Friday, June 11, 2010

Avoiding “Dark Alleys”

You seek to avoid threat and your seeking merely places it “there” TO be found. This demands a fear induced vigilance which consumes the mind and exhausts the body, although you simply consider it a “normal” part of living.

Yet, it was from fear that the ego was formed and made to seem “normal.” Therefore, the frightened ego-self demands that you avoid ALL “dark alleys,” even though the ego has never seen the light.

The ego is a seemingly impenetrable system of defensive fortifications constructed entirely from fear. You need not be aware of the extent of this system (which is so intricately complex as to be unbelievable) just the fear from which it was built. Without fear it cannot stand. Without fear, the world would not be as you now SEE it… a labyrinth of “dark alleys” which you must avoid and from which it seems impossible to find the safety of home. This is what you find because this is what you expect to SEE and so, look for, which demands the need to protect your ‘self’ from what SEEING makes REAL.

Surrender your fear and defenses dissolve and you will SEE that there was never anything “there” requiring protection. There are no “dark alleys” and there never were. The world is not as it appears.

Yet, you believe that there are some people you must be cautious with, just NOT those you claim to “love.”

But, the world’s “Love” is  a contractual obligation that can be dissolved at anytime if the terms of sacrifice are not followed. This is cause for your greatest fear and guilt is always the chief weapon of attack. You believe in your past wounds and so your vigilance is paramount to protect against future attack. These are the “dark alleys” that you seek to avoid. They exist nowhere but in your mind, because you made them up, but they make up the world you experience.

You have so rigidly normalized your defenses that you are not even aware of exactly what you are defending against. But you’re not aware of oxygen either, yet this does not interrupt your breathing. The ego does not require awareness, just your denial and continued self-protection.

The egocentric mind is so tightly wound and constricted that just the slightest reprimand or disparaging look, could instantly thrust you down a “dark alley.” The world is blinded by guilt and this is what consistently motivates ALL attack. You have experienced attack with those you have chosen to “love” and, although the ego demands denial, your walls have been securely reinforced as a result. Yet, how can love be extended from behind walls?

To dissolve your defenses is to realize that there is nothing to fear and, in that miraculous moment, perfect peace will surround you. 

There's NO freedom until you do, because it is only fear that keeps you in chains. The world you experience is perceived in fear and your brief moments of “happiness” only reinforce the fear which is always there before the “happy” event and must always come after. There is NO rest for the fearful.

The ego’s fear is religiously consistent, while your brief moments of pleasure are fleeting wisps of smoke disappearing on the horizon. Nevertheless, you have yet to come from behind the walls of fear that YOU made to protect from NOTHING. There is nothing there to harm you. Let down your defenses and experience freedom beyond measure.

You were not Created from fear, which means that there can be NO fear in you, other than what you demand. Conjure it up it no longer, as it serves NO purpose.

You have no idea what it would be like to be totally without fear. To not worry, get angry or depressed. To be free of your defenses and at peace in every moment seems virtually impossible. But to be “in the moment” is nothing more than to extinguish fear. All remnants and any residue must be wiped entirely clean.

There is little that can be said to relieve your doubt, except that you must give up ALL maps, because nothing in the world can offer directions to an experience that is FREE of all fear. The world is lost in fear and if you are “there,” you are lost with it. Yet, if only one SEES entirely without fear, all must SEE.

Does this mean that “you” should no longer wear seat belts or look both ways before crossing the street? Does this mean you should no longer avoid “dark alleys”?

There are NO exceptions. However, in a world made from fear, exceptions are necessary. The mind that makes fear real, must protect the body from death, because fear also made the body. But if you are a mind and NOT a body, what is there to fear? If all “experience” is of the mind, how can fear rule the mind if it can be easily banished forever with just a single thought? The body was made from fear and if fear is gone, so too must ALL its associations recede from view.

You live solely in the infinite mind of Being and that cannot be altered by any game you choose to play in denial of this FACT. Fear is the denial that changes NOTHING, because it makes NOTHING real. Your world was made to deny this simple truth. Believe it NO longer.

Artwork by Laurie Lipton - "Last Night I Dreamed of Murdering Mommy" 


1 comment:

  1. I read a quote today that seems to synchronize with this post and a friend's from another network I have belonged to for some years and visited this morning.

    The quote, in part, is "People don't really want to be cured. What they want is relief; a cure is painful." - Anthony de Mello Twi Chi

    It kind of goes with a general theme in life around me that I have noticed as of late, my own self not excluded from the generality.

    I think this is an important post you have written. If one looks deeply, putting away the kaleidoscope, as it were, I think it holds an inescapable truth, but as things go, must be accomplished, or shed, step by step. The mind seeks to identify the unfamiliar, the bogey in the closet that is dismissed in childhood by the elder, while the child remains in the dark, fearful and trembling, convinced of the cognizance of shadows. The greatest harm is done through the force of fear, fear from within one's own mind and fear from, as you say, outside demands and forces. Fear is a great manipulator, whether self imposed or from that outer oppression.

    "You live solely in the infinite mind of Being and that cannot be altered by any game you choose to play in denial of this FACT."

    So, what is Being?

    "Fear is the denial that changes NOTHING, because it makes NOTHING real. Your world was made to deny this simple truth. Believe it NO longer."

    This is so true, it is almost painful. The trick is, how to suspend the belief system. Perhaps this is what is meant by living outloud. Let it all hang out. No fear.

    What a series of rather nonsense patterns we weave, like those LSD experiments on the dew of spider webs, only without the chemical guiding our course.

    I wonder, though, about realities and fears. Is cause and effect a natural phenomenon as it appears, or if that is simply the basis of fear in reality. Certainly, we are overwhelmed with it. How can one deny the existence of a savage garden?

    Great post.

