The ego cannot ignore the body and, in fact, must live in opposition to it as a means of self-actualizing. This is clear with sickness and disease, because it’s the actions of the self that must compete with the body in overcoming the “idea” of illness. This allows the ego-self to self-actualize in winning battles against its own idea of a body.

ALL such problems have been specially arranged by an ego-self that requires bodily identification through which to actualize its ‘existence’ as REAL. The ego-self is an idea specifically designed to contrast against its own specifically designed idea of a body. This is why “you” both glorify and vilify the body, but could never fail to consider your body as your ‘self.’ The ego-self both needs and detests the body. It desires to be free of it, but will fight to maintain it and these conflicting interests are superimposed upon your experience of a “world.”

Christ Consciousness is simply NOT affected by these egocentric arrangements. 

Christ Consciousness completely alters perceived EFFECTS by dissolving them at their CAUSE, rather than remaining fixated only on EFFECTS thereby reinforcing self-victimization. The body is cause of nothing, however, your egocentric ‘idea’ of a body can be a real fooking pain in the ass. Alas, it IS your prison and all ideas of freedom must incorporate, and conflict with, ideas of imprisonment. Is it any wonder why you can never seem to consistently maintain your dreams of “happiness” no matter what you ‘do’?

The egocentric self-concept is transfixed by its “ideas” and all ideas must dualistically oppose one another. Make no mistake, your body is nothing more than an idea and it need not be a problem to the mind, unless you choose this EFFECT. Christ Consciousness makes NO such choices and experiences NO conflict between opposites because in certainty it recognizes the delusional nature of all EFFECTS.

However, Christ Consciousness does NOT make correct or incorrect choices regarding the body. Christ Consciousness makes NO choices at all, because it lives in absolute CERTAINTY. In certainty, there is NO NEED to choose. Every thought you think MUST be in the mind, because it has always been certain that you would think it. Therefore, it follows that every action is performed as it MUST. There is no disparity between the certainty of Christ Consciousness and the body’s acting in accordance to that certainty, since the body is only an egocentric idea. In the certainty of Christ Consciousness, no choices NEED be made, because all choices have been made as ONLY they could have been made.

Yet, the ego-self is a direct product of uncertainty. Therefore, its ideas specifically conform to that framework. An ego could never have certainty with anything, since that would spell its DOOM. Nevertheless, this doesn’t stop you from seeking some ‘certainty’ you can live by (just never find). The ego-self is an uncertainty seeking certainty, all happening within an absolute certainty it could NEVER SEE.

It was certain that you would come to a point in your learning in which choices were seen as unnecessary. NOW it is no longer necessary to make choices, even though unnecessary choices made before this decision certainly had to HAVE been made. However, it is also certain that you will rebel against certainty and continue to make unnecessary choices in resistance to IT, because you have no comprehension of NOW in fixation on your ideas. The certainty of Christ Consciousness is always NOW, since certainty is a CAUSE that has no past or future to muddy its EFFECTS. Egocentric uncertainty always has a shady and obscure past to direct its future and, hence, it can be in the “present moment,” but never NOW.

A “present moment” is contingent on there being a “before” and “after.” Christ Consciousness makes no such distinctions. Therefore, IT can never be IN a “present moment,” because certainty is aware of no chronological orders of delusion.  Delusions ONLY transpire when certainty is resisted. Your experience of a “world” is clearly a product of uncertainty and, therefore, is delusional.

Confusion is a product of uncertainty and words symbolize it. Uncertainty requires language, while certainty needs NO communication.  Words can only take you so far because they were invented to represent delusion. But the curriculum must conform to the student, if learning is to occur. This is an egocentric requirement, because certainty need NOT be learned to be certain.

Christ Consciousness does not ‘judge’ between what is certain and what is uncertain, because only ideas conform to that criteria and Christ Consciousness is NOT an idea. Therefore, as should be clear, you cannot in anyway seek to “achieve” Christ Consciousness. However, you can seek become aware of your own egocentric dynamics as a way to insure clearer awareness when it does come to you…

…because its coming to you has always been CERTAIN.

Postscript addendum - Christ Consciousness: Frying the Motherboard.


  1. "Confusion is a product of uncertainty and words symbolize it. Uncertainty requires language, while certainty needs NO communication. Words can only take you so far because they were invented to represent delusion"
    This is really interesting, Mike.
    The paradox is that we need words to communicate with each other... Also they need to be in a certain order...
    Nonetheless I loved this.
    Thank you.

  2. "The paradox is that we need words to communicate with each other... Also they need to be in a certain order..."

    Yes, that certainly does seem to be the case. But I wonder if it has to be.

    Thanks Gil,
