Friday, May 27, 2011

Just Do What "You" Are Told

There’s really nothing “you” can do…

So stop all your damn complaining...

Let “governments” do what you expect them to DO.

You are an ego-self and egos are very frightened concepts that thrive, and are sustained, by fear.

Not only will you surrender your body (which is no longer yours), but you will eventually surrender your mind (because, essentially, you already have).

Do “you” really think your thoughts are your own? Do you really believe your beliefs make you a unique aspect of the herd? 

An ego-self is essentially a belief in inadequacy, impotence, ineffectiveness and FEAR and this is endemic to each and every 'self' that pursues “happiness,” believing this is its right. All your precious attempts at self-development have only reinforced the primary foundation of fear.

Therefore, “you” must eventually allow your ‘self’ to be controlled and herded, because of  FEAR. An ego-self composed of fear MUST seek to control what it perceives as an “outside” world. Hence, it will group with other egos whose self-interests are aligned with its own. But make NO mistake, it will cut them loose when the time comes.

There is nothing you can “do” to avert this, because it is everything you “do” that has made this possible. 

Enjoy your egocentric comfort while it lasts. Although, you needn’t worry, because the ego-self will easily adjust to ALL limitations (and lies) as it has for centuries, all the while proclaiming it demands its “freedom.” At least, that is, until it can perpetuate its most arrogant act of separate individualism….DEATH. And that will come to “you,” simply because every action you perpetuate in your world reinforces you as a prime candidate for DEATH. If you expect it, why should it NOT come as you expect?

Every action and behavior you perpetuate demonstrates your expectation of death. And egos collude together in self-interest based on the YOUR fear of death. This is because, although egocentricity is entirely self-absorbed and self-motivated, it realizes there is safety in numbers.

Yet, even in death the ego-self will blame the world for its limitations, as the world continues to normalize death, but only as “ you” command. Ask and ye shall receive, because your “world” gives nothing more than “you” expect.

Obviously. you will complain loudly, but by then, egocentric desire will become “true.” Your complaints are merely the bleating of frightened sheep, who have lost their way because they have NO TRUTH. “You” once thought you knew your ‘self,’ but now the ego has convinced you of your folly and “you” now allow your ‘self’ to be controlled, simply because you fear what you are NOT.

And you are NOT of any significance whatsoever (the hypocrisy is that, although the ego supports your continued development, it will take you to your death and "you" have little choice in the matter, if any at all).

Those who fail to KNOW what they ARE, can only accept direction from those who are deluded into believing they ARE what they are NOT. 

This is your destiny as an ego-self. This is what you ask for and receive. Do not delude yourself for a moment that the power brokers of the world do not control your destiny. You have demanded your own victimization simply through your fear of engaging the “world” you experience. So go ahead and die. You expect death, so why must “you” keep bleating about “freedom”?

Simply allow those greater and more powerful than you to tell you what to do and simply do what your told.

Egocentricity believes it must die anyway…and all it’s actions demonstrate that belief as paramount.

So why should you care that others enslave you, when you have enslaved your 'self'?

Video Link:  Feed the Machine

 Artwork by Laurie Lipton - "Pandora's Box"


  1. Nice one Mike. Very thought provoking.

  2. "Those who fail to KNOW what they ARE, can only accept direction from those who are deluded into believing they ARE what they are NOT. "

    Hi Mike, what do you think about taking direction from those who do 'know what they are'? Isn't that beneficial, potentially, insofar as pointing people towards seeing it themselves? That seems like an option too.

  3. Thanks No One,

    And yes, it's all about provoking thought to be different.

  4. "Hi Mike, what do you think about taking direction from those who do 'know what they are'? Isn't that beneficial, potentially, insofar as pointing people towards seeing it themselves? That seems like an option too."

    Indeed, that has always been an option. However, the difficulty rests upon the ego-self that must judge if the claim of "knowing' is accurate.
    Unfortunately, ego has never been a good judge of accuracy. But then... could it?


  5. In a recent interview with a psychiatrist who studies NDE reports/experiences, it was mentioned that the most significant number of spontaneous transcendant experiences/events (not necessarily NDE) appear to arise after a trauma to the ego of one sort or another.


  6. Nahnni,

    Yes, the "Dark Night" archetype seems at play here. The ego seems to believe it must allow itself to get shocked out of itself. Seem us egos have to do everything the hard way and all religio-spiritual belief systems subscribe to the "rings of fire' process. I wrote a post somewhere about humanity's current attempt to burn through those rings as a collective.

    At least, so it seems...

    but I could be wrong..

  7. I don't think it is a matter of right or wrong, Mike, or even religio-spiritual belief. Is there a space where ego is not (besides physical death)? If one seeks to interpret a transcendent experience, then it becomes convoluted, as it were, by ego scripts...just as the ecstasy of Saints were interpreted to align with already established the transcendent moment was washed away by egoic ink blots.

    I do think the 'Dark Night of the Soul' archetype is a very real experience/perspective, but like Tolle with his Dark Night psychotic breakdown...he felt a need to interpret and communicate an amalgamation of notions about "what it means" and you see the ego bleeding through like a slow leak. Isn't that where it just all gets messed up? A good example, at any rate.

    I wonder if allowing the transcendent more free than binding it into philosophies. Once it is formulated, well, then the ego goes all awry.

    Blessings of the Summer Days~
