Monday, September 24, 2012

War of the Circuits

I tread on hallowed ground because, as you can see from some of the comments left in here, there are those who want their brain states to remain sacred. Yet, this is merely how they’re wired up. Hence, they give attention to what the brain directs and filter out what does not conform to the socio-culturally conditioned pathways.

For them, “enlightenment” is sacred and they will chase that tail to the grave. What are they chasing, but a concept that someone taught them is a higher state of the “I-Me” then what they have experienced up to now. Yet, keep in mind egocentricity must lower itself in order to lift itself up by its 'sacred' bootstraps. There must be a dissatisfaction with your “self,” in order to seek a greater satisfaction with your “self” through the sacred concepts you've learned.

But the postmodern “masters” are finally coming to their senses. They realize that there is NO end to egocentricity and it cannot be done away with entirely. This requires some subtle back-pedaling.

After centuries of teaching that you must completely transcend your “self,” ("self is suffering") the "enlightened masters" finally see that you cannot ever exit your cranium and, hence, can never NOT be ego-centered.

Now what they teach is that you can’t totally transcend your egocentricity, but you must make it into a “faint” ego-self. Now you must transcend Big Self so you can become tiny Little Self. You must become a Little Big Man and demonstrate to your "self" how “faint” you really are as Little Self, rather than the Big Self you once ‘thought” you were.

The way to do this is simply to stop thinking. But you can’t totally stop thinking. Your brain won’t let you, cause you'd die. Now, you just need not identify with the thoughts that make up your Big Self story and identify with a Little Self story. 

But don’t leave out the thoughts that help you stay alive. Oh, and you might want to attend to those thoughts that help you take care of your children. And, come to “think” of it,  it’s probably a good idea to hold onto the thoughts that get you to work in the morning so you can make the money to pay your bills. But all those other thoughts, you don’t need them, so just stop thinking about ‘em. Or, if you do ‘think” them, just pretend they’re not in your brain but in somebody else’s. Just put on your tin foil hat so that the members of the Galactic Federation can no longer implant thoughts in your head.

It’s simple! All you need do now is construct the neuro-circuits that aid in ignoring other specific neuro-circuits. Big Self circuits must be overwhelmed by the Little Self circuits. Make the loud ones quiet and the quiet ones loud. Make the big one’s little and the little one’s big.

There is a battle in your brain. A battle for control. 

It is The War of the Circuits and the modern gurus will teach you how to win by making bigger more powerful neuro-circuits. But these powerful circuits must be weak and “faint” because, as we all know, the meek shall inherit... the brain.

Now, when your lion roars, you respond with a mousey…


All you need do is differentiate between true and false neuro-circuitry produced "thoughts." Unfortunately, ya still gotta ‘think” ‘em, though. But you can think of them "faintly," making them weak and puny thoughts, rather than the big thoughts they used to be before you read Jed McKenna or saw Scott Kiloboy’s vids.

Obviously, this war is not winnable, but you must participate in the battle anyway. You have no choice and must become the veteran of a thousand psychic wars.

Unless, of course, you no longer pick a side, because if the war cannot be won, why bother?

But then, that might mean that there is no right or wrong thought. No good or bad neuro-circuit. No need to meditate or contemplate. No need to seek “enlightenment.” No need to become “awakened.” No need to do anything other than what you’re doing right now.

Damn! That would suck….

Artwork by TLBKlaus - "Veteran of the Psychic Wars"


  1. Whats up Mike, always enjoy reading your articles. Came across a video not to long ago which you may enjoy, its by Michael Gazzaniga called "The Interpreter". There is a series of talks by him on youtube,but this one may be of particular interest as the research completely exposes the game the story maker is playing. Basically the lecture goes through how the voice in our heads is nothing but a pattern seeking mechanism. Its sole purpose is to construct stories around whats happening, so the random, disjointed events can be strung together into a fluent narrative that brings about a sense of continuity. Anyways thought you may enjoy it.

    take care,


  2. Mike - so what is it that actually thinks that there is a physical reality at all?

    Some 15 billion years ago, the very first event occurred. That-Which-Cannot-Help-But-Be started to pretend to be what it is not. Nothing. Something. Anything. Everything.

    Existence is not Reality. Reality "precedes" existence and is totally unconcerned with existence. Because there can only be Reality, existence can have no relevance or effect.

    There is no hope whatsoever of trying to determine what awareness is, or what we are, or what it is all for.

    Some say that the mind is in the brain. Some say that the brain is in the mind. It cannot possibly matter, because Reality is bereft of concerns of any kind.

    Existence cannot have an outcome, because Reality ensures that existence and non-existence are perfectly equivalent.

  3. Thanks Sunny.

    I'll check out the link...

  4. Mikey, you just love setting up straw men to demolish... You are very good at it but maybe you could 'reference' where you are getting your enlightenment 'assumptions' - as they are a mish-mash if spiritual mumbo-jumb that a pre-schooler could critique (e.g. sacred, higher-self, big-self). There is a lot of crap around and we all know it - so don't just keep taking the easy targets or taking the good 'pointers' literally (try understand what they are pointing at). How about using the marvelous circutry to enter into some real depth and debate....
    First questions... if someone actually experienced the ongling reality of being a 'no-I', what would that be like? How would you describe it? Would it come and go? Would it be a brain state? How would you induce it? Would it be sacred?
    Mikey, can you go further in your blogs and explore/critique 'what' this experience may be about rather than assuming it is not possible and reducing it to only neuronal firings? What sort of things must be going on in the brain to experience this 'state'? Are you intereted or not? Don't sound like you are.... keep going further in your questions and understanding mikey, or not. Either way I love your persistant neural firings. mawh xxx you know who....

  5. "How about using the marvelous circutry to enter into some real depth and debate...."

    I tried, but my posts kept getting deleted...

    The terms "sacred, higher-self, big-self" are the lexicon you subscribe to (based on your responses in the forum). I merely deconstruct them (along with your beloved).

    Why would you not expect this? Why would you fight against it? I think he would applaud my direction. I don't think he's as fixated on himself as you are on him.

    In addition, I'm not saying it is "not possible."

    I'm saying that your interpretations are socio-culturally indoctrinated and absurd.

    "you," and all your contentions and "pointings" are absurd.

    Can you not see that all your attempts to demand I see things as you do...

    ...are patently absurd and hilarious?

    As hilarious as my attempts to make you... a brain?

    Allow that to percolate up your chakras awhile...

  6. Mikey, it really gets boring when you just set up straw men to demolish. What's a fucken chakra? Why are you making me and 'every' teaching a caricature? I have never, ever used those terms.. Jed has never uses those terms either. Not do any of the 'gurus' (for want of a better term) that I pay any attention to. Where the hell do you get the from - some stupid spiritual new-age site somewhere? Please give me the specific sources of this crap you are critiquing? Either way lift your bloging to a more sophisticated audience hey? Pick some hard targets for heaven's sake and try to actually understand what they are saying - rather than impose the meaning of the words 'you' want - then you can critique. Else you are jusy having a wank. Of course its all absurd - that is what they are talking about, how the fucj else do we talk about this without words. I know that the words are all socio-cultural whatever, but that is the whole point - words are inadequate, are a step in the opposite direction... the whole fucken point...... I know it's all lies, lies and more lies, but man you do take the cake for twisting and purposfully misunderstanding and taking a glib interpretaions... & I don't want you to 'see things' as I do... just to take into account acknowledge/critique some other non-superficial perspectives and argue 'straight instead of crooked'... then we can actually engage and have some fun debating.... you would be an awesome slicer and dicer to really engage with on what the fuck is going on if you stopped just relying your one-fucken trick.. Oh well I can only dream. Love you my 'blunt butter spreader'.... xxx

  7. "Mikey, it really gets boring when you just set up straw men to demolish. What's a fucken chakra? Why are you making me and 'every' teaching a caricature? "

    Stop ranting like an old woman, for chrisakes...

    Okay, you're "right."

    That help????

    1. Your right. Fook. I'm turning into u! A one trick pony.. Mwah.

  8. Hey Willie,

    Not sure what you're referring to through the concept of "Reality."

  9. I agree that there is no winning a war against the self. Why would one even try. It is like trying not to think about elephants. The trick is to think about something else, buffaloes maybe.
    I am really enjoying this current arc of your blogs, the exploration of the relationship of the material to the ethereal. The way thoughts create things, even if those things are just neural pathways.

  10. Thanks Gil,

    I have no idea from where this "current arc" is coming from...

    But I guess that's the point.

    1. ok yeah, very punny...
      There is an element of synchonicity for me as I am doing a neuropsych course at the moment. I have found that I have right hemisphere dominance in the way I process information, so the way you have converted the "factual" to the artistic appeals to me on a very deep level, and has been most helpful when studying for tests.
      here is a link to a study on synaptic pruning and how it alters brainwaves that I found very interesting...

  11. Gil,

    Yes, I am finding an interest in brain plasticity. But again, it merely reinforces the brain is always in control and not the "I-me" circuits.

  12. "riding the arc :)"


    ...riding the circuits?

    wherever they may take you.
