Thursday, March 19, 2009

Perfect Peace is "Enlightenment"

Peace has always been the purpose of this blog. Contrary to the fact that I tend to stir the pot of the conventional ego-games, that we refer to as "spirituality," and get some folks a bit irritated in my questioning of the accepted sacred concepts.

However, the problem is that your ego-self is rarely at peace and defines itself specifically through conflict. It grits and grinds against its experience of reality as if that experience were actually opposing it. Why would an ego-self construct experiences that seem to be against itself? Why else would it engage in the conflict of adopting a spiritual path (often grueling) if not to acquire (get) a complete cessation of conflict?

Ahh… but are conflict experiences really counter to the ego or do they in fact give it a sense of 'real' existence?

Who would “you” be without conflict? The ego-self constructs dualistic experiences for which to know itself as separately engaged in its 'world.' What would life be like without problems to solve, justified battles to wage or obstacles to overcome? Doesn’t life often seem like nothing more than a series of problem-solving events? What are you competing for in all the ego-games you play? Through what rewards and outcomes do you define "happiness"?

If your ‘self’ experienced no conflict how would it know itself? Could you know your ‘self’ in Perfect Peace , totally and completely absent of all conflict? Could you experience a conflict-free world and still know your ‘self’?

To understand your ego-dynamics is to be at peace because you realize the "true nature" of the 'games' you play. The mind that is completely conflict-free is in perfect peace. Variable “happiness” is actually to experience, at varying degrees, reduced conflict and requires nothing external be acted upon to in order to achieve it. You need do nothing and it just may be all your relentless 'doing' that promotes experiences of continued conflict.

However, your ego-self knows itself through acting upon its experience of world. For an ego-self, not to be 'doing' is not to BE. Is it any wonder that "productivity" is worshiped as the means to "happiness."

Think of all the times you have felt truly "happy." Were they not times when conflict seemed no longer present in your experience? Win the Lotto million dollar jackpot and you will believe that "happiness" has finally been secured, because in that instant you will simply conceptualize your ‘self’ free of conflict (no doubt it will return along with the conflict that money inevitably brings). When you got that raise at work recall that, briefly, conflict dissolved. That new relationship or that new car or house seems to momentarily ease your conflicted mind. Are you happy you lost weight? Make no mistake, you believe you 'got' something valuable and all value in acquisition is nothing more than a belief that conflict has been resolved.

All your acquisitions serve to construct a conscious experience of momentary conflict alleviation. But, sadly, it never seems to last, because for an ego-self it MUST not last.

The ego-self must reject anything that demonstrates consistency since this would smack of an absolute. Note that the ego’s chief goal of ‘getting’ or acquisition allowed you to think that whatever you got solved your problems and in that moment conflict was gone. Yet, it only returns upon the realization that whatever you ‘got’ (ego-game rewards and outcomes) essentially solved nothing and frequently only brought more conflict.

Infinite players realize nothing needed be acquired for Perfect Peace to be realized. You need DO nothing. There is no such state of mind as “happiness” and seeking happiness is a hoax and a fraud that keeps you playing the ego-games of life in the hope of acquiring greater happiness. This allows no rest for your conflict weary mind.

Time to rest awhile….

What you seek is an absence of conflict and you can have that without even leaving your chair. A mind in perfect peace is an “enlightened” mind. To experience a complete and total absence of conflict is to be “awakened.” Isn’t this your “true nature”?

Nirvana is conflict free. Heaven is perfect peace. Perfect peace is perfect thought and this is attainable without the need for esoteric ideologies or austere practices.

Just recognize that conflict is a choice and choose differently in every moment.

Such an experience has nothing to do with an external world, but will radically alter everything you see. In fact, it’s available now, simply waiting to invigorate your experience of "self," if you could only be free of your conflict.


  1. Rest in natural great peace this exhausted mind,
    Beaten helpless by karma and neurotic thoughts
    Like the relentless fury of the pounding waves
    In the infinite ocean of samsara.
    Rest in natural great peace.

    Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche

    hi there Mike
    the poem above is one of my current favorites.
    i went to feedburn and burned a feed... but i haven't figured out the email subscription part... i thought i did it - but i don't see any sign of a link on my blog.

  2. Hey Christine!

    Nice poem. Of course, it won't be the scientists or politicians that change the world, but the poets. They have the ability to alter the collective mind.

    Maybe we're just not weary enough for real change. Yet, that may be changing soon with the shape of things to come.

    Yea, it took me awhile to figure out all that technical stuff. In fact, as you can see, I recently figured out how to make a banner appear behind the blog title. Course, it took me two years!

    Sometimes you have to clear your browser cache so you don't get a view of your site from the past.

    Anyway, good luck with that!

  3. Christine, if you're looking for email subscription code, I recently went through all of that: go to your feedburner account, publicize tab, email subscriptions on the left panel...that gives the code that you can insert.

    Nice banner, Mike!

  4. "...I tend to stir the pot of the conventional ego-games, that we refer to as "spirituality,"..."

    You certainly do and it is very helpful!

    "To experience a complete and total absence of conflict is to be “awakened.” Isn’t this your “true nature”?...Just recognize that conflict is a choice and choose differently in every moment."

    Absolutely. In my experience, to be able to see conflict as a choice, and the ability to make the choice and the understanding that it is a "game" came with releasing the past, and expanding awareness, and the understanding that the seeking was itself a conflict.

  5. Kaushik,

    "...the understanding that the seeking was itself a conflict."

    So true! But it seems as if the ego demands it seek what it insists it does not know. If it only could accept that it knows then it wouldn't keep trying to learn what it accepts it does not know. Ha!

    Thanks Kaushik
